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    Usa "taffeta" in una frase

    taffeta frasi di esempio


    1. The madness of taffeta and slurry cuts into his thoughts; maids a-milking dressed in chiffon and silk, wearing elbow length gloves and tiaras

    2. Rustling taffeta accompanied the chomping of tough steak for the next twenty minutes, followed by a tasteless dessert

    3. But, Camila, it turns out that everything was so new and purchased so tastefully, all was so beautiful, that seeing my image reflected in the mirror adorned with the garments for charity, I realized that I could not live without them and it was very unfair Ño Josefina required me such sacrifice! No and no! So to look good with the charity and my person, I decided to keep a while longer the clothes and when the taffeta dresses were worn and lose its shine and texture, so that they look like cotton; then, Yes, I would gladly donate them quickly and without remorse

    4. He made coffee then excused himself for a few minutes, returning dressed in a sumptuous blue taffeta ball gown, wig and tiara

    5. The taffeta dress began on her throat and ended above the knee

    6. He was wearing a somber taffeta suit, a shirt with a round and hard collar, and a thin silk ribbon tied in a bow in place of a necktie

    7. A few days after arriving he put aside his taffeta suit, which in addition to being too hot for the town was the only one that he had, and he exchanged it for some tight-fitting pants very similar to those worn by Pietro Crespi during his dance lessons and a silk shirt woven with thread from living caterpillars and with his initials embroidered over the heart

    8. She was wearing a solid hunter-green taffeta gown, cut low to reveal

    9. In the middle of winter she was dressed for summer, almost undressed, in a flowered, sleeveless taffeta dress whose hemline reached to her knees, but exposed arms as white as her bare legs, bare feet and the introductory cleavage of her magnetic bosom

    10. That day, in the post Resurrection break-fasting binge, she was dressed formally and a little ludicrously in a black taffeta dress with pleats and frills and a décolletage of Chantilly lace coming right up to her neck and chin

    11. Her husband, who was a millowner, railed at the clumsy fellow, and while she was with her handkerchief wiping up the stains from her handsome cherry-coloured taffeta gown, he angrily muttered about indemnity, costs, reimbursement

    12. Altisidora, come back from death to life as Don Quixote fancied, following up the freak of her lord and lady, entered the chamber, crowned with the garland she had worn on the catafalque and in a robe of white taffeta embroidered with gold flowers, her hair flowing loose over her shoulders, and leaning upon a staff of fine black ebony

    13. The green plaid taffeta, frothing with flounces and each flounce edged in green velvet ribbon, was most becoming, in fact her favorite dress, for of the basque

    14. She looked hungrily at the frocks floating by, butter-yellow watered velvet ribbons; baby blue taffeta, ten yards in the skirt and foamy with cascading lace; exposed bosoms; seductive flowers

    15. It was of dark-green taffeta, lined with hand and they, too, were pale green

    16. There would be and the rhythmic harsh cracklings of palmetto fans, she would serve tea and delicious long warm afternoons when ladies would call and, amid the rustlings of taffeta petticoats sandwiches and cakes and leisurely gossip the hours away

    17. He jerked her to her feet and kissed her again, but this time his lips were different for slid down to her throat and finally he pressed them against the taffeta over her breast, he seemed not to care if he hurt her-seemed to want to hurt her, to insult her

    18. I’ll buy Mammy some red Heaven she wanted a taffeta petticoat so stiff that it would stand by itself and so rustly taffeta and have an elegant petticoat made

    19. While she had been away with him, tantrums when Mammy tried to dress her in dimity frocks and pinafores instead of blue taffeta and lace collars

    20. Next, his right foot imprinted its sole on the black taffeta of a skirt which certainly had never before undergone a similar outrage in a similar place

    21. She still wore her black taffeta dress, the color of which was rapidly turning to rust and lilac, to say nothing of the dingy bonnet

    22. She moved inside the hall and with her moved a rustling as of taffeta, all the ladies whispering in a tide after her

    23. This man, who was old, moreover, had a thick nose, his chin swathed in a cravat, green spectacles with a double screen of green taffeta over his eyes, and his hair was plastered and flattened down on his brow on a level with his eyebrows like the wigs of English coachmen in "high life

    24. Then Julien on the other side, and the sound of taffeta as though from an old-fashioned floor-length dress

    25. She took off the taffeta blouse with the beaded embroidery and threw it across the room onto the easy chair in the corner, she tossed her

    26. Half the city gathered on the Arsenal Beach to express their wonderment at the ascent of the enormous balloon made of taffeta in the colors of the flag, which carried the first airmail to San Juan de la Ciénaga, some thirty leagues to the northeast as the crow flies

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