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    Usa "strip of" in una frase

    strip of frasi di esempio

    strip of

    1. Dave finishes cleaning a fish he has just caught, takes a strip of the flesh and re-baits the hook, tosses it over the side

    2. "We have to strip off the Chief’s artificial limbs, access her neural interface processors and splice her into Tipperary so she can act as the CDCS to control the discharge

    3. He closed the door leaving just enough light so that I could see to strip off my old clothes and put on the new

    4. A short while after our evening meal, with the sky black and cold beyond the strip of window left unblocked in our room, we heard footsteps outside our door

    5. Menachem looked up at the thin strip of night sky that we could see

    6. And he'd cut a strip of the bacon to see how that was doing

    7. One cupboard holds a fiendish collection of knives wrapped in a leather strip of pouches, one for each knife

    8. I strip off my shirt and put my boots on – feeling a total fool in the process

    9. “When you first board the ship and the hatch opens, look for a thin strip of blue metal

    10. handed him a strip of dried pork, cheese, and a

    11. ‘Oh, we’ll strip off

    12. At the back of the traveller’s hotel at Roundswell, across a thin strip of grass and beyond a six foot high chain link fence, beyond a car park full of new model Peugeots waiting for eager buyers, the dark hulls of low rise industrial units lie at anchor

    13. He can see a narrow strip of dirt and gravel, he can see across the courtyard to the opposite barn where Davie is supposed to be getting the van sorted out, and he can, if he swivels his eyes upwards, see sky above the barn roof

    14. A strip of brighter light above the water bed

    15. Their first impressions were only more stimulated when on the narrow strip of road across the tidal basin the edifice grew to fill their whole vision

    16. Then she showed me how to wrap a second strip of cloth

    17. The site of the trenches we were heading for hadn’t changed much since 1914 and stretched from Switzerland to the North Sea coast where we faced the Germans across a small strip of No Mans Land or a salient that pushed forward in a bulge into the opposite territory

    18. The row of bushes hiding the neighbor’s yard was full of white, bridal wreath flowers, and roses bloomed on the strip of land leading to the stairs

    19. Jayana had pulled himself onto a rock and was bandaging his arm with a strip of cloth from his shirt

    20. The writing in these charms is usually burnt or written on cloth or paper; but I saw one inscription beautifully branded on a dry strip of bamboo bark in Burmese style

    21. Instead, the girl would strip off the jeans and shirt, and then put on the blouse and skirt

    22. The narrow strip of grass in the middle was gone and Frank pushed his car’s speed to its limit

    23. I studied Uncle Hobart as he stuffed his supper into his mouth, breadcrumbs from the roughly cut cheese sandwich scattering down the front of his jumper; the collar of his faded frayed shirt showing a thin strip of white material from beneath; his grubby trousers tied up with a piece of bailer twine

    24. The entire place, building and pier, sat on a narrow strip of land between the estuary and the Caribbean beach

    25. Glad of the pale light, she stepped carefully along a wide strip of stone, a path which separated this side of the cave from a sheer drop which must fall all the way to Hades, she thought

    26. Troy soaked the wound in vinegar, then tore a strip of material from Piers’ trousers and tied it around his leg as a make-shift bandage

    27. One of his eyes was missing and his nose hung from his face by the barest strip of skin

    28. It was a narrow strip of spring steel with a weight on one end

    29. In Canada we usually just put a skinny little post in the ground, and a strip of metal or a wooden sign on top, about six feet up

    30. I had this insane urge to laugh, like when you’re at a funeral and see your cousin in a suit for the first time, and he’s got a fresh haircut, with a wide strip of white between the hair and the brick-red neck

    31. There was a bloodied strip of a torn bed sheet that may have been used as a blindfold – or a gag

    32. Hadn’t he yet learned to consider the consequences of his actions, if not to himself, then to others? The final strip of tape was wound over gauze and given a satisfying slap by the woman, ending the torture

    33. It proceeded along this narrow strip of dry land for five hundred meters before it widened and accommodated Puerto Viejo

    34. The headwaters of that river lay just south of the mountain chain that separates the eastern Anatolian Plateau from the narrow strip of land that borders on the south shore of the Black Sea

    35. If I don’t keep moving, we could die on this thin strip of safety, he continued as his hungry eyes searched every piece of vegetable trash that continued a slow steady pileup along the other side of the thin line of rather slick earth

    36. To their left they could see a green strip of land in the distance, and Boroszki informed them that it was Pomerania

    37. A strip of land juts out into the marsh, and rising from it is a giant white wheel with dozens of red passenger cars dangling from it at regular intervals

    38. At first I see nothing but a stretch of farmland, a strip of empty ground, the fence, and the fields and beginnings of buildings that lie beyond it

    39. I stare at my Erudite clothes while the others strip off their outer layers of clothing

    40. He has kept his eyes averted since I sat in the chair and they cut the strip of plastic binding my wrists together

    41. A caticornered rent in the skirt had been darned with scarlet tracing cotton and the hem had been let down, showing a bright strip of unfaded pink around the skirt

    42. Several cars were parked on a strip of grass, perhaps belonging to tourists sampling the wine – one of the pleasures of a trip to this part of France

    43. Most coastal towns on the northeast coast were built on a narrow strip of land

    44. The former seemed to have explored the major rivers and a small strip of coast in the middle, but penetrated more deeply in the south

    45. “Stand back,” he pulled out a strip of paper from his pocket

    46. A homogenous strip of dirty-grey concrete and shattered windows

    47. slate knife and a strip of copper metal to

    48. There is a long, narrow strip of land, along the western bank of the Rhine

    49. “Here, on the north shore of the island, is a tiny lagoon with a small beach and a narrow strip of jungle, surrounded on three sides by nearly unclimbable cliffs

    50. He pulls the knife from the wolf, as a soldier never abandons a weapon, come what may, and the villager helps him to his feet, tearing off a strip of the cloak and binding it in rough fashion around Ralph’s bloodied leg

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