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    Usa "trounced" in una frase

    trounced frasi di esempio


    1. Unfortunately Danny and Annie were thrust unceremoniously into the analogue Dickensiana of real life when their father keeled over with a massive heart attack one Saturday evening while watching the family’s favourite football team being trounced by Hereford United

    2. trounced by Hereford United

    3. roundly trounced every chess opponent who had the courage to stand against him

    4. soundly the kids trounced them in routine exercises nor were their teachers happy with how often they were challenged in class

    5. trounced by a psychopath - and yes, I'm quite sure that characterization

    6. He trounced them decisively

    7. Against a top notch enemy with quality equipment, like the Nazis in 1944, his present army would have been utterly trounced

    8. In retaliation, Gerry laughingly retorted that while he may not be the greatest golfer in history, he was the master of miniature golf, and reminded them of all the times he’d soundly trounced them in that game, and without having to resort to the hilariously obvious and creative ways some of his friends have been known to cheat at this game

    9. Giggling uproariously as he soundly trounced her with his tickling fingers, Kathy gaspingly and laughingly confessed…

    10. It hovered in the damp, electric air, then came to rest on nearby plants, oncoming windshields, or back onto the pavement to be trounced once more

    11. to the finals against Washington, who trounced Dunn 9-1 later on that night

    12. Aching as if trounced upon by a score

    13. It had been a challenge to run the games while linking my thoughts to the crowded gameplex, but our synchronized Blue Devils team trounced the rival Stevenson High players

    14. He should be soundly trounced!

    15. Hauled out and forced to run, Louie was trounced, and the guards made tittering mockery of him

    16. We had spent the previous evening at Joni’s house, talking into the small hours, listening to the jazz radio station while Joni trounced us at her pool table

    17. “You’ve trounced me on the player-versus-player servers more than once

    18. The troops had hoped the revolution would mean they could go home; when they finally did launch an attack, the Germans trounced them

    19. But Old Lady, skittering quick as a gingham lizard, cornered him in a dead end, and Charlie holed up in this old hermit’s cabin and wouldn’t come out, no matter how she whammed door, window, or knothole with amber-colored fist or trounced her ritual fires, explaining to him that he was certainly her son now, all right

    20. All the highest valuation stocks trounced All Stocks over that brief period, leaving those focusing on the shorter term to think that maybe it was different this time

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