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    Usa "surname" in una frase

    surname frasi di esempio





    1. That surname is traditionally a North Island iwi

    2. Still no surname for them

    3. ‘Ozzie … not sure what his surname is

    4. Her surname as

    5. received this surname: gilded, polishing with

    6. struck a chord, and it had to be my surname

    7. He didn't know Eric's surname, but he

    8. We can also see that in the prophecy God says that he had in mind what Cyrus’ name would be and that he would also give him his surname

    9. 'Hmm, I fail to remember your surname

    10. Edward, you said was this racist’s name, right? Is that his first name or his surname?”

    11. “When I looked at the identity card of the Nicaraguan embassy employee, I began to ask myself if perhaps sharing a surname might not be more than mere coincidence

    12. Shaw was a surname of a family of gamblers

    13. When we marry, one spouse has to take the other’s surname, or both have to take a new one

    14. But everyone recognizes Marcus’s surname

    15. name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand to the Lord, and surname himself by the name of Israel

    16. called Avaran, and Jonathan, whose surname was Apphus

    17. He was a very handsome, likable Hispanic, with an Anglo surname like present day NM Gov

    18. I almost did not call her back because she replied by mail and her sticker showed a very uncommon surname of one of my more frequent EB clients

    19. surname of my mothers father

    20. surname, her maiden name, and where she lived in Tokmok

    21. Aside from his surname, he was nicknamed Dagul because he was tall and stout

    22. Now that the judged events are finished, he has revealed his surname

    23. 1 In those days arose Mattathias the son of John the son of Simeon a priest of the sons of Joarib from Jerusalem and dwelt in Modin; 2 And he had five sons Joannan called Caddis: 3 Simon; called Thassi: 4 Judas who was called Maccabeus: 5 Eleazar called Avaran and Jonathan whose surname was Apphus

    24. Although the first name and surname were altered and Americanized, and children

    25. “Oh, I mean the surname

    26. thousands with the same surname

    27. The only place I'd been called by my surname was at high school and although I hadn't had a bad time I hated everything about it, especially the assumption that everyone was a patriotic rugby playing philistine

    28. Under the pretext of needing someone to collect rents while he was away, he made an appointment to see Arnold Osbairne, using his mother’s surname

    29. surname and I knew that someone with this surname was

    30. Courtesy his surname, which was still a currency then, he became a clerk in the Registrar’s Office at the Andhra University

    31. In the accolades she received, he envisaged the crowning glory of his surname

    32. Amelia decided that the new baby be named after her father Rory, but unlike Elizabeth he would bear only his father’s surname - Hamilton

    33. Marie had insisted that any female children take the Collett surname which could be “double-barrelled” with their husband’s surname upon marriage – both Amelia and Christopher had agreed to pander to the old lady’s whim

    34. Nine months to the day, Elizabeth gave birth (much to her own surprise, as she was past the child-bearing stage of her life!) to a beautiful girl-child, christened as per family Matriarchal-tradition, Marianne Collett – sans the Arbuthnot surname!

    35. Although he knew where she lived, he didn’t know her surname and couldn’t get her telephone number from the information he had

    36. “Do you think I care what her surname is?”

    37. The first name is fine but I’m not sure of any surname that ends in “Yahoo

    38. ? Kulikanistan ? indicates we don’t know the first name and think we know the surname

    39. An alteration in the surname might provide an advantage, but it probably will result in more work for you

    40. To show respect and make it easier for the students – after all, they were only kids – the boys addressed the guy who had almost all the letters of the alphabet in his surname as Mr

    41. His surname matched that of some people in the Albany area, who I met years ago, including the two sisters I referred to earlier, Henrietta and Emily

    42. It turned out that my dad’s cousin – really a half cousin, but let’s leave it at cousin – had been adopted so he had a different surname

    43. In Polish cultures, a surname ending in the letter i refers to the male, while the last letter of the surname might be changed to an a for a female, but not always

