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    Usa "throughout" in una frase

    throughout frasi di esempio


    1. Studies have led to the realization that sexual interest and the need for sexual contact continue throughout the life cycle, although patterns differ somewhat for women and men

    2. However, differences in sexual patterns between males and females are found throughout the life cycle

    3. energy throughout the day

    4. Women face unique health issues beginning at age 50 and throughout the rest of their lives

    5. in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and

    6. 2Chl: 31:20: And thus did Hezekiah throughout all Judah, and wrought that which was good and right and truth

    7. That’s one reason fall prevention programs aimed at seniors point out the need for appropriate lighting throughout the home to clearly define changes in floor surfaces or levels and to eliminate both shadows and glare

    8. This depletion of the mineral content produces deficiencies throughout the food chain

    9. communicate with Him throughout that day concerning

    10. He looked outside from time to time throughout the day

    11. Multiple guards were posted throughout the basement; all of them had laser rifles

    12. One has to provide a moral and spiritual compass that will guide them throughout their life

    13. Medfly infestations are spreading throughout the world! Even this is not the real cause of the Medfly problem

    14. A lawn that is watered thoroughly at regular intervals, and whose soil has plenty of organic humus (organic matter converts into humus that makes the nutrient elements in the soil available to the grass), will withstand drought, and remain sound throughout the hot summer months

    15. It’s a large village with a very active social spirit and I know Emma and Adrian get involved in a lot of the activities which, as has been the case throughout the centuries, are in the main organised by the church generally and, more specifically, by the vicar

    16. Different types of bacterial composition will occur throughout the composting process

    17. With the popularity of Yoga spreading throughout the world, there is also the innate danger of people attempting to teach Yoga without actually being fully trained to use it as a therapeutic tool

    18. Over Monday’s breakfast, over lunch and throughout the afternoon, as they

    19. “I give you my word, which I have kept throughout this bargain

    20. For his part the old man sat impassive, chain smoking throughout the couple’s

    21. They pass an appalling collection of shacks placed randomly throughout the compound

    22. It has always been thus and would remain so throughout the

    23. the same, disgustingly stained gown throughout her long and decrepit life, this

    24. Version three had introduced trans-volitional search, whereby the device would immediately seek and discover throughout the connected universe whatever topics had entered the host's little mind

    25. She drove around in meandering random patterns throughout the city for more than an hour, and got nothing

    26. That's what she told herself, but all throughout the flight she was worried

    27. He has been on several lectureships, held many Gospel meetings throughout the

    28. Men should not try! Throughout biblical

    29. Ten minutes later, after sharing a warming moment with tea and cigarettes, throughout which Menachem told awful jokes, Robbie returned to settle us down for the evening

    30. They manhandled us roughly throughout the journey, and answered our questions with terse monosyllabic grunts

    31. Unlike her mother, a poor and feeble creature tied to the old days, a woman who shimmered like a pallid ghost among the ruins of their estates in the mountains, a woman who wore the same, disgustingly stained gown throughout her long and decrepit life, this Countess had broken with those dusty traditions

    32. Can you imagine an entire nation of Pauls going to and fro throughout the earth to proclaim the freedom that they have now experienced in Christ? It will be during the Millennial Kingdom that Israel will fulfill her ultimate purposes of being the priestly nation to the nations (Exodus 19:6)

    33. we’ve heard growing up throughout our lives, our parents,

    34. A celebration to last throughout the years

    35. throughout their life all the things that are “WRONG”

    36. us and operate throughout our lives to produce optimal

    37. —Unknown Author, posted throughout the Internet

    38. Throughout the whole of the Scripture we read about the God that comes down

    39. She was sneezing and shivering throughout the Church

    40. She went to the garden in the backyard and cut some Hydrangea and put them in vases and set them throughout the house

    41. Throughout this time, they also practised the juggling balls, but

    42. throughout the world, especially in those areas

    43. He held out his arm to her and as she placed her hand on it he felt an electric shock throughout his body

    44. ” As they ran up the mountain to their cave, a deep throaty chuckle could be heard echoing throughout the valley

    45. Screams could be herd throughout the woods, and more than one student saw what became of their fleeing teachers

    46. Throughout the night they could hear Jake as he paced about the large mesa deep in thought

    47. It should bend the same way as your arms, which you should, throughout the movement, try to press backwards as far as possible to avoid any possible sagging forward of your body

    48. “No way!” echoed throughout the cavern

    49. Practice, at least twice a day throughout the month, the Sarvan-gasana or Shoulderstand described in chapter four, or if you are unable to do this, try lying down with your feet very much higher than your head

    50. From outside all the dragons joined in and the vibration was felt throughout the valley

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    Sinonimi per "throughout"

    end-to-end throughout passim around over round through during