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    Usa "take away from" in una frase

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    take away from

    1. What behavior patterns could she take away from all the patterns of her life

    2. It would take away from the castle itself and the interior,' He gestured behind them at the empty space that fell to the floor far below

    3. But, with a weak marriage, unfulfilled expectations could lead to much more trouble, can take away from your focus on being a good father and make parenting much more difficult

    4. Here are some of the pertinent points to take away from the project preparation stage

    5. Additionally, we should never add or take away from what the person has said

    6. What I take away from that session is the quality and continuity of the people of Park Outdoor

    7. So says the Lord: Bow down your shoulder and your neck and serve the King of Babylon and you shall remain in the land which I have given to your fathers; But if you will not listen to the voice of the Lord your God to serve the King of Babylon; I will cause you to depart out of the cities of Judah and from without Jerusalem; And I will take away from you the voice of mirth and the voice of joy and the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride and all the land shall be without any footstep of inhabitants; And they listened not to your voice to serve the King of Babylon and you have made good your words which you spoke by the hands of your servants the prophets that the bones of our kings and the bones of our fathers should be removed out of their place and see they are thrown out to the heat of the sun and to the frost of the night and they have died in grievous pains by famine and by the sword and in banishment

    8. And heal and take away from you those wicked schisms that if the Lord of the flocks come He may rejoice concerning you

    9. 12 And the Lord wills to take away from the travail of his soul to show him light and to form him by knowledge to justify the righteous man who serves many well; and their sins he shall bear himself

    10. will take away from mankind what it has not earned

    11. And so are you about to sorrow over my departure, but I will soon see you again, and then will your sorrow be turned into rejoicing, and there shall come to you a new revelation of the salvation of God which no man can ever take away from you

    12. One lesson to take away from this, especially when you’re presented with a “blind offer”

    13. · What I hope you take away from this lesson is that there are many different business models that you can choose

    14. AdSense is just too unpredictable and in my opinion it tends to take away from the content of the site which is particularly important for our business model

    15. ” I sat quietly as he spoke; not wanting to add nor take away from what I knew was lying heavy on his heart

    16. ‘’Then, I would not want to take away from you your most precious souvenirs of your son

    17. Our objective is to take away from the buyer any hesitations

    18. How many know they're watching you? You make one mistake and they're onto you? See, that's a put down, because what they're trying to do is to take away from you the calling, and the stature, that God has implanted right there in your spiritual DNA

    19. But, didn’t the overbuilding take away from the Goods and Services that could be given to the Masses now?

    20. “And the overseers of the sons of Israel saw themselves in affliction after it was said: you shall not take away from the bricks of your daily tasks

    21. Fritz, or anyone for that matter, could not take away from me; it belonged to me

    22. Now there are a couple of things to take away from this interesting tidbit of scriptural reference

    23. Not looking at her I said, “I miss the stars in the night sky, especially out over the ocean where there is no competing light to take away from the effect of their brightness

    24. And please, as Glaucon requested of you, to exclude reputations; for unless you take away from each of them his true reputation and add on the false, we shall say that you do not praise justice, but the appearance of it; we shall think that you are only exhorting us to keep injustice dark, and that you really agree with Thrasymachus in thinking that justice is another's good and the interest of the stronger, and that injustice is a man's own profit and interest, though injurious to the weaker

    25. If there is one message for new traders to take away from this book, it is this: trading is hard—very hard

    26. Beyond any specific advice that Graham and Dodd offered, the most important point investors should take away from Security Analysis is this: look at the numbers and think for yourself

    27. One of the lessons I take away from my CUBE experience is that companies that have such key, enabling technologies for an area that was experiencing rapid growth such as personal computers and the Internet were in 1999, often have the key ingredient for a big price move

    28. The most important thing to take away from this chapter on Japanese candlesticks is that one or a very few days can signal a change in the trend or a point of action and an opportunity to trade and profit

    29. If there’s anything you should take away from this chapter, it’s this: putting all of your money in the Risk/Growth Bucket is the kiss of death

    30. Her superstitions were something Walter had never been able to touch or take away from her

    31. If people did not love each other, I really do not see what use there would be in having any springtime; and for my own part, I should pray the good God to shut up all the beautiful things that he shows us, and to take away from us and put back in his box, the flowers, the birds, and the pretty maidens

    32. Yet, this is hardly the message most active investors take away from behavioral finance

    33. The main point to take away from this example is that rallies after the initial price break off the peak can take many forms, but the main idea is that you will see one, two, three, or more rallies that carry the stock up to or over the 50-day moving average as the stock runs in premature short sellers and sucks in “bargain hunters” who see a once hot stock as being “cheap

    34. "I seem to grow colder every step that I take away from it

    35. But the government is not alone; side by side with it there is another government, which exploits its subjects by means of the same violence, and which is always ready to take away from another government the labours of its already enslaved subjects

    36. If there were no men who would be ready at the will of the authorities to torture and kill every person pointed out to them, it could never occur to a landed proprietor to take away from the peasants a forest which had been raised by them, nor to the officials to consider legal the payment to them of salaries, which are collected from the hungry masses, for oppressing them, to say nothing of executing men, or locking them up, or exiling them, because they overthrow the lie and preach the truth

    37. And the men who are in the same condition with him believe him, praise him, and with him solemnly discuss the questions as to what measures should be used for the amelioration of the condition of the working masses, on the spoliation of whom their life is based, inventing for the purpose all kinds of means, except the one without which no amelioration of the people's condition is possible, of ceasing to take away from these people the land, which is necessary for their maintenance

    38. Where violence exists, money cannot be a true medium of exchange, because it is not a measure of value,—because, as soon as one man may take away from another the products of his labour, all measures of value are directly violated

    39. " And when he became her creditor he made it his business to take away from her the money which her other friends gave to her for bonbons, and, getting drunk on this money, he would fall to beating her; but that would have been nothing if he hadn't also begun to "run after" other girls before her very eyes

    40. The gentleman would take away from the Territorial Governors the power to prorogue and dissolve the Assemblies

    41. Take away from the Governor his power to prorogue and dissolve, leave him the veto, and there will soon be collision

    42. Is it not, then, plain and conclusive, that, as our rules and orders now stand, according to recent construction, every member of this House holds his right of speaking, not on the principle of his constituents, whose Representative he is, but upon the will of the majority of this House? For that which another may at any time take away from me, I hold not by my own right, but at his will

    43. Who can bear the idea of our being obliged to burn or sink all the ships we may take away from the enemy, for fear of their being recaptured? He thought we should save enough by the protection they would afford to our prizes to support the expense of them

    44. —In the House, bill reported to take away from Governors of Territories the power of proroguing or dissolving their legislature, 39;

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