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    Usa "to a degree" in una frase

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    to a degree

    1. repeatedly stressed and even injured to a degree

    2. ” Harold was confident to a degree that was nearly infectious in both his manner and speech

    3. discoveries has been, to raise the mercantile system to a degree of splendour and glory which it could never otherwise have attained to

    4. I mean a lot of these corporate bodies are entitled to a degree of discretion, provided they keep within the law; freedom of the market and all that

    5. “It is an art we learnt from the ancient Elves and have perfected it to a degree

    6. “True to a degree, but the public forms its opinion upon the information it receives, and that (particularly when it comes to the hysteria surrounding recreational drugs) is altered so far from reality that it’s laughable

    7. It is also obvious that only those who have learned to inhibit the desires of self to a degree that allows others a closer proximity than is natural have survived to pass on to the present generation the inheritance that is Man’s world of today

    8. Equally important in dealing with others is to recognize our responsibility, to a degree, for what happens to them

    9. All his senses were heightened to a degree he never even thought possible

    10. By the mid-nineteenth century tension over slavery was rising to explosive intensity, dampened to a degree by terms of the Missouri Compromise enacted by Congress in 1820

    11. To a degree, his complaint was about a forced romance is inserted in every

    12. What he finds is that mass culture shares the nihilistic qualities of the avant-garde, but only to a degree that Hibbs dubs “nihilism lite

    13. Ken’s concept of time became elastic to a degree that he had not thought possible

    14. This talented salesman flattered Roy to a degree that was disgusting to others on the station staff and to us in Ithaca

    15. If the intelligent unconscious can intervene in our consciousness and life processes (as discussed in Chapter 3) is it not also possible that this could account for its intervention in Nature? How does a bee construct its mathematically precise honeycomb, how does a spider spin an intricate web, how does a badger construct its dam? Given that the consciousness of these animals may not have evolved into self-consciousness to a degree evidenced in human beings, it is possible that they are harnessing the intuitive and computational powers of their brains (which are normally associated with our right brains)

    16. He nodded his head, which relieved me to a degree

    17. He knew why Ishan felt this, he could understand, to a degree

    18. Even in the western world, he raises his children in the shadow of war and domestic abuse to a degree that has horrified the source Himself

    19. house mates that are arguing it will still affect your life to a degree

    20. To a degree I do concur with his reasoning, I would just take it further to say

    21. matter to a degree

    22. all out to a degree that I can offer a proper adequate answer, even

    23. Everything pointed to a degree of confusion and uncertainty that was worrying her about the local situation

    24. The history of computer operating systems recapitulates to a degree, the recent history of computing

    25. Most of the Lycanthropes frequenting John’s bar had learned to a degree how to control at least partly their shifting between their human and their animal forms during the periods of full Moon

    26. college students to a degree that I wouldn’t have expected

    27. Three of the wires had heated to a degree which had caused them to break

    28. To a degree, modern man has lost that intuitive co-existence with fellow humans -- not to mention the natural environment

    29. While Hitler had reluctantly agreed to that in order to be able to defend to a degree the southern French coast and to be able to use the port of Marseilles for his own navy, he has stationed one division around Toulon, to allow to take the port quickly if need be

    30. It could still be heard, twining far off through the boughs, reverent only to a degree

    31. The prospect of meeting the great woman was mouth watering to a degree only secondary to being boned into extinction by Jason Demovic

    32. The furniture in the living room was antique and worn to a degree

    33. Subsequent deliveries of substance have rendered even me speechless to a degree

    34. Now that He has revealed Himself to a degree to us,

    35. To a degree this is the same journey that Jesus took

    36. cination with the heavens led to a degree in astrophysics

    37. Meanwhile the spirit, by virtue of its nearness to its Provider, becomes pure and cleansed of the faults that were attached to it, and it even rises up to a degree higher than its previous degree

    38. [2] That he knew this, and to a degree

    39. To a degree, I could finally abdicate responsibility for being in charge of that part of my life

    40. Euther, who could tolerate daylight to a degree, decided that he

    41. To a degree, then, but in his own field, he is

    42. Paul mostly but Tim and Carter to a degree had dreaded the day that

    43. was only accurate to a degree

    44. Kyp kept hundreds of orchids inside and outside of her house to a degree that I have never seen on a consumer level

    45. Self admittedly he had played the part of their low expectations of him to a degree

    46. perfect the taste of the other, to a degree that the senses alone can never

    47. They passed the main entrance of the Great Northern railway station, the starting point for Belfast, where of course all traffic was suspended at that late hour and passing the backdoor of the morgue (a not very enticing locality, not to say gruesome to a degree, more especially at night) ultimately gained the Dock Tavern and in due course turned into Store street, famous for its C division police station

    48. Besides, though taste latterly had deteriorated to a degree, original music like that, different from the conventional rut, would rapidly have a great vogue as it would be a decided novelty for Dublin's musical world after the usual hackneyed run of catchy tenor solos foisted on a confiding public by Ivan St Austell and Hilton St Just and their genus omne

    49. And it did lead to a degree of celebrity, at least locally

    50. From him it was I first learned, to any purpose, and not without infinite pleasure, that I had such a portion of me worth bestowing some regard on; from him I received my first essential encouragement, and instructions how to put it in that train of cultivation, which I have since pushed to the little degree of improvement you see it at; he it was, who first taught me to be sensible that the pleasures of the mind were superior to those of the body; at the same time, that they were so far from obnoxious to, or, incompatible with each other, that, besides the sweetness in the variety and transition, the one served to exalt and perfect the taste of the other, to a degree that the senses alone can never arrive at

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