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    Usa "tomcat" in una frase

    tomcat frasi di esempio


    1. Across the way, an orange, stripey tomcat begs for food, as only tomcats do - noisily

    2. Scumble was a tomcat taunting, encircling his prey

    3. was already a neutered tomcat, one year old, and they called me Grizzly

    4. know why on earth she would choose a grayish tomcat like me to keep her

    5. I had always been a lonesome tomcat before

    6. That man has more pussy thrown at him than the luckiest tomcat on the streets and only once has he shown any interest at all

    7. The deploy target adds the ability to deploy to both Tomcat and Resin Web application servers

    8. The build file assumes that you have Tomcat (or Resin) installed in the root of your drive

    9. You may need to make adjustments to the build file if you installed Tomcat in another directory or if you are using another J2EE-compliant Web application server

    10. After we run the application, we start Tomcat, and then hit the site with our browser

    11. The Thousand began to close in -- stoats, a fox, even a tomcat from some farm or other

    12. “Annette said he was quite the tomcat

    13. Evidently he had overheard the whole conversation, for he grinned up at her as maliciously as a tomcat, and again his eyes went over her, in a gaze totally devoid of the deference she was accustomed to

    14. Later on, this disappears like the playfulness of the kitten, and all this grace ends, with the bourgeois, on two legs, and with the tomcat, on four paws

    15. That made their eyes go as wide as those of an old tomcat who had just seen a full-grown matador wander into his alley

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    Sinonimi per "tomcat"

    tom tomcat