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    1. In this scenario, all of your incessant “unpacking” (in skrruullerrt systems, or TEC) and “unfolding” (in Space of Self-Consciousness) of Stereo-Type Configurations that correspond to your negative state will be associated only with your grievance

    2. — My dear Firoksanta! You must have forgotten that absolutely all variants of possible reactions are already programmed for any situation and are encoded (through dynamics of TEC) in the waves of each Stereo-Type Configuration of your Stereo-Form

    3. Let’s take into account the following two assumptions: (1) that absolutely all initial Information for structuring (in TEC) any of our possible development scenarios is initially “copied” from the UU-VVU of OLLAKT-DRUOTMM-systems; and, (2) that during the subsequent process of its inertial “unpacking-unfolding” in a “personality’s” Self-Consciousness, it is “transmitted back” to the source

    4. All energy-information content of the temporal ethereal constituent of any Form of Self-Consciousness (including LLUU-VVU) can manifest itself on Energy-Plasma Levels only in a complex, integrated way, being initially packaged into a particular Form of self-expression closely (mutually) connected with the creative energy-information dynamics of the TEC of all other Proto-Forms

    5. “Fragmentary” urglukst and afftakst impulses of the two lower diapasons, as inherent destructive Components (according to YYU’-LLU-AYY), also partially structure the creative dynamics of the TEC of many Forms

    6. ) to be realized, the general dynamics of its TEC must sequentially “include”, to one extent or another, destructive impulses of parrgs, mmuunds, argorrs, alls, mimms or ogguls — carriers of the strongest “unconscious” annihilation tendencies in the realization creativity characteristic of Aspects of the Qualities ALL-Love-ALL-Wisdom and ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence

    7. Thus, the TEC, even of the most undeveloped “human personality” manifested by a LLUU-VVU-Form, is structured by Stereo-Type Configurations in which the creativity characteristic of a higher-quality UU-VVU (that is, synthesized to a greater degree) dominates over the destructive tendencies of parrgs, mmuunds, argorrs, alls, mimms or ogguls

    8. In this diapason, the entire quality directivity of human activity changes radically due to the absence of creative TEC dynamics of a form-differentiating NUU-VVU-Formo-Type whose diffusgent creativity is implemented only in the diapason from +6

    9. Therefore, there is such confusion and misunderstanding between “people” as a result of individual interpretations (by different “people”) of the same VVU-Information “unpacked” from the slloogrent dynamics of TEC

    10. A tiger, of course, is too different from us, so, let’s take another example! Even if you, during a serious conversation with your boss, suddenly remember something pleasant and involuntarily smile, then the friendly and benevolent VVU-Information which is vibrationally and visually encoded in your smile, may be perceived (if the boss is in a bad mood) and interpreted (deciphered by the Formo-Creators of the boss’ brain) completely wrongly, as a mockery, irony or derision toward his/her words, which will immediately result in the manifestation (attraction from TEC), in the information space of his/her Self-Consciousness, of the dynamics of low-qualitative conglomerates of Formo-copies, which will have not quite favorable consequences to you

    11. Since, during the process of processing of incoming data, the Creators of the brain can quantum-holographously generate, on the retina, the Formo-images (of course, in full conformity with the slloogrent dynamics of TEC!) which they actively perceive from ODS, therefore, all of them are also simultaneously both decoders and sources of the VVU-Information “unpacked” by them (because the main principle of their interrelations with the VVU-Configurations of Formo-copies is resonance); moreover, the VVU-Information may be not only about real, “physically” happening events, but also about just imagined (by them, or, to be more exact, by Formo-copies), virtual events that happen not in the outer World, but are simultaneously carried out in one of scenarios of one of ODS “niches” (hence, there are proverbs: “Fear has big eyes”, “He is not so black as he is painted” and others)

    12. In fact they really (that is, equally for everybody) don’t exist, but there are only the slloogrent dynamics of continuous processes of “unpacking-unfolding”, from TEC, of definite VVU-Information, which ALREADY INITIALLY contains data about all details of “the spatial environment” of a given “personality”, and with the help of which a specific individual “quantization” of Energy-Plasma is carried out (in Which absolutely all Forms of Life typical of this Creation are ALWAYS potentially present, but just in the form of the potential dynamics of their Fields-Consciousnesses) by the Formo-Creators of the brain of this “personality”; this is the way of a specific and individual “manifestation”, in the system of the “personalized” Perception (on the “screen of Biopendulum” — ILLGRII-TO-O), of all Forms of the “outer” World

