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    Usa "tough job" in una frase

    tough job frasi di esempio

    tough job

    1. That was a tough job and without him I probably wouldn't have lasted a week there

    2. " It was all a play with words in Afrikaans and I mean no disrespect for they had a tough job to do, and did it remarkably well for many years

    3. They had a tough job

    4. “It wasn’t a tough job

    5. Rearing our children is a really tough job

    6. On a sudden inspiration Moshe exclaimed, “Gad, I’ve got a really tough job that I would like you to take on for me! I’ve got to convince the townspeople of how important it is that they should go with us, by the time that we are ready to leave

    7. This was a tough job because the

    8. This was a tough job

    9. Adopting the mother role to these freedom fighters was a tough job, mentally and physically

    10. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it

    11. With the current system, despite the tough job that our congressmen do in fulfilling their roles as lawmaker, advocate, educator, and dignitary; there is no requirement for them to be self consistent, responsible, or sane

    12. It's an incredibly tough job

    13. “Well I know Yeltsin is going to be really pissed off with all the devastation and to cap it all, they will have a tough job explaining everything to the police” said Max

    14. On that day only, I knew about the tough jobs of a mother

    15. “Tudieu! If the trees of New France are as big as those fish are, then I will have one tough job ahead of me

    16. It was tough job, but someone had to do it

    17. He also had the tough job of handling out degrees and posing

    18. It is a tough job made easier if you use the help of the Internet and search online

    19. Being a single parent is a tough job and you might think you don't need any help at it

    20. Being a representative was initially a tough job with very few perks, so most people would not have been interested in serving for very long

    21. MAKING them pens was a distressid tough job, and so was the saw; and Jim allowed the inscription was going to be the toughest of all

    22. " Then he drew his sword, and, cutting a deep wound in the breast of both, he went to the horsemen and said, "The deed is done; I have given each his death-stroke; but it was a tough job, for in their defence they uprooted trees to protect themselves with; still, all that is of no use when such an one as I come, who slew seven at one stroke

    23. It was a tough job you set us there, my word! You may be proud of it! And on my honor, in spite of the cough I caught there, I should be ready to begin again

    24. ‘It’ll be a tough job, but I think I can poke the car through after them

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