Usa "time-honoured" in una frase
time-honoured frasi di esempio
1. We have arrived at the realization in actual fact of the time-honoured formula : “Thou art That
2. Bastard-mate adopted the time-honoured tactic that parents have resorted
3. He had tried to even the odds by attempting to learn new spells, but had discovered that the time-honoured adage about old dogs applied equally to wizards who were getting on a bit
4. I always thank God that our time-honoured Prayer Book contains such a grand specimen of intercession as the Litany
5. a time-honoured literary tradition
6. self up and exhibited all the time-honoured phys-
7. Not seeing anyone in the yard, he slipped in, and at once saw near the gate a sink, such as is often put in yards where there are many workmen or cab-drivers; and on the hoarding above had been scribbled in chalk the time-honoured witticism, "Standing here strictly forbidden
8. It was yet another encroachment on time-honoured traditions
9. Then I caught my breath as I read the time-honoured title of the great nobleman and statesman whose wife she had been
10. The proprietor of a large old water-mill at Wellbridge—once the mill of an Abbey—had offered him the inspection of his time-honoured mode of procedure, and a hand in the operations for a few days, whenever he should choose to come
11. Not seeing anyone in the yard, he slipped in, and at once saw near the gate a sink, such as is often put in yards where there are many workmen or cab-drivers; and on the hoarding above had been scribbled in chalk the time-honoured witticism,
12. But in spite of our European enlightenment, in spite of our European pavements, in spite of the European architecture of our houses, we are still far from shaking off our time-honoured traditions