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    Usa "trace element" in una frase

    trace element frasi di esempio

    trace element

    1. These fertilizers are a unique blend of rock powders and activators that are untreated, therefore, they contain secondary nutrients (calcium, magnesium and sulfur) plus many trace elements

    2. He waited solicitously while I searched for a combination of oxygen, nitrogen and trace elements that would allow me to continue my existence, and by the time I got back to

    3. It has eleven essential vitamins and minerals, with important trace elements

    4. broken down, and trace elements were extracted

    5. to scan the interior of the comet, and two, the outer composition of ice and trace elements is an exact match for material for the Earth’s solar system,” Anson said

    6. After the major and minor nutrients there are sometimes “trace elements” that play a role

    7.  They can remove trace elements that may need to be replenished or supplemented, such as

    8. but it also adds minerals and trace elements into the tank as well

    9. calcium, alkalinity and trace elements manually

    10. releasing calcium and other important trace elements which is then dosed into the tank

    11. Examples of trace elements in NSW (natural salt water) that are

    12. All processed information that is doctored, and manipulated, and put through an industrial grinder: takes out all nutritional information, and adds poisonous artificial normalities, and trace elements of trivia, and toxic deadly moral, ethical lies and poisons: before it reaches you

    13. When the diet consumed has the right amount of trace elements, vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids, the hair becomes strong enough to withstand attacks made on it

    14. Many believe that the human health impacts of GM seeds are still unknown and that trace elements of them can still be detected in the soil years after their use has been discontinued—despite intensive efforts to eradicate them

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