    13. But again, “the individual Form of expression” of this Continuum is formed by the Formo-Creators of the brain very subjectively and specially only for that “personality”, in the Self-Consciousness of which this inertial process of “unpacking-unfolding” of the slloogrent VVU-Information from TEC is carried out

    14. At the next instant, there is another quantum-holographous frequency-rotation Shift20 and, depending on the quality of the NUU-VVU-Configuration newly focused by You, the Creators of the brain “unpack” from the slloogrent dynamics of TEC the next portion of VVU-Information of a new UU-VVU-Form, FCA attracts from factor Axes of FDR one of the most corresponding VVU-Configurations of Formo-copies and

    15. And there is another thing which I would like to mention: that which we notionally call “Noo-Sphere” (SSAA-AASS-FF), — meaning by this multiple-meaning term some “noo-time” energy-information different-qualitative dynamics of UU-VVU-Forms and UU-VVU-copies of ODS, that very vaguely resemble projection functions of the energy-information base of TEC or VEC that includes absolutely all events that reflect the individual rotation Cycle of this collective Consciousness of “humankind”, — is not located somewhere in the biosphere, ionosphere or stratosphere

    16. — Innumerable conglomerates (Spheres of creativity) of a different-qualitative creative interaction of the whole set of your “personified” UU-VVU-copies continuously projected (simultaneously both into ODS and into the information space of your “personality” Self-Consciousness) by the UU-VVU-Forms that are “unpacked-unfolded” from TEC

    17. If “you”, in this Continuum, can actively “unpack” (from TEC) and experience SFUURMM-Forms typical of the second and the third Levels of ORLAAKTOR or AIGLLILLIAA, then your UU-VVU-copies can realize themselves in the same range, because it is not you but UU-VVU-Forms (which have projected them into ODS) that are true sources of this VVU-Information

    18. These specific psychological states, together with your Formo-images that experience them (your typical appearance, facial and other gestures, voice, words, movements, reactions, sensations), were automatically recorded in the VVU-Configurations of a corresponding conglomerate of your UU-VVU-copies that constantly stay in their realizational “niches” of an OLLAKT-DRUOTMM-system and are attracted into the information space of your Self-Consciousness only when the Formo-Creators of the brain of the NUU-VVU-Configuration focused by You “unpack” from TEC the UU-VVU-situation that corresponds most of all to the range of the Creative Activity of the Formo-copies of this conglomerate

    19. This means that until you manage to refocus (transmute) into the structures of the Self-Consciousness of NUU-VVU-Configurations of higher-qualitative “personalities” of your Stereo-Form, in which the Creative Activity of the lowest “personal” realizational “niches” is reduced to nothing, you will have to stay in “the scenarios” where these low-qualitative emotions of SVUULL-VVU-copies (fear, envy, jealousy, spite, aggressiveness, resentfulness and the like) will continue to influence your psychological states and thus will have a strong influence on all the qualitative dynamics of “unpacking” (by your Formo-Creators) of the slloogrent VVU-Information from TEC

    20. It means that again and again, among all possibilities potentially provided to you from TEC, you will attract into the information space of your Self-Consciousness only unfavorable variants of life circumstances, because FCA of your Formo-Creators of the brain is more concentrated (due to the absence of a higher-qualitative Experience in the NUU-VVU-Configuration focused by You) on the dynamics of FDR of low-frequency conglomerates of SVUULL-VVU- and LUUD-VVU-copies

    21. Everything is absolutely fair — all Formo-Creators and VVU-Configurations of UU-VVU-copies and FVU-Configurations of FLUU-VVU-doubles that are simultaneously used by the Formo-Creators for their own creative synthetic realization always have equal rights and possibilities in the slloogrent dynamics of TEC and VEC! What seemed to you and what was shown accordingly in the “Classification of the Formo-Creators” (in each of the two pairs of the first IISSIIDI-Centers, I “assigned astral” SVUULLMII-SVUU- and STOOLLMII-SVUU-Creators to lower Levels of Creativity, and “mental” LUUDMII-SVUU- and UOLDMII-SLII-Creators — to higher ranges of these Centers) was only due to the specific character of the implementation of inertial Processes of Synthesis in the structures of Self-Consciousnesses of realizational Forms of LLUU-VVU

