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    Usa "thoughtlessly" in una frase

    thoughtlessly frasi di esempio


    1. Hints of perfumed unguents applied so thoughtlessly in the dawn light spoke in foreign tongues to insect senses

    2. Facing the world from the balcony that morning, everything looked bright and cheerful - thoughtlessly bright and cheerful - but it wasn't until the cock crowed that my brain cells rumbled awake and I recalled all the sadness of the day before

    3. Our stomach muscles, rigid with seasickness, were out of working order; the fluids stayed where we had thoughtlessly stowed them, buried under other supplies

    4. All of her women had cowered thoughtlessly behind her as visions of trampling brought looks of dismay and then despair to their faces

    5. everyone filing up the stairs thoughtlessly, caught up in the

    6. I had misgivings about having abandoned my girlfriend so thoughtlessly, but I need not have worried

    7. The time we now spent in each other’s company drew us closer together, and though I had suggested her coming to Canada somewhat thoughtlessly, I now began to consider this possibility in earnest

    8. ” His classmates laugh thoughtlessly

    9. Frances can"t expect us to live on love alone," I joked thoughtlessly, removing six fifty-dollar notes from the safe

    10. Now, my friend, tell me what is the matter? Did the woman do something wrong, or did you foolishly lose your head and thoughtlessly assault her?" It was not so much what he said that touched this man's heart as the kindly look and the sympathetic smile which Jesus bestowed upon him at the conclusion of his remarks

    11. 1 As Jesus finished speaking at the breakfast table of the Pharisee, one of the lawyers present, desiring to relieve the silence, thoughtlessly said: "Blessed is he who shall eat bread in the kingdom of God" -- that being a common saying of those days

    12. 5 When there exists this living connection between divinity and humanity, if humanity should thoughtlessly and ignorantly pray for selfish ease and vainglorious accomplishments, there could be only one divine answer: more and increased bearing of the fruits of the spirit on the stems of the living branches

    13. He was therefore able to hear all that was said of him in derision and could plainly see the expression on the faces of all those who so thoughtlessly mocked him

    14. 'Because no wizard wastes his strength thoughtlessly


    16. thoughtlessly stated without even looking at her friend

    17. ‘Man would nurse animosity lacking perceptivity, burdens himself with sentimentality, courts trouble thoughtlessly and then turns to god-men for deliverance

    18. ” The police officer looked bemused for a moment, his eyes glazed over and he calmly released his clutch on his once burning hand, letting it fall thoughtlessly to his side

    19. We have gotten angry, acted thoughtlessly,

    20. Impossible for him to join the group of Audrey and her sisters, because he was too angry with Audrey, and he wouldn't join Fanny and his mother-in-law because it was Fanny who had brought all the trouble on him, with her thoughtlessly familiar ways

    21. These were three, the _Christian Year_, given to her on her confirmation by her father, _Longfellow's Poems_, given her on her eighteenth birthday by her mother, and Dumas' _Tulipe Noire_, given her as a prize for French because Judith did not know any, one summer when a French governess was introduced (thoughtlessly, the Bishop said afterwards) into the Palace

    22. At the same time that she moved thoughtlessly, she was doubly conscious of her postures

    23. Tommy kissed her thoughtlessly and went back to his book

    24. around and not thoughtlessly torn down for the purpose of building

    25. It only means that you should think before you act thoughtlessly

    26. I turned away from her and imagery of everything she evoked within me so thoughtlessly to stare at the wall

    27. All those thoughtlessly far-gone, it is whistled and wished you stay that way, so come along and be extraordinaire, come-on and play and rare without care

    28. “You are here?” I rejoiced, and thoughtlessly sat there unmoved too happy to show it off properly in an appropriate way

    29. Little Hareton, who followed me everywhere, and was sitting near me on the floor, at seeing my tears commenced crying himself, and sobbed out complaints against "wicked Aunt Cathy," which drew her fury on to his unlucky head: she seized his shoulders, and shook him till the poor child waxed livid, and Edgar thoughtlessly laid hold of her hands to deliver him

    30. She had been thoughtlessly following the GPS commands

    31. I remembered Tanya’s house, the way Lily had stood by the oversized fridge and thoughtlessly dropped chunks of fresh pineapple into her mouth

    32. from the generous word when it was once uttered, even though he felt now, vaguely foreseeing certain eventualities in his intrigue with Madame Karenina, that this generous word had been spoken thoughtlessly, and that even though he were not married he might need all the hundred thousand of income

    33. The former happens much more thoughtlessly, the latter is often less elegant than in the words of romantic balladeers

    34. "It is in that way that hard-working medical men may come to be almost as mischievous as quacks," said Lydgate, rather thoughtlessly

    35. News is often dispersed as thoughtlessly and effectively as that pollen which the bees carry off (having no idea how powdery they are) when they are buzzing in search of their particular nectar

    36. There are ones you should indeed “hate,” but to lump all annuities into one category is to thoughtlessly discriminate against the only financial tool that has stood the test of time for over 2,000 years

    37. Little Hareton, who followed me everywhere, and was sitting near me on the floor, at seeing my tears commenced crying himself, and sobbed out complaints against ‘wicked aunt Cathy,’ which drew her fury on to his unlucky head: she seized his shoulders, and shook him till the poor child waxed livid, and Edgar thoughtlessly laid hold of her hands to deliver him

    38. But he could not draw back from the generous word when it was once uttered, even though he felt now, vaguely foreseeing certain eventualities in his intrigue with Madame Karenina, that this generous word had been spoken thoughtlessly, and that even though he were not married he might need all the hundred thousand of income

    39. It happened, for instance, that the wife of a local lieutenant, a little brunette, very young though she looked worn out from her husband's ill-treatment, at an evening party thoughtlessly sat down to play whist for high stakes in the fervent hope of winning enough to buy herself a mantle, and instead of winning, lost fifteen roubles

    40. Volodya was horribly ashamed and sorry for having spoken so thoughtlessly, and he muttered something and continued to listen in silence, when Dyadenko undertook, with the greatest zeal, to dispute it and to prove the contrary

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    thoughtlessly unthinking unthinkingly