Usa "thinness" in una frase
thinness frasi di esempio
1. high in the thinness of air
2. They equate thinness with being in control,
3. The thinness of Proxima 3's atmosphere was having its effects upon the whole group
4. Though still pale, his skin had a healthier cast to it, and the thinness in his cheeks and the hollows under his eyes were gone
5. The effort of it seared his thoughts, slid away from the thinness of his mind as if wary of causing harm
6. Earlier in the day, Sileas had commented on my thinness
7. nails, especially thinness in fingers and thumb when seen edgewise
8. So the lie I told myself was, that her thinness was
9. They bore into me, as wide as saucers, from the thinness of his frightened face
10. thinness of the mattress
11. thinness may be interpreted as being overweight hence more
12. North America values thinness for males and females but with a
13. The officers in the fleet would usually joke about Covol’s thinness; saying that one of his parents was a Raizean, but instead of getting their skin color he got their slimness
14. She smoothed them and turned it into a bow, making the string out of the stretchy vine of the sinni tree by cutting it to a suitable thinness and rubbed it on stones to dry it
15. The thinness of the remaining part of this book as you hold it between your thumb and forefinger, ready to turn this last page and stare at the unashamed advert for the next part in this trilogy, gives away the sad truth that there is no room to complete this story in this volume
16. The stringy hair, the circles under her eyes, and the thinness of her body made it obvious she was one of those recently released from prison
17. Mayfair couldn't read her expression but saw tension in the thinness of her mouth and the set of her jaw
18. The drop set waist dress accentuated her elegant thinness
19. The body is subject to many symptoms such as strength and weakness, good-health and sickness, thinness and fatness, youthfulness and senility
20. Her thinness made it worse
21. By the thinness of him, it might very well have been
22. The blade is of hammered hot steel that was first beat into thinness like paper, then folded back and beat again
23. I cursed my thinness
24. thickness or thinness of blood described in a crime novel that not only gives chill
25. Her thinness and the elegance of her clothes gave her an aura of height though she was normal
26. you mean you cannot even imagine slicing your own bread to the exact thickness or thinness you prefer?… That this is too difficult a physical task for you? The bread industry solved that problem by not even giving you a choice in the matter
27. Now it is the emaciated thinness of the older stone-age walking sticks
28. I just hoped we were going fast enough to skip over such patches of wall thinness and not break through
29. The hollowness and thinness of his face would have caused them to look large, under his yet dark eyebrows and his confused white hair, though they had been really otherwise; but, they were naturally large, and looked unnaturally so
30. This graceful lass, then, helped the young girl, and the two made up a very bad bed for Don Quixote in a garret that showed evident signs of having formerly served for many years as a straw-loft, in which there was also quartered a carrier whose bed was placed a little beyond our Don Quixote's, and, though only made of the pack-saddles and cloths of his mules, had much the advantage of it, as Don Quixote's consisted simply of four rough boards on two not very even trestles, a mattress, that for thinness might have passed for a quilt, full of pellets which, were they not seen through the rents to be wool, would to the touch have seemed pebbles in hardness, two sheets made of buckler leather, and a coverlet the threads of which anyone that chose might have counted without missing one in the reckoning
31. But is this equally true of the greatness and smallness of the fingers? Can sight adequately perceive them? and is no difference made by the circumstance that one of the fingers is in the middle and another at the extremity? And in like manner does the touch adequately perceive the qualities of thickness or thinness, of softness or hardness? And so of the other senses; do they give perfect intimations of such matters? Is not their mode of operation on this wise--the sense which is concerned with the quality of hardness is necessarily concerned also with the quality of softness, and only intimates to the soul that the same thing is felt to be both hard and soft?
32. Whatever you've been told about thinness is rubbish
33. Their thickness and thinness spoke of hard years of bitter struggle intermingled with rich years of sudden growth
34. She would have been a good figure, too, if it had not been for her extreme thinness and the size of her head, which was too large for her medium height
35. She had no bust and her hips were as flat as little Beau’s and as she had neither the pride nor the good sense (so Scarlett thought) to sew ruffles in the bosom of her basque or pads on the back of her corsets, her thinness was very obvious
36. "Are we to go without spoons and forks then?" said Rosamond, whose very lips seemed to get thinner with the thinness of her utterance
37. As she suffered the side effects of radiation, I saw the thinness in her vigorous hair, the sallow tint to her skin, and I realized how far away I’d been, how much she’d managed on her own
38. But sometimes she was suddenly overcome by fear not only of death but of sickness, weakness, and loss of good looks, and involuntarily she examined her bare arm carefully, surprised at its thinness, and in the morning noticed her drawn and, as it
39. brought into relief all the angles of her bones, and rendered her thinness frightfully apparent
40. They hated her pale snow face, her waiting silence, her thinness, and her possible future
41. And the neck that held the head which was as dainty as a porcelain cup with the sun shining through the thinness of it, the neck was also white
42. But they stood thinking it, nevertheless, thinking of the honor and fame, while their lungs became accustomed to the thinness of the atmosphere, which almost made you drunk if you moved too quickly
43. The smallness of the house and thinness of the walls brought everything so close to her, that, added to the fatigue of her journey, and all her recent agitation, she hardly knew how to bear it
44. Close at his heels came the colonel himself, a man rather over the middle size, but of an exceeding thinness
45. Considering how flexible thin wax is, I do not see that there is any difficulty in the bees, whilst at work on the two sides of a strip of wax, perceiving when they have gnawed the wax away to the proper thinness, and then stopping their work
46. In one well-marked instance, I put the comb back into the hive, and allowed the bees to go on working for a short time, and again examined the cell, and I found that the rhombic plate had been completed, and had become PERFECTLY FLAT: it was absolutely impossible, from the extreme thinness of the little plate, that they could have effected this by gnawing away the convex side; and I suspect that the bees in such cases stand in the opposed cells and push and bend the ductile and warm wax (which as I have tried is easily done) into its proper intermediate plane, and thus flatten it
47. Inside we found nine other Indians, men, women and boys, lying on the rock floor in a dreadful state of thinness and exhaustion
48. But this, his thinness, so to speak, seemed no more the token of wasting anxieties and cares, than it seemed the indication of any bodily blight