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    Usa "uncontrollably" in una frase

    uncontrollably frasi di esempio


    1. He picked it up and there was a slight electric shock and his body shook uncontrollably

    2. He climbed into the tent and hid in his sleeping bag shivering uncontrollably, and it wasn't just the cold

    3. His throat burns and he gags uncontrollably, depositing bile and half digested coffee over the sill and the tarmac

    4. Tom shook uncontrollably while the other gamblers looked on

    5. Every couple of steps he would stop and shiver uncontrollably and the side of his face had swollen alarmingly

    6. Helez was on her knees crying uncontrollably, being supported by an older woman – possibly the aunt she had mentioned

    7. The floodgates of her eyes opened and she abruptly burst into tears and began sobbing uncontrollably, her shoulders shaking with grief

    8. Tears came uncontrollably

    9. He had turned it over and over in his hands and cried uncontrollably

    10. My chest tightened and I couldn’t seem to get my breath I sobbed uncontrollably and snot ran down my nose and bubbled as I cried my heart out but it went unnoticed for the moment

    11. When time is slipping uncontrollably through your fingers, it’s strange the things you relish

    12. So much had happened that his head was spinning uncontrollably, but he couldn’t let her see that

    13. He shivered, uncontrollably, and tried to wrestle with his panic

    14. She shook uncontrollably as the effects of the adrenaline rush hit her

    15. Both our hands were shaking uncontrollably as I leant over, took it from her and sat back in my chair to read it

    16. My shoulders shook as I sobbed uncontrollably, gripping her hand tightly; the sound of the machines accompanying the sound of my unhappiness

    17. even louder than Comfrey had, his heart rate reaching such a rate that it fluttered uncontrollably for a moment

    18. She broke down on cue, her sobs uncontrollably loud

    19. Even the tip of his stubby tail began to tremble uncontrollably

    20. They both started laughing, almost uncontrollably

    21. By the time Uncle Hobart dug me out, I was shivering uncontrollably and turning a very worrying shade of blue

    22. For a long moment, I just sat there, my body trembling uncontrollably

    23. I considered running, but I had nowhere to go, and I was shivering so uncontrollably I knew I couldn’t make my muscles obey

    24. His eyes watered uncontrollably, but he didn’t think he was crying

    25. She began to weep uncontrollably

    26. Kirsti was screaming uncontrollably, tossing her head backwards and forwards as she wailed, her cries so loud they hurt Conal’s ears

    27. Macey felt her stomach tighten into a knot and her body began to tremble uncontrollably

    28. The Sycler swung its attention to Lyra, who was still screaming uncontrollably

    29. In that same instant, she was tumbled onto her back as the boat surged to full power and leaped away from the barge, roaring uncontrollably into the harbor

    30. Her knees knocked uncontrollably, as she shuddered in stark terror

    31. Enilia giggled uncontrollably, and those around them began giggling and laughing too, and they desperately tried to hide it with their hands over their mouths

    32. ‖ I was shaking and sobbing uncontrollably

    33. Mirell laughed, causing Selena to shiver uncontrollably

    34. out a hysterical howl and began thrashing uncontrollably in the bed

    35. She put her arms around him and wept uncontrollably

    36. A bitter wind tore through her drenched clothes and Seko trembled uncontrollably

    37. uncontrollably, on the verge of hyperthermia, so she’d put his arm over her neck and

    38. Seko was trembling uncontrollably, but she was still semiconscious

    39. “Even my assistant was deeply moved by the relationship between you and your cat,” he said in reference to the time when I began shaking uncontrollably in an effort to suppress my laughter

    40. Then he shivered and coughed, uncontrollably

    41. I covered my face with my hands, uncontrollably sobbing, my being convulsing in Adrinius’ arms as he let go of me, releasing my body as I fell onto the floor in a slump, a defeated pile of mess

    42. While I cried uncontrollably, I felt like I had all those years before, after my Sire had ordered Jacques to take me to India following the ordeal that had befallen him

    43. saw that flames were already roaring uncontrollably throughout the living room and into

    44. Shaking uncontrollably, I lay there, trying to keep warm, but when Daniel stared

    45. He started shivering uncontrollably

    46. Talia giggled uncontrollably, though she was trying to suppress it

    47. ” She begins crying uncontrollably

    48. uncontrollably into the marsh and the situation in the streets constantly worsens" Mrs

    49. My whole body was shaking violently and uncontrollably; even my teeth were grinding

    50. I was shaking uncontrollably while my teeth chattered

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