    22. This is the very foundation of an infinite Existence not only of Life Itself, but also of wave NUU-VVU-Configurations eternally focused by Us as direct participants (in fact only Observers) of this different-qualitative dynamic Process, which We, as holographous Formo-Creators of the Subconscious, the Supraconscious and the Superconscious, have initially planned and “recorded” in the minutest details in the joint slloogrent dynamics of TEC and VEC

    23. So, making a summary, I may say that each “personality” focused by You, depending on the qualitative dynamics of VVU-Configurations of Fields-Consciousnesses (UU-VVU-copies from “niches” and UU-VVU-Forms from TEC) that structure “the personality”, at every moment of its creative realization, interacts individually with the gravitational component of its Formo-system of Worlds, that is, the higher the quality of mental-psychological processes carried out in the information space of the Self-Consciousness, the less the influence of gravitation on this wave NUU-VVU-Configuration

    24. The fact is that any positive situation (modeled exactly by such guiding SFUURMM-Forms), together with its least favorable outcomes, has ALWAYS been programmed in the skrruullerrt system, in the slloogrent dynamics of TEC, and in the initial energy-information base of the O-D-system that structures all NUU-VVU-Configurations of this Stereo-Form; and it has manifested in your “now” only because you, through your stable Thoughts, Feelings and Desires, has resonated not with anything else, not with some other interests, but only with this scenario of development, in the inertial dynamics of which this situation is already initially holographously encoded

    25. You have to understand that after “Death” bio-Creators of the collective Consciousness of cells and organs decode, directly from ODS (but not from the dynamics of TEC!), Information of completely different quality, which differs greatly from that which was used by the Formo-Creators of the brain for the organization of the psychological and mental activity of the living “personality”, because more primitive Self-Consciousnesses of the bio-Creators of cells and organs are involved in the Synthesis of Aspects of completely different Qualities (ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence and ALL-Essentiality-ALL-Permeability, and afterwards, at definite stages of the biochemical transformation of organic matter, — ALL-Will-of-ALL-Intelligence and ALL-Steadiness-ALL-Stability)

    26. The Creative Activity of VVU-Configurations of any Formo-copies can simultaneously manifest in some degree in factor Axes of your Self-Consciousness, which represents the simultaneous dynamics of RRGLUU-VVU, TEC and VEC

    27. This means that “karmonations” that are continuously synthesized by “emanations” and “psychonations” of UU-VVU-Forms “unpacked” from TEC, begin to stimulate your Formo-Creators for some particular Actions, projected into FCA by the dynamics of FDR of the conglomerates of UU-VVU-copies that interact with them and are already present in your individual ODS

    28. Intuition is the dynamics of VEC, but not TEC

    29. — Yes, you understand it rightly, dear Aggralstilviya, that the highest-frequency conglomerates of UU-VVU-copies activated in the Self-Consciousness of “a deceased” at the moment of “Death”, together with the Information that structures their VVU-Configurations and is inseparably connected with the dynamics of TEC, are already an equally active part of slightly higher-qualitative NUU-VVU-Configurations that structure, in the skrruullerrt system, the inertial dynamics of rotation Cycles of many duvuyllerrt Interpretations of the same “personality” in slightly better variants of Formo-systems of Worlds

    30. The experience, which has been initially synthesized as a result of these processes, is programmed as “a fact” not only in the creative dynamics of each Formo-copy in its realizational “niche”, but also in all the slloogrent dynamics of TEC of absolutely all Formo-Types of all LLUU-VVU-Forms (and all other Proto-Forms), and it is also specifically encoded in the dynamics of each scenario of development in each Formo-system of Worlds

    31. The task of every developed Form of Self-Consciousness is to learn how to consciously choose among already available variants of scenarios of development not the one which is impulsively “unpacked” from TEC, but only such creative realizations in which it has the maximum Interest and for which it displays aptitude

    32. UU-VVU-Form (as initial VVU-Information encoded into the general slloogrent dynamics of TEC and VEC) is a concentrated expression of some narrowly-specific “emanations” (Thoughts) and “psychonations” (Feelings) generated directly by the Intelligent Substance of ODS and “packed” according to their frequency into slloogrent VVU-Configurations of biological Formo-Creators of all Proto-Forms that represent all types of Collective Cosmic Intelligences in Formo-systems of Worlds

