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    Usa "the pill" in una frase

    the pill frasi di esempio

    the pill

    1. He should have been, he could find out a lot more from her on the pillow than across the dinner table

    2. Johnny rolled over and buried his head under the pillow

    3. Suddenly, Leonora felt the need for sleep come over her, and she sank down onto the couch and passed out even before her head hit the pillow

    4. Unless unwell, I never again felt the vagueness of a morning where you remember nothing at all after your head hits the pillow

    5. His car is parked in the car park on Sunday – I see it from my bedroom window as I am dressing … it hits me so hard that I throw myself onto the bed and sob into the pillow … I wish, oh how I wish I could see him

    6. Kara moved her head gingerly on the pillow trying to differentiate between the bruising and the vague migraine aftermath … no, it was only bruising now

    7. She lay back against the pillows and closed her eyes, scouring her brain for any clue as to what might have caused this situation

    8. For once giving in to the overwhelming desire to cry, she abruptly turned and buried her face in the pillow

    9. Between the two of them, they manoeuvred her between the covers, Angie fussing over straightening the sheet and patting the pillows

    10. She helped him sit up and he took the pills and swallowed the water quickly

    11. Gilla helps me undress and within minutes I fall gratefully into bed, asleep before my head hits the pillow

    12. like the pillars of Hercules

    13. Not only do all the bones in my body ache with the relentless dull pain of toothache, but I feel emotionally dead … rolling over with an audible groan, I bury my head in the pillow

    14. Tears running down my face, I weep aimlessly into the pillow, trying not to make any noise … the last thing I need is for someone to hear me

    15. Loosing me, she reaches past me and grabs the pillow, pulling it up so I can lean on it

    16. In the end, I give in, throwing a dirty glance in the direction of the tormenter standing over me before subsiding against the pillow again

    17. I'm on the pill

    18. (to SAMANTHA) Are you on the pill?

    19. dribbling into the pillow

    20. ’ I replied, lying back against the pillows

    21. “Oh my head…!” Kate eased herself back on the pillow and moaned

    22. I squatted on the pillion and couldn't get any wetter, so I relaxed into the rain like you relax into the sea, and right away felt much better, calmer

    23. Climbing off the pillion was torture

    24. My breathing slows, gradually the pills take the edge off the pain and I drop off to sleep

    25. the pillow down hard

    26. 'Whatever,' I said, sitting on the pillow as a desperate measure

    27. There is a note on the pillow from Katie, ‘Hope you had a good time

    28. Leaning back against the pillar, let his mind wonder

    29. ‘It’s not a month yet since I stopped taking the pills

    30. The chemicals from the pills had been

    31. It was all lit by torches in sconces on the pillars and walls, and by great braziers on the corners of the bull pen

    32. A small door opened near the base of the pillars and a man came out and began speaking with Yellelle about the luggage

    33. ' I said proudly, leaning gratefully back against the pillows

    34. dragon on one of the pillows

    35. Mya gave a short curtsy and turned around and returned to the pillow on the bed curling

    36. Holding the blanket in place she raises herself up into a sitting position, adjusting the pillow so that her back is protected from the cold stone wall

    37. Unusually, she lies awake for some time after laying her head on the pillow … thoughts whirling around in her mind

    38. Out of breath, Bex and the boys lean against one of the pillars supporting the mezzanine floor above the main room

    39. Get past his anger and blame and get the pill into him

    40. Kulai would have to trust that the pill would take enough of his memories that he wouldn't remember anything to use against him

    41. Kulai was less worried than that because the pill would make him forget everything that ever happened down there

    42. “This’ll probably do my memory more harm than the pill

    43. He says he did forget where the lab is but he didn’t forget anything else, but he said he never took the pill

    44. Without comment, he calmly lashed out with one massive hand and slapped her face, knocking her back against the pillows

    45. Do you have any idea what year it might have been when the first businessman sent a pretty girl to bed the proprietor of a competing business and extract his financial secrets across the pillow?”

    46. Naturally, as soon as her head hits the pillow, all tendency to sleep vanishes as though by magic

    47. Her head sinks into the pillow

    48. A ray of sunlight spotlighted the unmade bed, the bedding lying crumpled, the sheet pulled down in one corner, revealing the mattress: the pillow dented where his head had lain while he waited for the time to pass

    49. He groans and raises his head from the pillow

    50. bed, and put her head back on the pillow

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