Usa "temple" in una frase
temple frasi di esempio
1. 2Cor: 6:16: And what agreement hath the temple of God
2. with idols? For you are the temple of the living God; as God
3. to serve Him in the temple
4. Isa: 6:1: In the year that king Uzziah died I saw also the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up, and his train filled the temple
5. “Where the Hell would you want to go with Shirley Temple?”
6. “You remind me of Shirley Temple when she and I were going steady
7. “You… dated Shirley Temple?”
8. While group singing of 'bhajans' can be done in a suitable place like a temple or a hall in a manner and time that least disturbance is caused to those not involved in it, the individual prayer is necessarily a communion with God best performed in a quiet corner of the house
9. The boat touches the shore of the small island, the Buddhist temple in back
10. John turns and walks toward the temple
11. He walks along a board walkway that leads to the temple
12. He passes on and comes to the open doors of the temple
13. The temple is constructed of rough timber and lumber with no ornamentation, the sliding doors are made of rice paper
14. In the center of the temple on an elevated dais is a statue of the Buddha, a copy of the Great Buddha of Kamakura, it’s serene visage turned down to John, who stands looking up into the Buddha’s face
15. or in the courtyard of this temple the trash of this world
16. “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit
17. “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who
18. The one who assaulted me had a Chinese character right here on his temple
19. He takes out his pistol slowly, puts the barrel against Khalid’s temple, pushes the hair out of Khalid’s eyes
20. Afterward Jesus found him in the temple, and said to him, “See, you
21. The thug, and I was assuming this was Sammy the Shark, would have cut a ruggedly stylish figure except for the filthy looking street tattoos all over his arms and creeping up the visible side of his face to the left temple
22. The same pistol that I had seen this morning was now pressed against my temple
23. The pain was so intense and the pressure on my temple so hard that I started to retch
24. However, the cultic prostitutes who serve at the temple of Aphrodite in Corinth flaunted their profession by going unveiled in public
25. They did not appear in the king's court, the marketplaces, or the temple to proclaim God's message as did Elijah, Isaiah,
26. without elders to work together in an effective way! The rebuilding of the temple, as
27. Robbie pointed to his right temple
28. Heroic scenes all the way back to the American puppet's gas attacks were shown, as if carved in real time in the stones of the temple
29. There’d been a shadow … that’s right … she’d realised just too late … half turned, the blow had caught her on the temple … and nothing
30. feeling that we had accomplished a great thing until we came to this temple
31. Elden and Son left Song in the candle lit temple while they went outside to
32. The temple was in a desert, and in the
33. temple, Elden stopped and pointed to a river
34. river because Son was to carry water from the river back to the temple as
35. When they returned to the temple, Song bandaged Sons’ new wounds,
36. Son and Elden walked back into the temple
37. The way that you worship her is that there were temple priests and temple prostitutes
38. behind this temple and there you will burry the blade and vow never to kill
39. Archeologists have dug up a temple of the Aztecs where they found 42 children that were offered up to the god Tenochtitlan
40. King Solomon builds the Temple to the Lord
41. Song could be heard from the other end of the temple, calling out for
42. Son picked up his sword and ran back to the temple with great haste
43. As Son approached the temple he could hear song cry out in pain
44. It is located between the Temple and the Mount of Olives
45. In John chapter 2, he enters the Temple courts and makes a whip out of cords
46. Jesus opposes both the Temple and the religion built upon it
47. Jesus tells them to tear down the Temple, and in three days He will rebuild it
48. Captain Obvious of the Religious Troop then speaks up with, “This Temple took 46 years to build… You are going to build it in three days?”
49. The soldier then walked to the other side of the temple where he had
50. But He then identifies Himself with it: “But He spoke of the temple of his body,” John 2:21