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    Usa "struggle against" in una frase

    struggle against frasi di esempio

    struggle against

    1. Give up your struggle against the inevitable

    2. It was a struggle against all this white stuff

    3. A few feet out from the shore and he began to struggle against the current which was surprisingly strong, so close to the bank

    4. painful, struggle against forces one couldn’t defeat was his more realistic answer

    5. When Chandio picked up his next finger, Frank began to struggle against his bonds again and noticed a slight movement in the arm of the chair

    6. She backed up close to where Abelon now stood, attempting to cover his struggle against the thongs that bound his hands

    7. “Our struggle against violence and cruelty is only treating the symptoms of a disease, not curing it

    8. Walter fought with a savage fury and a joy in the struggle against which Dan could not hold his ground

    9. With the eventual politicizing of our struggle against evil for the purpose of party control, selective forgetting set in and has worked to aid and comfort our enemy

    10. Word reached us that the Inka had been replaced by his son and they had no intention of giving up the struggle against us

    11. Verse 14 to 25 Paul confesses his inner struggle against sin, he states that due to his

    12. To struggle against suf-

    13. Encouraged by this news Elijah left the cave to anoint others to continue the struggle against idolatry

    14. It was also a struggle against the upper classes of Judea who for many years had cooperated with the Roman regime

    15. For a long moment, she watched him struggle against the instinct to conceal the truth before he gave her one of his sudden, rare smiles and gestured her inside

    16. she had lost her struggle against the finality of life, then my life

    17. For a long time we have had to devote all our resources to the struggle against the hssswwx

    18. Since we are spiritual beings who are one with God’s Spirit, our spirit can never sin! But why then at times do we still struggle against sin? Because our soul has not been perfected yet, and can still sin

    19. " She tried to struggle against the cold mud

    20. To her understanding, Father Tobias was not being sufficiently strong in his struggle against these calamities

    21. night) issues and the dangers of over-thinking a struggle against

    22. Many of you in this room will have lost relatives in two World Wars in the struggle against Germany and I respect you for that and I respect you if you hate Hitler and his ideals but I cannot respect you if you are happy with the way things are

    23. O Jesus, the struggle against temptation is not yet finished

    24. And who knows, perhaps my life-long struggle against mental illness has made me spiritually stronger

    25. of luck in his struggle against heartburn

    26. This is not America when it aids an individual in another country in its struggle against another nation and then a few years later kills that very same leader, claiming he’s a terrorist

    27. His dark figure grabs her shoulders so that she cannot free herself even though she mounts a dramatic and valiant struggle against the attacker

    28. The impression gained from the earlier part of this period is of a posturing figure whose sense of Poland's importance in the Allied cause was out of all proportion to her worth as an ally, though his demands to be treated as an equal partner in the struggle against Germany could be seen as justifiable attempts directed at maintaining Polish dignity

    29. The questions arise, why did Paulus knowing that the cause was irretrievably lost continue the struggle against hopeless odds, rather than bring the battle to a swift end to spare suffering? Why did Hitler condemn an entire army to death and destruction? The answers lay in the ludicrous disposition of the German army on the eastern front

    30. So why did the Germans knowing that the cause was irretrievably lost continue the unequal struggle against hopeless odds; and why did they not bring the war to a swift end thereby sparing unnecessary suffering? The answer to this question is that even at this late stage the Germans were still dominated by their dictator Adolf Hitler who demanded, and got, absolute obedience

    31. Knowing that the cause was irretrievably lost, Hitler continued this unequal struggle against hopeless odds

    32. minds, the card of the devil suggests that we often struggle against

    33. She knew that a struggle against this man, who was twice her size and three times as strong, was futile

    34. He shoves back, and they struggle against each other to push the trays in front of each other

    35. that is happening in times when the rest of the World is engaged in struggle against

    36. Across the table from me Tom was losing the struggle against his temper;

    37. The comrades in Zimbabwe begged us to assist in their struggle against the government by smuggling video recorders to the University

    38. While the world marveled, India showed to it as to how an ancient nation of peace loving people, with a dominant religion of philosophical orientation, can successfully shape its struggle against foreign rule in the modern world through nonviolent means

    39. first has the collective obligation of perpetual struggle against the second, also

    40. struggle against her evil nature pouring out from deep within her as she yelled in the Arabic tongue, “I never wanted this life

    41. I struggle against this for as long as possible, because the books say you mustn't have things between meals, and then I go and eat more plums

    42. What is the point of violent struggle against the biggest, strongest bullies in the world? You're attacking their strongest point, victory is impossible

    43. corrupting absoluteness of collectivity and most revolutions start as individual struggle against

    44. She grew tired of the years of struggle against

    45. The dynamic of one-sided accumulation forces humans to struggle against old, dead traditions, habits and customs

    46. I struggle against the massive arms pinning me in place, but I can’t move

    47. This would mean that not only the rich, not only the middle-class… but literally everyone… every living human on this planet would have to give up their power-struggle, their wealth-struggle, their status-struggle, their knowledge-struggle against others

    48. � Mack may watch violent movies because he holds a very strong belief that life operates as an endless struggle against others

    49. regularly confounded and bedeviled by the need to struggle against the existence of money, politics

    50. and to struggle against imposed lies and ignorance

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