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    Usa "transferable" in una frase

    transferable frasi di esempio


    1. By advancing to private people, at interest, and upon land security to double the value, paper bills of credit, to be redeemed fifteen years after their date ; and, in the mean time, made transferable from hand to hand, like banknotes, and declared by act of assembly to be a legal tender in all payments from one inhabitant of the province to another, it raised a moderate revenue, which went a considerable way towards defraying an annual expense of about £4,500, the whole ordinary expense of that frugal and orderly government

    2. The value of the former may be supposed always the same, or very nearly the same; and it makes, therefore, a more convenient transferable stock than the latter

    3. The system will turn the highly productive investment and it will generate income for all the beneficiary people since of its birth until its death for its exclusive use, without it is transferable between people or organizations

    4. The credits are transferable to universities throughout the United States, and many students from states other than California join this effective and relatively inexpensive study abroad program

    5. make their books transferable would either have to crack the

    6. The offer has to be easily transferable to others

    7. What's more, the sales skills you learn are transferable to any other business, online or off

    8. God is one of distinguishing characteristics in power of reasoning with the work of creation such rulings; make God not transferable across other religions

    9. A transferable letter of credit can be transferred to more than one second

    10. invoice required in the transferable credit must be issued in a way to show

    11. readily transferable than the one which has just been cast aside

    12. 2) Transferable or portable skills are those you bring to a specific job

    13. This is the reason why interviewers ask, “What could you offer the company?” Transferable skills are important because companies strive to look for quality employees that would improve the development of the workforce

    14. night I rehearsed what she had told me; she was no longer the alternate succubus and starry, vision of the night before; she had given all that was transferable of her past into my keeping

    15. The perpetual preferred stocks paid dividends of 5 percent (9 percent after five years), were callable, were transferable, and had limited voting rights

    16. Where undertaken, existing shareholders are given transferable rights permitting them to subscribe to the new issue on a pro-rata basis, usually with an oversubscription privilege

    17. 75 percent notes, and were transferable upon compliance with SEC registration requirements

    18. These investors believe that management skills are transferable and react positively when a new management team enters a business, especially one that has been mismanaged

    19. The feeling they produce is not transferable

    20. The power to charter companies is not specified in the grant, and I contend is of a nature not transferable by mere implication

    21. It must also be observed, that the execution of them is so invidious as to attract toward the officers of Government the enmity of the people, which is of course transferable to the Government itself; so that, in case the State of Massachusetts should take any bold step toward resisting the execution of these laws, it is highly probable that it may calculate upon the hearty co-operation of the people of Vermont

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    Sinonimi per "transferable"

    assignable conveyable negotiable transferable transferrable movable moveable transportable valid recognised recognized interchangeable transmissible exchangeable