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    Usa "touchdown" in una frase

    touchdown frasi di esempio


    1. By halftime we were up a touchdown

    2. “About three hours until touchdown

    3. The touchdown in a field seemed to be smooth, although the craft appeared quite elevated as if on legs

    4. international airport, twenty miles west, queuing in the sky for touchdown, ten or twelve of them

    5. Reilly had no interceptions, 270 yards passing, three touchdown passes and had scored one himself

    6. With two more first downs, Reilly found his third option in the pattern all alone when the defender fell down in a crossing route for a touchdown

    7. touchdown passes and scored

    8. And as William turned to leave, he held his hand up and they exchanged a high-five that only the best touchdown at the last minute of a football game could merit

    9. How many of us are able to quickly recite statistics such as which Quarterback has thrown the most touchdown passes or which Pitcher owns the best won/loss record or lowest earned run average however must give pause in naming the vice-presidential candidate in the upcoming presidential election? Bread and Circus‘ are coming full circle

    10. A ground transport, a robotic service vehicle, moved out into Brendan’s path as the ship approached the touchdown point

    11. In the beginning of the first half, Dallas scored a touchdown and the point after

    12. I had to have one more touchdown

    13. Im�med�iately after touchdown, Donny held the nose off as long as he could then eased it down and pulled the drag chute handle

    14. He spent ten minutes indoctri�nating Toby in the delights of effortless rolls and loops and wingovers, then talked him to the point of touchdown on runway 34 at Phan Rang

    15. I scored the winning touchdown on a 58yd trap play up the middle in our first game, and stopped their big runner, who was the younger brother of some pro and weighed over 200lbs, every time he tried to run my side of the field

    16. � Effectively, under the cheers of Nicholls, Culvert and Airman Smithers, the parachutist overflew the marker, touching it by simply tapping the tip of a boot on it and landing two feet past it in a remarkably smooth touchdown, running to a halt

    17. � Touchdown was incredibly smooth compared to that of standard military parachutes, the soldiers actually hitting the ground running towards the targets and unclipping their parachutes in quick motions

    18. Moments after touchdown, a man approached, walking briskly and he reached them as they all ducked clear of the slowing rotor blades

    19. John Dawes's dash up the left touchline gave the move terrific momentum, before a burst from flanker Tom David with a long pass out to Derek Quinnell who had numbers, another long pass and a skilful pick up (some say an interception) for Number 9, Gareth Edwards, resulted in a diving touchdown

    20. In the NFC Playoff Game against the Seattle Seahawks, with four seconds left on the clock, Benjamin lobbed a beautiful spiral to Shane in the corner of the end zone for the winning touchdown

    21. Notre Dame had just scored their second touchdown of the third quarter and were now trailing only 28-14

    22. Pretending to be a drunk, Brian jumped on his mark’s back, acting as though he were celebrating another touchdown and hoping to delay the behemoth long enough to give Kurt more time

    23. “True, that was painful, but I was referring to the fact that the great one, Walter Payton, didn’t score a touchdown in the Super Bowl—nothing palatable about that, my friend

    24. In other leagues the quarterback will earn six points for a touchdown that is passed

    25. After long missions, groups of planes occasionally came back so low on fuel that none of them could wait for the others to land, so they’d land simultaneously, with the lead pilot delaying his touchdown until he was far enough down the runway for the planes behind him to land at the same time

    26. What if they were to tie two parachutes to the rear of the plane, pitch them out of the waist windows at touchdown, and pull the rip cords? No one had ever tried to stop a bomber in this manner

    27. He felt just then as if his soul had swelled to fill his skin—as after scrimmages in high school, when he’d walked home tossing the ball to himself in the fast-descending night, replaying sixty-yard touchdown runs

    28. Think of your favorite NFL team scoring a touchdown in the playoffs

    29. As Harry struggled to his feet Hugo ran whooping around the loft as though he’d just scored a touchdown at the Meadowlands

    30. Tony Gonzalez (USA) made 103 touchdown catches while playing for the Kansas City Chiefs and Atlanta Falcons from 1997 to the end of the 2012 season

    31. Smoke is an ideal indicator, but do not place it so that it obscures the touchdown area

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