Usa "strings" in una frase
strings frasi di esempio
1. of gently twisting strings
2. The Church is flabby, and all of our theological strings are quite loose
3. And all of this would be fixed, the strings tightened, if we had just one perception: a coming Kingdom
4. Physically she was so desirable that this should be easy, intellectually he had to convince his mind that this was the only way he was going to keep Desa, but emotionally he could only think Desa was trying to find a way to loosen the strings that bound them
5. ”, allowing me time to take in my surroundings and have a tickle of the kitten, he began weaving and scratching his jingle-belled wand across the strings of this innocent looking triolin
6. There are tiny strings of flowers falling down the back
7. 'Or Cutler had to pull serious strings at the immigration department for this,'
8. sound of romantic strings and a look in his wife’s eyes that meant
9. porters appeared to be in direct competition with several strings of
10. He is soaring above the strings
11. Why couldn’t she become like a native woman? Why couldn’t she take what she got without strings, without regrets, without attachment? Why couldn’t she be just a man with a vagina? After eighty years in this native body, why did she still have to think like an Earth girl? Why did she still have to hurt like an Earth girl? Why couldn’t she be like that casual slut Jorma had simply taken in when she moved down the hall?
12. There is a pool of blood on the stage and she is a limp marionette, her strings cut
13. Also, there’s the obvious fact that the amount of energy required to give animalistic intelligence to a tree would require a magnetic monopole super-imposed within a super-massive black hole isolated within a Higgs Field times the density of a weakless universe divided by the sub-particle wave length of the root square of an isosceles triangle subtracting the para-statistical metadata equal to the maximum level of sub-atomic exotic particles, then acting under the assumption that in the event of the self-intersection of cosmic strings triggered by inordinate radiation, there would exist somewhere an object that was both simultaneously larger than the entire universe and smaller than an atom, blatantly violating the Law of Conservation of Energy
14. He could only tell by coordinating the sound with the motion of the player that this sound was coming from something which looked sort of like a long-stringed autoharp with a keyboard on it, but the keys were just painted on a chunk of wormy driftwood that covered the ends of the strings
15. “The strings are made of metal,” Desa began, “And some of the highest denominations
16. It has plastic strings, fixed pickups and roller pitch
17. “Yes, but I pulled some strings to make it happen
18. The yandrille was a decent piece of equipment, a large, creamy-white hand-held with twenty four strings, a fingerboard and quite a few pedals
19. However, it still actually required the string as the start of it’s spectral generation, and with plastic strings the ring always missed that edge
20. A small movement across the strings and green rivers of molten sound flowed down from the four pillars of the roof, while bass notes began rocking in red and green checkerboards on the floor
21. The clouds rolled, sometimes filling the room, sometimes drifting in wispy filaments across the higher strings
22. Or was she really trying to gently get him to loosen the strings? This was the third time she had been with Yarin, they got along well
23. One could see it had glass strings, thirty six of them, so thin they would have been dangerous without the carbon fiber reinforcements that gave them a smokey appearance
24. She didn't tell them she had started it, it started with a singing wind which she could do with one hand on the strings and the other on a couple knobs
25. Desa used a few fingers of her hidden hand on the base strings with a string section patch gently in the background while Wuffs began swirling and twirling and hurling the lween, up into a silence [indoors or during Nightday, this is when the other spotlights come on] til he catches it and then she can use impact notes on the visible side, Leshar starts to play and the intro to HarvestHenge 151-13 is over
26. She was very elegantly coiffed, fine strings of pearls woven
27. languages of the endless strings of nomads, but
28. narrow due to the endless strings of parked
29. shoulder and plucked a few strings
30. said yes and I began plucking the strings of my guitar softly and
31. When it snarled, strings of drool looped between teeth as long as knives
32. He was a real playboy and he enjoyed the uncomplicated relationships he had, no strings attached
33. But the city life comes with a lot of strings attached
34. They had a large canvas bag, which tied up at the mouth with strings: into this they slipped the guinea-pig, head first, and then sat upon it
35. A scrawny piebald dog ran across the village street it stopped and barked at us then barred its teeth growling whilst strings of spittle foamed at its mouth we kept it covered as it turned and ran off
36. “Get me the fuck out of this wire its wrapped round me tighter than a Jock’s purse strings
37. Some of the number strings represented the shield cut-off duration
38. "Who's pulling your strings?" prompted Danny
39. Is this not wonderful? Is there anything that could be easier to do and that would be more desirable to us as humans to obtain? It is not a difficult choice to make and there are no strings attached
40. We saw the Indian muleteers again with their charges huge strings of mules loaded with supplies moving ever forward as on the opposite side of the road empty mule trains returned to the supply dumps to pick up more loads we could see that their bellies and legs were caked with the white chalky mud of this region
41. Orion held the Harp of Souls to pluck the three strings again
42. Adem knew a little about this theory from watching documentaries about tiny strings of energy smaller than protons and electrons that are believed to make up the universe
43. Page after page featured adorable kittens batting at strings and showing off their fat fuzzy tummies, but nothing resembling my hiding, hissing kitten
44. Their bodies moved as the wire moved making them look like they were still alive or like puppets with their strings cut
45. “Do not flaunt your purse strings at me, Son of Odin,” Terese said, in a new state of calm
46. She cut the strings and pulled a few leaves from a new bale of alfalfa hay
47. Clearly Ray could still pull strings and fly beneath the radar of ordinary mortals
48. Once Op14 had entered the strings of code imprinted on his mind, the unit enabled direct access to the monitor system
49. On the decease of an important personage, slaves have to be sacrificed, guns and spears snapped, bow strings carefully cut, arrows split, and the odd utensils, such as plates, calabashes, &c, cracked; and thus the spirit of the departed native makes its exit in a manner befitting its rank, attended by the spirits of every needful commodity, from slaves to the deceased's ditty pipe
50. buttons stayed unbuttoned, and the strings stayed untied