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    Usa "unaware of" in una frase

    unaware of frasi di esempio

    unaware of

    1. I know that this is not a new argument, but what is “Bravery” when used in the context of terminal il ness? I am unaware of anybody who

    2. He maintains he was totally unaware of this and is shocked that his wife of only a few years should have behaved so badly

    3. blissfully unaware of the plan, laid

    4. The dragon continued its dive, completely unaware of what had

    5. In our authenticity before God, we are unaware of our own characters

    6. each unaware of itself,

    7. She awoke and seductively stretched; unaware of the effect she had on him

    8. “Maybe the Scathers are unaware of the role they played,” said Lord Boras haughtily, “we may not need to get involved with Outsiders

    9. Yise appeared unaware of this, and chattered away gaily, pointing out

    10. ” she prattled, unaware of Mandy's rolling eyes and quiet sigh

    11. When he asked one of the nurses what a coma actually is she told him that it’s a state in which a patient is totally unaware of both themselves and their external surroundings, and they are unable to respond meaningfully to external stimuli

    12. smashed against the roof—the people that lived there were either unaware of this

    13. were unaware of the incident in the market

    14. at him, but Godfrey was still blissfully unaware of his

    15. “See? No monsters under the bed!” Monica’s Father said, blissfully unaware of the events that had taken place

    16. unaware of their Jewishness

    17. Roman sat unaware of the radioactivity floating from her body, reading a

    18. Still we remained unaware of the true horror of our

    19. If we are unaware of what is going on in the spirit we find ourselves swayed by the events of life and wondering what is going on, but as we understand the seasons we can pray, prepare, or agree with what is going on

    20. For the moment, the table seemed lifeless and still, unaware of the strange group of beings gathered around it

    21. unaware of the sensitive nature of the subject he had

    22. "We are, obviously, unaware of this list of which you speak

    23. most believers are completely unaware of it

    24. Those in Dort slept peacefully on quite unaware of what was to come

    25. Her eyes as listless as a Shal'in Ome, the middle aged woman looked ahead, unaware of the world around her

    26. Unaware of its location, the creature continued to lumber forward; possibly hoping to crush Imorbis with its massive bulk

    27. The messengers themselves, as a rule, are unaware of their own role

    28. Until now, I had been unaware of the electric blue fire at my core

    29. Meanwhile, unaware of this obituary given by the short man,

    30. “Yes, very true,” said Homer, unaware of the smiles that passed between Nerissa and

    31. She seemed to be unaware of what was going on in the world around her now

    32. and completely unaware of the impending calamity

    33. Suddenly and unaware of the words spewing from my mouth, I continued

    34. 7billion people unaware of their presence (at least the B’tari believed); struggling to fulfil their hopes, dreams, worrying about troubles that from up here seemed ever more starkly trivial set against what potential fate awaited

    35. And normally that would not be a problem: you’d simply relive your past, completely unaware of having come from the future

    36. She was thoroughly questioned about every aspect of the crime and was simply unaware of what had happened or where her husband had been for the last month

    37. She went to some of the other tables, round the corner in the pub, smiling at their occupants who were completely unaware of the developments in another part of the room

    38. The soldier, unaware of his attacker continued his assault until Saldon's massive arm wrenched him off of her

    39. She was looking out the viewports, her back to him, seemingly unaware of his presence

    40. Matter of fact, for this entire process, I was mostly unaware of the dangers that lurked just beyond the safety of Grandma’s deck-door view around the back corner of the garage

    41. The owl flew on, unaware of its narrow escape with death; a few metres lower and its chicks would have died from hunger in a cold nest

    42. Carolyn seemed unaware of her injuries, hyperventilating and whimpering like a small child

    43. Mr Waverly shook his head at his next door neighbour’s antics, then went back to tending his roses, unaware of the events unfolding across the Solent

    44. needed his aid, although he seemed to be yet unaware of this himself

    45. ‘Oh Josie! It’s not fair!’ I cried as she rushed to my side and held me in her arms, still unaware of the severity of the situation

    46. Unaware of what was happening within in the walls of the theatre, unaware of the movements, the conversations and the instructions being given and acted upon

    47. No doubt there are others that I am unaware of

    48. He could tell the man was unaware of his presence

    49. Thesa appeared unaware of his injury and smiled broadly as he looked at Brokin, nodding his head slightly in acknowledgement

    50. Unaware of the events taking place around him, Cherva held the ring of the strangely shaped egg between his teeth and pulled, his eyes widening as the clip pinged free and fell to the floor

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