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    Usa "surging" in una frase

    surging frasi di esempio


    1. Thru the previous dark they had sailed the whole hundred miles of Beghtik, the smallest major lake in the interconnect, and were now riding a surging favorable tide as Kortrax pulled the waters toward their height at Noonsleep in Center Lake

    2. She heard it before she reached the edge of the cliff – a violent, shushing, surging noise

    3. Miles of multistory ceramic and grown structure, surging crowds, The big docks they had already seen actually sent traffic four stories deep into the face of the mountain

    4. The fundamentalists with Bishop Rendellyn were surging to the fore

    5. The darkness spilled over the Outer Shell, surging into the courtyard

    6. I stood still, trying to understand what had just happened, and failing to dispel the energy surging through me

    7. At this point in time, the human consciousness of the world has passed the point of neutrality and it is surging ahead towards Oneness or a holistic way of life

    8. Fifty-two mini fusion thrusters fired up, sending him surging forward like some children’s animated superhero

    9. Waves of hot pleasure rolled out, surging from my clitoris deep into my core and out into my limbs, my center aching with desperate emptiness even as my body tingled and shuddered under his hands

    10. He watched without their benefit, grinding his teeth against the overpowering surging of fresh blood reawakening his flesh

    11. The report showed him surging to an unbeatable margin over his opponent, as a result of his newfound notoriety as anti-drug champion of the people

    12. After what seemed like an eternity of running in slow motion, Zoran snatched Ea up into his arms as the water slumped back, surging past his lower legs

    13. billions of tonnes of water, surging upward and sending seismic shock waves towards

    14. surging through the town, leaving only the tops of a few concrete buildings that had more

    15. Kumiko stood on her balcony and watched the water slowly stop surging through the

    16. With its surging enrollment and new facil-

    17. When one is in the midst of the flow of surging water knocking out all that which blocks its path, even the first time makes a lasting

    18. ” He drawled “What is it you said about me having you on your back?” he added and I inhaled sharply, desire surging through me

    19. At that moment, Moshe’s horse, no longer able to resist the panic around him, with suddenly flared nostrils and tail straight back, leaped to an immediate, charging, full gallop and joined the wildly surging herd

    20. Then trolls and ogres were surging forward, and Talia turned to her party

    21. Now, surging around the end in a rapidly spreading secondary tide, it engulfed already overturned and smashed chariots still tied to drowned horses that littered the landscape

    22. The surging roar of the diesel engine grew louder overpowering the constant drum of the rain

    23. I spun to face her, anger surging

    24. I slipped the phone into my bag, anger surging

    25. the wildly surging herd

    26. Now, surging around the end in a rapidly

    27. Finally he tears past the outside of the surging masses

    28. His heart started pounding, fear surging through his veins

    29. His thundering, surging, trembling body sent her on wave after wave of orgasm

    30. He could feel a new power surging though him

    31. More of the beautifully presented young men sent testosterone surging and the sexual frustration that had been building for weeks threatened to explode

    32. Listhew and Smithforge stepped in their path and contended with the surging bull-trolls with their broadswords

    33. Had they peeked but a moment longer they might have seen that the wave they were riding was faster and higher than all the rest, that the surging crest did indeed display a strong resemblance to a crustacean’s curvaceous hand, that it was smooth and strong and safe

    34. The pillar bulged, filled with a surging power driving up from a depth with which the lake of fire could not contend, and never could

    35. I felt the Power grip me, surging into my

    36. Behind the Stygians the asshuri were surging and yelling

    37. Conan stopped, grasped the slack of his garments and hauled him clear, and slammed the door in the faces of the men who came surging into it

    38. All known lands lay behind them, and day upon day the blue surging immensity lay empty to their sight

    39. She fought down a surging of panic

    40. Valeria's eyes rolled toward him with mute appeal, and his own helplessness sent red waves of madness surging through his brain

    41. In the midst of the mêlée the slaves in the pen broke down the walls and came surging up on the decks, and with fifty blacks freed of their benches Conan abandoned his iron-hewing and bounded up on the bridge to add his notched ax to the bludgeons of his partisans

    42. A roar went up as Amalric was hurled from his saddle, snapping the lance that impaled him, and the Nemedians gave way as a barrier bursts under the surging impact of a tidal wave

    43. 10 Do not try to satisfy the curiosity or gratify all the latent adventure surging within the soul in one short life in the flesh

    44. My stomach turned and I started to retch, the surging bile doubling me over

    45. The Gypsy man could feel mobility surging into his hand and fingers, his bulky body coming alive

    46. It was a place of surging breakers, precipitous cliffs, towering volcanoes, and open windswept slopes, all located on the most remote island in the Pacific Ocean

    47. While high above the surging seas – up, up to the dizziest height,

    48. We know that food allergies are surging along with asthma and other conditions; certainly it’s connected with what we eat and people have a right to know what’s in their food

    49. appeared in the water, surging and flowing around the

    50. “For a moment, all my instruments went crazy, overcome by a surging wave of spacetime distortion

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