    44. I have a cousin with a surname of Swacen, who has a sister and brother whose name is Swapceinski

    45. Is it possible that a person who spelled his name directly above changed it to Schwab? I went to high school with a guy having that surname

    46. A friend of mine’s surname begins with Mc and he tells me he’s one hundred percent Polish

    47. I should add that I discovered that my father’s side of the family had a gentleman with a surname that matched my classmate’s

    48. One of my aunts may have some insight on these two people with the same surname

    49. That being so, when I enter a surname, how does the system arrive at someone that matches what I keyed? It appears that there’s another file – connected to these pages – with the data in a form that facilitates our searching

    50. Christ hence the surname in Christianity (belonging to

    1. 10 And there came out of them a wicked root Antiochus surnamed Epiphanes, son of Antiochus the king,

    2. Eleazar also, surnamed Savaran, perceiving that one of the beasts, armed with royal harness, was higher than all the rest, and

    3. 1 In the hundred and sixtieth year Alexander, the son of Antiochus surnamed Epiphanes, went up and took Ptolemais, for the people

    4. 10 And there came out of them a wicked root Antiochus surnamed Epiphanes son of Antiochus the king who had been an hostage at Rome and he reigned in the hundred and thirty and seventh year of the kingdom of the Greeks

    5. 43 Eleazar also surnamed Savaran perceiving that one of the beasts armed with royal harness was higher than all the rest and supposing that the king was on him 44 Put himself in jeopardy to the end he might deliver his people and get him a perpetual name: 45 What for he ran on him courageously through the midst of the battle killing on the right hand and on the left so that they were divided from him on both sides

    6. 1 In the hundred and sixtieth year Alexander the son of Antiochus surnamed Epiphanes went up and took Ptolemais for the people had received him by means of which he reigned there 2 Now when king Demetrius heard of it he gathered together an exceeding great host and went out against him to fight

    7. 3 Satan entered into Judas who was surnamed Iscariot who was numbered with the Twelve

    8. So that Paul said to Barnabas: If you wilt take John who also is surnamed Mark with you go another road; for he shall not come with us

    9. ACTS 1: 23 – 26 “ So they put up two, Joseph called Barsabbas, who was surnamed

    10. Love had entered this emptied vessel, and occupied the space reserved within me, for from it, completing this man, surnamed Peter, with the fullness of His Glory

    11. All his works were crowned in victory and support until he was surnamed ‘Aslan’, meaning ‘the lion’, for his audacity in facing difficulties

    12. the brother of James (and he surnamed them Boanerges,

    13. She is Ana Felix, surnamed Ricote, celebrated as much for her own beauty as for my wealth

    14. The Alaki then drank a lovingcup of firstshot usquebaugh to the toast Black and White from the skull of his immediate predecessor in the dynasty Kakachakachak, surnamed Forty Warts, after which he visited the chief factory of Cottonopolis and signed his mark in the visitors' book, subsequently executing a charming old Abeakutic wardance, in the course of which he swallowed several knives and forks, amid hilarious applause from the girl hands

    15. , surnamed "The Immortal Author of the Charter

    16. There was a Greek painter named Euphorion, who was surnamed the painter of the lips

    17. Myriel, Bishop of D——, surnamed "Monseigneur Bienvenu," who had died in the odor of sanctity at the age of eighty-two