    33. During its inertial “unpacking” from TEC, this VVU-Information (UU-VVU-Forms) rezonationally induces, in certain parts of the VVU-Configurations of Formo-Creators and UU-VVU-copies, specific dynamics of the Creative Activity that is transformed in biological Forms into biochemical and psychomechanical reactions that simultaneously provide VVU-Configurations of these Formo-Creators and Formo-copies with a new Experience (new frequency), which is the main reason of their inertial refocusings into the next (among already existing ones in this skrruullerrt system!) VVU-Configuration of a slightly higher quality

    34. Identical “you”, in other rotation Cycles and in other Formo-systems (physically located in other points of Space-Time of our Planet and in a slightly different dimension), use the same Flows of VVU-Information “unpacked” by them from TEC so that to realize themselves in some other Aspects of creativity in their Life

    35. But the fact is that UU-VVU-copies (SFUURMM-Forms) and UU-VVU-Forms are distinctive “pieces of puzzle” of Energy-Information, that — with the help of the general slloogrent dynamics of your rotation Cycle and TEC — sequentially make up in your Self-Consciousness the whole subjective picture of the outer World and all your relationship with it

    36. — I have already explained, dear Vualttrass, that we can really perceive ourselves as this or that “personality” only on the basis of the possibilities provided to Our UFS as a result of an individual process of the slloogrent dynamics of TEC characteristic only of the NUU-VVU-Configurations focused by Us

    37. That which we call “personality” Self-Consciousness includes not only the activity of the Formo-Creators of the brain, the dynamics of TEC, individual ODS, factor Axes and the Primary Time Axis, FCA and FDR, but also the different-qualitative dynamics of all karmic Channels that energy-informationally unite us with activated Levels of each IISSIIDI-Center, definite Duplex-Spheres, OLLAKT-DRUOTMM-systems, other Stereo-Types and Formo-Types, and so on

    38. In other words, as a result of a resonance that appears in one of you, for example, in response to the high-frequency dynamics of some SFUURMM-Forms that structure my FLUU-VVU-doubles, each of you “unpacks” the VVU-Information (received from me) from TEC of his own Stereo-Form with the help of the Formo-Creators of lower-qualitative NUU-VVU-Configurations that involve (into the process of “unfolding-folding”) SFUURMM-Forms of lower-qualitative UU-VVU-conglomerates from your individual ODS, which distorts very much in your Self-Consciousness the initial meaning of the Information generated by my FLUU-VVU-doubles

    39. In each of them, “personalities quantize” the information “space” of their individual outer reality by kleksizing “on the moment-by-moment basis” the VVU-Information (simultaneously “unpacked” from TEC) of different qualitative “content”, with different wave lengths of the Light Flow of Aspects of the Qualities synthesized by them

    40. But our “present” science doesn’t take into account a very important factor — the change of the speed of the flow of Time on different Levels of kleksization (a qualitative change of an Information volume) of Energy-Plasma: the higher the density of the “unpacked” (from TEC) energy-information flow, the more it affects the change of the speed of self-propagation of such oscillation (for the electromagnetic Field it is speed of light, which scientists consider constant!)

    41. No, it’s wrong: UU-VVU-Forms (that have been initially adopted by Formo-Creators for “the noo-time integration” into the slloogrent dynamics of the temporal ethereal constituent of NUU-VVU-Configurations) and already decoded UU-VVU-Forms (that have been inertially “unfolded” by bio-Creators in the information space of the Self-Consciousness with the help of projections of UU-VVU-copies of an individual ODS) differ very much configurationally (that is, energy-informationally) from the abstract VVU-Information which is initially included into TEC and is entirely the result of the creativity of the Collective Intelligences of the RESOSCONTIONAL Branch — SLUI-SLUU-Creators

    42. The point is that already initially completely synthesized Information “is stored” and then “unpacked” from the slloogrent dynamics of TEC, and the Formo-Creators of the brain of every “personality” inertially “unfold” and “fold” only a partially synthesized part of the general Information

    43. I just wanted to point out that absolutely all fragmented Forms of Self-Consciousness really have such a possibility! The possibility greatly depends on us who inertially “form” (as if restore in our “memory” — TEC) and constantly “reconstruct” (refocus from one NUU-VVU-Configuration into another one) Formo-images and Formo-clichés created by us, either “endowing” them (in our Imagination) with higher-qualitative characteristics, or emphasizing, distinguishing and aggravating some negative character traits and appearance features

