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    Usa "tend to" in una frase

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    tend to

    1. And night wanderers who exercise tend to wander less

    2. As with memory, mood, and behavior problems, the physical symptoms of Alzheimer's disease tend to worsen over time

    3. As damage to the brain increases, people with Alzheimer's lose coordination and part or all of their ability to attend to everyday needs

    4. But he wants the same one and we tend to laugh at his immaturity

    5. "I think that the kinds of things that women are exposed to tend to be in more of a chronic or repeated nature

    6. The kinds of interpersonal violence that women are exposed to tend to be in domestic situations, by, unfortunately, parents or other family members, and they tend not to be one-shot deals

    7. "You intend to look thru everything?"

    8. Overwatering will tend to damage the plants more than the spiders would

    9. We tend to blame others but continue to flout these social norms ourselves

    10. He has a mobile but doesn’t tend to give the number out to all and sundry, preferring to keep a bit of freedom from the perpetual messages that so many of his colleagues have to field as a result of being more profligate with their own mobile telephone numbers

    11. · Dharma includes all external deeds, as well as thoughts and other mental practices that tend to elevate the character of a man

    12. Even today in agricultural and business oriented families in villages and towns people tend to live in large multigenerational households

    13. Torn apart by the migration to cities, bothered by economic storms, the families tend to strip themselves of unwanted relatives and convert to what is commonly called nuclear families

    14. They are able to attend to school requirements with each other’s help and assistance from elders, as the parents would be usually busy

    15. The 'empty nest syndrome' is when couples tend to question their purpose and the future of their life together

    16. ‘All finished, Barney?’ Adrian said in that special voice adults tend to use to small children

    17. We often tend to make everything more complicated than it should be

    18. "There's wizardry in the Kassikan that I don't pretend to understand," Tahlmute said

    19. There are loads of bridleways and footpaths around here and, when I have the chance, I tend to grab my OS map and wander off to explore

    20. They do tend to crowd round

    21. ’ Stephen replied, ‘There’s also a gate entry system but we don’t tend to use it

    22. It is so complicated forming relationships in middle life … people tend to have all sorts of clutter by that stage

    23. “To pretend to please everyone is mad, but to pretend to please everyone in a time of

    24. Anyway, I don't intend to set foot in that hornets' nest again

    25. For practicality’s sake, and so that I’ll know when to start really getting worried … I try to work out when I had my last period … I don’t tend to record these events in my diary – not a lot of point when living the celibate life

    26. “As about the third child I intend to have in the future, I have already promised that to Nicolas, another colleague!” she went on hastily

    27. I don't intend to pay another visit to Louise in her office again; I can see there is no reason, besides it occurs to me I have made a fool of myself for nothing

    28. I intend to call her as soon as I come back from my holidays in Amarynthos

    29. ’ He said deliberately seriously understating the case, ‘In the summer, I tend to get my breakfast and bring it up to eat in bed, and, on the odd occasion when I’ve been ill, it has been a great comfort to be able to see that lot from the bed

    30. As soon as he realizes I don't intend to do so, he can barely hide his exasperation

    31. I automatically refuse and tell him I will call him back, but I don't intend to do anything like that; I don't trust him, anyway

    32. ’ He said in a matter of fact tone of voice which stops me in my tracks ‘I don’t pretend to have any answers at the moment, but that certainly won’t solve anything

    33. A point that they tend to over look is that they are not going to be going on a camping

    34. They tend to look upon their friends and

    35. Presenting oneself is an area that requires a lot of work, but surprisingly, this is the one area which people tend to neglect the most

    36. His attitude was that the Al-Harron was billions of miles out in space and he had things to attend to on the ground

    37. He had to put it aside, figure on losing another week and just relax, or at least pretend to

    38. They tend to be lower here because most of the urban streetcars in downtown Zhlindu are indoors

    39. I intend to remain here at least until Iain’s future has been decided

    40. “To pretend to please everyone is mad, but to pretend to please everyone in a time of revolution is treason

    41. These are the businesses that tend to earn the highest profit margins, and will sell nearly any product to their customers

    42. She said to tell you that if the baby is a girl they intend to call it after you

    43. Luray wanted a look at Alan's foot, and tut-tutted his objections, "After my adventure, Oliar made sure I knew good basic healing to tend to him

    44. They are hoping for a boy this time and you get no prizes whatsoever for guessing what they intend to call him! But to return to the beautiful jewellery you sent – you say Joris bought it for you many years ago

    45. We tend to look more at the spiritual aspect in our modern Christendom, and have therefore robbed ourselves of the full meaning and intention of God

    46. who pretend to be something that they are not

    47. You will be in a kind of Headstand at once by this method but why I do not favour it as much as the other one is that in this position your spine is uncomfortably arched instead of being held naturally and because it shows quick results students tend to rely on this method and become so used to the support of the wall that they have difficulty, afterwards, in doing the Headstand without it

    48. Be patient my lovely, he purred to her, there is still much to attend to first

    49. ‘I’d heard that chestnut mares tend to be sprightly and highly strung – it’s clear she likes a challenge

    50. “Calm yourself John; we intend to end this quickly

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