    18. le Duc d'Angouleme, surnamed by the liberal sheets the hero of Andujar, compressing in a triumphal attitude that was somewhat contradicted by his peaceable air, the ancient and very powerful terrorism of the Holy Office at variance with the chimerical terrorism of the liberals; the sansculottes resuscitated, to the great terror of dowagers, under the name of descamisados; monarchy opposing an obstacle to progress described as anarchy; the theories of '89 roughly interrupted in the sap; a European halt, called to the French idea, which was making the tour of the world; beside the son of France as generalissimo, the Prince de Carignan, afterwards Charles Albert, enrolling himself in that crusade of kings against people as a volunteer, with grenadier epaulets of red worsted; the soldiers of the Empire setting out on a fresh campaign, but aged, saddened, after eight years of repose, and under the white cockade; the tricolored standard waved abroad by a heroic handful of Frenchmen, as the white standard had been thirty years earlier at Coblentz; monks mingled with our troops; the spirit of liberty and of novelty brought to its senses by bayonets; principles slaughtered by cannonades; France undoing by her arms that which she had done by her mind; in addition to this, hostile leaders sold, soldiers hesitating, cities besieged by millions; no military perils, and yet possible explosions, as in every mine which is surprised and invaded; but little bloodshed, little honor won, shame for some, glory for no one

    19. He had again begun to forget this history, when, in the course of March, 1824, he heard of a singular personage who dwelt in the parish of Saint-Medard and who had been surnamed "the mendicant who gives alms

    20. The epoch, surnamed "of the riots," abounds in details of this nature

    1. Surnames are just an additional means of identification, useful only to prevent confusion in official records

    2. The surnames of each pupil were called out and they answered ‘ present’

    3. What annoyed him the most was the fact that the majority of the boys at the school had Irish surnames and were clearly of Irish Catholic

    4. They would only be recognized as having Irish connections by their surnames

    5. How is it possible that organizational structures are represented as neutral boxes characterized only by a title, whereas it is known to everybody that the true contents of the boxes and the work performed are so closely connected to the names and surnames of those who they wish to insert or who already are inside one box or another? How is it possible that the company has not been able to represent the fundamental and obvious difference between the work performed by/together with one employee and the work performed by/together with somebody else?

    6. For our high school class reunion, I tried Internet searches – some through Facebook – for two classmates whose surnames gave me a chance of finding them

    7. linked the perpetrators' surnames with our surnames which had often appeared in

    8. “I’m confused by the similarity of surnames, and I still don’t understand the meaning behind this old journal,” he said, as he pulled it out of the safety of his backpack

    9. Nikolai Andreevich sympathized with her and began to write down the addresses and surnames of the best experts in this area of medicine

    10. We also received cloth badges, and another string of cloth that contained our surnames

    11. When it came to giving their surnames, none of them ever wanted to, preferring to be known, she supposed in an attempt to protect their parents from association with their shame, only as Daisy, or Peggy, or even, she remembered one last week, as Kitty-Poo

    12. “Most Jews have Jewish surnames

    13. But Communists have respectable German surnames

    14. Of course, when tracking the women in your family, you’ll need to recognize the difference between first titles (prior to marriage) and their husband’s surnames that they then took on

    15. Finally the fleet returned victorious and triumphant to Constantinople, and a few months later died my master, El Uchali, otherwise Uchali Fartax, which means in Turkish "the scabby renegade;" for that he was; it is the practice with the Turks to name people from some defect or virtue they may possess; the reason being that there are among them only four surnames belonging to families tracing their descent from the Ottoman house, and the others, as I have said, take their names and surnames either from bodily blemishes or moral qualities

    16. He gave the names, the surnames, and other details, of the two rascals, and ended by demanding justice

    17. Women looking for powerful role models in the 1980s and 1990s could look up to singers such as Madonna or Cher (none of those male-dominated surnames conferred by a patriarchal society, you see) but the political world presented more of a problem

    18. ‘Listen, Bilibin,’ said Helene (she always called friends of that sort by their surnames), and she touched his coat sleeve with her white, beringed fingers

    19. , has two surnames, the Saint and the Lame

    20. “Burns” (such it seems was her name: the girls here were all called by their surnames, as boys are elsewhere), “Burns, you are standing on the side of your shoe; turn your toes out immediately

    21. “Listen, Bilíbin,” said Hélène (she always called friends of that sort by their surnames), and she touched his coat sleeve with her white, beringed fingers

    1. (comforter) and surnaming themselves as belonging to

    2. surnaming themselves as belonging to Christ

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