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    Usa "theirs" in una frase

    theirs frasi di esempio


    1. "That's farther from my mind than four tons of aluminum is from theirs

    2. Describe your philosophy of life, and help them develop theirs

    3. Emma suggested a cock and bull idea of moving Barney into their bedroom and thus making space for me, but I know how small that house of theirs is

    4. " He knew that from listening to some of the gossip that went around in theirs

    5. "So your word against theirs then

    6. Though a pistol cannot kill in the afterlife, the pain is still as bad and all the members of the Council of Faith and Doctrine were quick to draw theirs, Moamar quicker than any

    7. And so I decided to die by my own means rather than theirs, and the tears started again

    8. They believe that theirs is a true religion and although they also believe that our brothers and sisters in Judaism have a true religion, it is the Christian message alone that bears scrutiny

    9. Theirs was a despair that comes to a life without purpose, to a soul for whom there is no revelation beyond the recognition of desperate impotence

    10. But why will they hate us? They will hate us because our works are righteous and theirs are evil

    11. Turns out my version of success is way different than theirs

    12. No one considered their things to be theirs, but shared all their possessions with one another

    13. Alan taking the responsibility for his own tasks and also being considerate of others, Nuran shirking her own tasks, taking others for granted and pleading with others to shirk theirs for her own selfish reasons

    14. They would bond strongly that night and theirs would be a strong reign

    15. Daniel and Lady Kate sent word that Big John and Diana would stay in a newly made guest cave near theirs

    16. Your life becomes theirs, and theirs,

    17. This could be theirs

    18. Yes, all the brains of the crew had theories, but he could tell none of them were very confident of theirs but Thom, and his was too preposterous to take seriously, an alien intelligence lurking in the dark matter

    19. No descendant of theirs survived in flesh

    20. focus on yourself by making it seem as though that focus is actually theirs

    21. Dance with those that would share theirs with you

    22. Theirs was a long and passionate relationship, but that is another story

    23. This wil not only benefit your life, but theirs as wel

    24. She said I have to accept her punishment or theirs

    25. No doubt they would be ready to defend theirs and accuse others

    26. While Billy sits quiet and still amid the heavy metal sounds of the custody suite, his companions reach out and take his hands in theirs and the three of them begin to mime and mug like savant idiots, and with the sound turned down, with the picture fading to a single white dot, they start to belt out Billy’s favourite song without shifting a single molecule of air:

    27. to raise their guns, but Blair and Anastasia raised theirs and riddled Laurens with

    28. Lester’s been way too good a customer of theirs

    29. As he made the sudden lunge forward, they dropped their own staffs, grasped the ends of his just as suddenly and with the strength necessary to heft a two hundred pound timber, they pulled him forward adding his own momentum to theirs

    30. Theirs hadn’t been that innocent, and she knew she had to keep a close eye out, so it didn't happen again

    31. Kaitlyn and Harry embraced and then kissed---real passion is the mere shadow of true love requited---and theirs was the very heart, blood, and soul of that rarest of all treasures

    32. She wouldn't have chosen it, but she was still trying to pretend theirs was a real marriage, so she felt obligated to wear it

    33. He twirled her a couple times more to the stage where he hoisted the large cup above his head and the crowd again shouted out cheers, indicating it was theirs

    34. them, but blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven

    35. took his arms possessively in theirs

    36. This doctrine of theirs is all nonsense

    37. He rubber-legged it way down with his lween blowing and rolled over on his back still playing this old saw of theirs they used to do with a previous yandrille player

    38. For their last song they did one of theirs that sold four thousand tapes before Desa joined them

    39. Much of their ways are lost to us, making our task more difficult than theirs ever was

    40. his own part as well as theirs, he had to admit that he felt

    41. it was due this week, you see the other children have already been given theirs, so Grandpa rather used you both to do the test if you understand my meaning

    42. He and Marsha had not brought theirs, she had only one maidservant and Delos had too many to be seemly

    43. Like Adros, his life was theirs – the children’s

    44. Their realities are not yours and yours is not theirs

    45. others come to leave theirs

    46. I would rather be torn to pieces by a pack of wolves than been a victim of theirs

    47. Let them look well after their own expense, and they may safely trust private people with theirs

    48. When our neighbours prohibit some manufacture of ours, we generally prohibit, not only the same, for that alone would seldom affect them considerably, but some other manufacture of theirs

    49. But all things have a limit and shortly before the Bretons found theirs, the machine collapsed to the ground in a groaning roar

    50. It hinders our own workmen from furnishing their goods for so small a quantity of silver as they otherwise might do, and enables the Dutch to furnish theirs for a smaller

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