    44. As I have already mentioned, owing to “the concentrated resonance” and other features of the RESOSCONTIONAL Branch, these conglomerates are simultaneously used by millions of “personalities”, whose TEC are initially structured by “borrowed” (by UU-VVU-Forms from ODS) VVU-Information that (through the continuous process of subjective (psychomental) differentiation into narrowly fragmented Self-Consciousnesses of UU-VVU-copies) can specifically (through the biochemical activity of the Formo-Creators of the brain) reflect in the structures of any “personality” Self-Consciousness all possible combinations of the synthetic dynamics of various Aspects of Qualities

    45. When your Self-Consciousness is inertially tuned to a definite frequency of psychological experience, your bio-Creators must certainly decode from TEC those UU-VVU-Forms, the slloogrent part of VVU-Configurations of which exactly corresponds to this experience, and so that you could specifically feel it the same bio-Creators of the brain must project (“scan”) from all the different-qualitative dynamics of the individual ODS and, with the help of special biochemical reactions, “unfold” (reflect) in the information space of the Self-Consciousness only that part of the conglomerate of Formo-copies, whose VVU-Configurations reflect in the greatest degree the SFUURMM-Forms of the experience you feel

    46. In fact, each NUU-VVU-Form exists at a particular narrow-frequency range of the creative dynamics of Energy-Plasma approximately for one nominal second, during which, in each of Worlds that inertially and rotationally change each other, there is a frequency (rezonational), “moment-by-moment”, slloogrent manifestation (“unpacking-unfolding”) — from TEC of the general information “space” of a Stereo-Form — of the NUU-VVU-Configuration only of one of the Stereo-Doubles that duvuyllerrtly structure the general wave dynamics of this NUU-VVU-Form

    47. In essence, this is That universal Information Which functionally provides the single-moment realization of the Collective Intelligences of all types in each of the twelve noo-time Conversums of the Tertiary Energy-Plasma: when you refocus through the complementary System into VEC-Flows, you temporarily as if “drop out” of the “individual” dynamics of TEC of your Stereo-Form and are perceive Yourselves as a system (depending on the quality of the Level of fixation) without being attached to any specific creativity characteristic of the Forms manifested by You

    48. UU-VVU-Forms of TEC don’t bear any “personal” relation to UU-VVU-copies that develop individually (and unconsciously!) in realizational “niches”, because UU-VVU-Forms interact among themselves only according to the rezonational principle, and the same (in its meaning) VVU-Information, depending on psychological states of “the personality” that perceives it, may reflect UU-VVU-copies of completely different quality in “niches of the individual” ODS

    49. That is, I state that all these processes of formation, which we subjectively define for ourselves as “objects and circumstances” of the outer World, don’t happen anywhere “outside”, in some Galaxies and “cosmic spaces” inaccessible to our Understanding and perception, where Certain mysterious and omnipotent “Higher Cosmic Intelligences” create something specially for us all the time, — no, all this is ignorant nonsense, which just contributes to your separation from the deepest Truth of your eternal and infinite Existence in different Forms of Self-Consciousness! Absolutely everything that each of you defines for yourself as “your personal Life” happens and is carried out in the information space of your “personality” Self-Consciousness on the basis of the individual VVU-Information which “is unpacked” at every successive moment when the Focus is in the skrruullerrt system, creates an individual part of TEC out of the general slloogrent dynamics, and is projected into the individual ODS in the form of UU-VVU-copies

    50. Although VVU-Information, with which any quantum-holographous region of TEC of every Stereo-Form is initially structured (programmed, organized), was also “temporarily borrowed” by the Formo-Creators of the Subconscious (that is, Us) from the information “space” of the same ODS, it was, HOWEVER, taken as the Configuration of one Aspect of Quality, without karmic attachment to psychological reactions of any particular “personality” of a given Stereo-Form, as “a certain fact”, “objective entity” that determines every particular moment of simultaneous different-qualitative Existence of this Stereo-Form, which [Existence] is structurally formed by discrete subjective moments of the continuous dynamics of individual rotation Cycles of the whole set of different-qualitative Interpretations of its “personalities”

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