I answered in the affirmative and Louise went on undaunted:
She stayed in the shower as long as she dared, undaunted by the cold water
Undaunted, her stepmother asked to see her hands, which were at that moment hidden in her lap
thought of the Cure, who remained undaunted
Yet the prophets of The Lord shall march free, undaunted
Including him, they were four, but undaunted, Edgar leapt from his seat
Undaunted, Leon continued: should he have such ability, he, interestingly enough, had just the check to copy
His amused expression left her undaunted
Even her lack of birth certificate left him undaunted
Being fearless and being undaunted are two different things
Undaunted, the Knights moved to engage the Falcons when the tactical officer called out, “Sir, a Condor class destroyer has just jumped in!”
Jerran was undaunted and blocked it with his staff, then fired a blast from his staff in return
The greatest of all the devils remained undaunted
The old man continued undaunted, the look and sound of authority seeming to have a similar
Determined real, ‘twould then require to heed the call that doth apply undaunted action, graced by will, until the prize to find is found
Undaunted by her mightiness, I flew directly unto Him
Undaunted, Astray faced Ghazahg with a zealous snarl
“Listen Tom,” said Gary undaunted, “Off the record, it’s common knowledge that when Brian was CN’s so called inspector…”
“What about the others?” Cathorian asked undaunted at the method of travel
Difficulty whets the ardor of the truth lover, while obstacles only challenge the exertions of the undaunted kingdom builder
He is unmoved by their threats and undaunted by their assaults
Nothing was able to tear him away from the spiritual anchorage of this fervent, sublime, and undaunted faith
And this superb faith was undaunted even by the cruel and crushing threat of an ignominious death
Whether Tempter sent, or whether tempest tossed thee here ashore, Desolate yet all undaunted, on this desert land enchanted—
made, of the undaunted efforts they have put forth, of the
Inside, Mitchell was shocked at his athletic abilities, although he maintained a natural, undaunted look that commanded respect from each eye that focused on him
Undaunted by this impenetrability, he continued, “What was your impression of them?”
She was undaunted
A magician must remain undaunted even when single-handedly confronting all of the demons in the universe
But his spirit was undaunted
Undaunted, Ackerly sang the second verse:
You are the undaunted roc which conquered the
She continued, undaunted by their reticence, "Is it simply because I am a woman and nothing more? Is that why I am ordered away?"
world and advances on his path undaunted
Scratching his head, Dionus stood before the beast undaunted
continued, undaunted by issues of animal slavery
Accordingly, Mohammad Amin sat down a short distance from the hyena, which was staring at him with green fiery eyes, and undaunted despite his dangerous situation, he looked at the animal with a steady gaze
undaunted Anne trailing close behind
Undaunted and undeterred he took the case to the Supreme Court, however, with the same negative result
’ However, he remained calm and undaunted
And for two days he has held out undaunted, and here comes our lentil soup and roast apples, so good-by
'I hear the name repeatedly,' said the man in spectacles, bowing but undaunted; 'and looking round me I ask myself where are they?'
undaunted before crowds, had given vent to mockery and
Undaunted by the terrible battle cries and ear-piercing screams of the dracolich’s army below, Cadman raced across the first section of the natural rock pathway suspended above the cavern floor
Steele, undaunted, remained as cruel and foul as ever, having gotten away with murder
results were staggering but undaunted Tim spent his next day off working out a
Carrie knew the crowd had been undaunted by
They are undaunted by large projects, because they have the knack of
Caleb always seemed so undaunted by everything that came at him
He had the tablet in one hand that rested on a knee and I slipped it out of his grasp and he let me have it, in a further sign of his undaunted trust in me
Undaunted, a couple of months
With thy undaunted armies, engineering,
This is the sort of shelf on which young wives and mothers may consent to be laid, safe from the restless fret and fever of the world, finding loyal lovers in the little sons and daughters who cling to them, undaunted by sorrow, poverty, or age, walking side by side, through fair and stormy weather, with a faithful friend, who is, in the true sense of the good old Saxon word, thèhouse-band', and learning, as Meg learned, that a woman's happiest kingdom is home, her highest honor the art of ruling it not as a queen, but as a wise wife and mother
The captain's undaunted serenity buoyed them all up against despondency
"Not yet, not yet," returned the agitated but undaunted Heyward: "the sound came from the center of the island, and it has been produced by the sight of their dead companions
"Heyward, I sicken at the sight of danger that I cannot share," said the undaunted but anxious daughter
Nobly undaunted to the last,
[*] But I, being only a little child, was terrified by this undaunted courage, which appeared to me both ferocious and senseless, and I recoiled with horror from the idea of the frightful death amidst fire and flames which probably awaited us
Davey was undaunted
I went by the water’s edge and stood with some gulls who seemed undaunted by my presence
Where the ravine opens between the cliffs, and a slender, shallow rivulet meanders out of the bushes to lose itself in the sea, the lighter was run ashore; and the two men, with a taciturn, undaunted energy, began to discharge her precious freight, carrying each ox-hide box up the bed of the rivulet beyond the bushes to a hollow place which the caving in of the soil had made below the roots of a large tree
Dreadnought’s armor stood undaunted against her enemies’ best efforts, defying full broadsides delivered from as little as a hundred yards’ range
"Splendid!" cried the undaunted Challenger, rubbing his injured arm
I could only grasp her more quickly yet, for even while she spoke the hideous plain presence stood undimmed and undaunted
`What are you going to do then? ' asked Pippin, undaunted by the wizard's bristling brows
He came to inspect them the next morning and Mrs Horsefall, undaunted, asked for a water supply; she pointed out that washing was necessary for the babies and desirable for everyone
Undaunted, she began upon a third pair
She emerged from this fantastic ordeal undaunted, and with her son fit and well
He went on undaunted, the voice black syrup again pouring thickly and slowly:
hour: his mind will be unclouded, his heart will be undaunted, his hope will be sure, his faith steadfast
The firm tower, that is Ahab; the volcano, that is Ahab; the courageous, the undaunted, and victorious fowl, that, too, is Ahab; all are Ahab; and this round gold is but the image of the rounder globe, which, like a magician's glass, to each and every man in turn but mirrors back his own mysterious self
The yards were hard up; and once more the Pequod thrust her undaunted bows into the opposing wind, for the supposed fair one had only been juggling her
It is ten thousand pities that the enthusiasm and real artistic fervor of this undaunted, farseeing manager should be shadowed by this association
Sir, in the course of my political life, it has been my duty to meet and to decide on some of the most important questions which have been agitated in our public councils, and deeply involving the best interests of our country; these duties I have performed with fidelity and without fear, and I pledge myself never to depart from that line of conduct; and, sir, at no period of my life, nor upon any occasion, have I met any question with more serious deliberation and more undaunted firmness than I do the present
When I offered you that resolution, I did hope, and I did believe, that it would have received the immediate attention and unanimous approbation of this House; that regardless of those punctilios which too often shackle the best intentions, and do injury to the best causes, and in compliance with the sentiments and feelings of the nation, we should have immediately expressed our own, thereby giving force to that expression, and have rendered that tribute which is justly due to undaunted valor, and to modest merit; that we should have declared our admiration, and the high sense we entertain of the gallant conduct of the defenders of their country's flag, and the defenders of her rights, and while we gave to some testimonials of our approbation, we should have yielded to all that which is justly due