Usa "there" in una frase
there frasi di esempio
1. He looked too stunned to speak, it was Ava who said, "But you wore those sandals, I couldn't have lost an aluminum there, even if I had been carrying one around, and I don't think I've ever carried an aluminum on my person," Ava said
2. "There have been years it would be possible to stay here for Dusksleep up until Garibivlast," he said
3. There was always a fire on the hearth in the main house for Dawnsleep, every week of the year
4. "It might be in there, but I might have burned something like that when we went thru it
5. There was some hand drawn street map in a foreign language in with it, and a faded old map of Gengee with some of that language on it
6. There were only fifty million males in the whole urban universe of the Yakahn, and practically all of them that he had ever met, knew Venna intimately
7. Although God is always there, we needed official
8. In a way she did, it was a grimy old industrial city where there was nothing to do but drink and fuck and has-been old music still pneumatically amplified
9. When cold water did not come down, there was almost no winter at all
10. I'll invite some of the guys I've met there out to point beach sometime
11. There is no shadow of turning in Him
12. "Whatever papers there are in that lock box, I've looked at them a dozen times and never noticed
13. If there was something in there labeled 'treasure map,' I might have had to face that temptation
14. it means there is something missing
15. There is nothing that is so frustrating than seeing other
16. there is something wrong if this is the testing of your faith
17. there is definitely something wrong with your relationship
18. There was a head that made the booth around the camp's digester can seem really spacious
19. He saw that there were speakers for music in there, and in the kitchen area
20. There is a local saying “If you can see Carn Brea it’s going to rain, if you can’t, it already is” a nd, if you stand still for long enough, you wil be guaranteed to turn mouldy
21. There are some key points that you need to pay attention to and implement in your business so that you can ensure the further success of your business
22. "There is no home, in 2381 it was obliterated by enormous meteorites sent by our enemies
23. It is beautiful in its own way here, and there is more gentleness if not as much grandeur
24. Moreover, there are those
25. The fact that there were a lot more eyes available made the price come down, but eye-time still wasn't without significant cost to the average plots-man like himself
26. When He arrived there, God appeared unto him
27. There many encounters like this that
28. Gen: 12:7: And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an
29. on the west, and Hai on the east: and there he builded an
30. The affirmations you have chosen along with the visual image will be there for you every time you log on to LifeTrax
31. There is a famous proverb that I believe to be of Chinese origin – “You are what you eat
32. Schulz: I suppose… what is it you are looking for in there?
33. There was motion for a few minutes before she tottered groggily out
34. There is so much proof that speaking positively, thinking positively, and being an optimist helps you to achieve so much more in
35. There is scientific evidence behind all of this and there are things that happen within your brain when you bring your goals into existence
36. Me and the guys were always regulars there and they decided to buy it from Jack, the last owner
37. From there on in however, it became a simple matter of counting days
38. So there you are left in The Waiting Room living a life more akin to
39. He claps me on the shoulder and rests it there
40. I started to try and go there once and you thought you were in the sewage digester
41. He was a state trooper called out there to investigate a high occurrence of young prostitutes being raped and murdered
42. There are no foreign objects in this body
43. My soul was read into this empty brain, there was never an atom in this body that didn't come from food this body ate here on the planet Kassidor
44. My sister is still there and we sometimes keep in touch
45. And in that contract there are
46. something in the microwave, you set the timer for a minute and you stand there waiting, watching the food go around, waiting for it to, ding! That's time
47. can see how the sales and the production lines work and I know everything there is to know about your business
48. There are a number of organic problems of the heart and circulatory system, glands and hormonal system, and the nervous system that can, to varying degrees, diminish male capacity for and interest in sex
49. He did have to stop there
50. What I'm telling you is that there are times in your life where you can use the time you have available more effectively