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    Usa "tidiness" in una frase

    tidiness frasi di esempio


    1. Normally he would not have been so careless; he knew his mother Moana would want to have a word or two with him about his messy room, having very strict views on tidiness, but Tipene was so sad that he had missed his chance to win a set of new golf clubs for Tane that he paid no attention to the teddy-bear whatsoever

    2. He took her coat and placed it on a hanger with the almost compulsive tidiness that characterised his life

    3. (Tetta the hypocrite -- for I had lectured my nuns many times about the virtues of tidiness and order! Alcuin, I hope that you may never learn to despise me

    4. She has a great sense of tidiness; a

    5. He looked around the room, surprised at its tidiness

    6. She is on the side of tidiness and cleanliness and not on the side of slovenly lassitude that leaves things jumbled and rumpled, scattered with no conscious care and placement

    7. the overall tidiness of the neighbourhood?

    8. Bedroom tidiness and hygiene – would there be a minimum standard with

    9. regards to bedroom tidiness? How would the minimum standard be determined?

    10. Her yellow eyes survey the room's tidiness

    11. Though he was impressed by their finely tailored clothes that were perhaps too formal for this setting, what struck him most was the absolute tidiness of the table where they were dining, as not a single crumb had fallen on the white tablecloth nor had any of the liquid from their glasses dampened the linen

    12. All six men had dark skin and beards, though the beards were of varying lengths and tidiness

    13. All of the apartments look more or less like this save for differences in décor and varying levels of tidiness

    14. Disliking this method, I have tried to make my garden increase in loveliness, if not in tidiness, the farther you get into it; and the visitor who thinks in his innocence as he emerges from the shade of the verandah that he sees the best before him, is artfully conducted from beauty to beauty till he beholds what I think is the most charming bit, the silver birch and azalea plantation down at the very end

    15. However long they had known each other, and however interwoven their lives, he still suffered a complex when it came to tidiness

    16. "Your tidiness won't bear much strain after all, Watson

    17. It sat at the village center, its immaculate tidiness contrasting sharply with most of the other ruined buildings

    18. Everything bore an impress of tidiness and good management

    19. Hands go diligently along the bulwarks, and with buckets of water and rags restore them to their full tidiness

    20. People who are fond of stuffy tidiness and, still more, of obsequious deference in their landladies are to be suspected

    21. The books, the papers, the inkstand, all were arrayed with a revolting tidiness, the ideal of which would have coincided with the loftiest conceptions of a German landlady and her maidservant

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