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    Usa "unearned" in una frase

    unearned frasi di esempio


    1. The Ten of Pentacles speaks of abundance in the form of unearned money, rather than salary increases and promotions

    2. The possessors of such wealth should be accorded the major voice in the determination of the wise and effective distribution of such unearned resources

    3. He refused to prostitute his divine attributes for the purpose of acquiring unearned popularity or for gaining political prestige

    4. Now, the field of finance is the dominant source of unearned income in the open market

    5. But, what might happen if the government were the sole legal lender, and all lending activity was transacted through public banks, instead of private banks? Unearned wealth currently being siphoned by investors in the form of interest payments could be financing public programs, and combatting the ballooning national debt

    6. misery that always plays the victim and demands unearned respect

    7. April 19, 1997 was the fourth anniversary of Waco and, practically speaking, a reminder of Oklahoma City’s unearned avenging blow, as well as of the Weaver family’s loss

    8. the way of college loans, new cars, unearned family

    9. first few years' turns were in truth, unearned turns, as

    10. someday these unearned turns will have to be paid

    11. Any other kind of social status and esteem is unearned, imbalanced, and fake

    12. The magic of free money, unearned money, corrupt profit… pure greed, false security in being an employee… has been successfully sold to the entire human race How can any human on Earth be outraged at others who get richer than you

    13. Reservoirs of permanent invested wealth, with only the interest ever touched; just so his family could be guaranteed to be rich forever in perpetuity, and guaranteed token, do-nothing jobs of high status; managing their father’s unearned wealth

    14. Her own subconscious could not endure all the unearned honor that was bestowed upon her

    15. And by-the-by… also successfully corrupt a young impressionable boy: and turn him into the worst whitewashed evil filth there can be: a human who never earns what they have and steals it from others who stole it from others, who stole it from others,, etc… and the ones who actually did dig up the filthy gold, the slaves who died and the poor who slaved at making all of the wealth that Jim is bestowed with under the filthiest of filthy pirate thief ethics: finders keepers> making sure Jim will cling to his unearned treasure and live a useless easy evil life and never endure any true hardship ever…

    16. A redemptive grace unearned by anything that I’ve ever done or could do in this life to merit such redeeming favor from my Creator

    17. Does Rick feel guilty about taking this unearned, stolen money, or

    18. A bunch of unearned trophies around the house would make me hooked on awards, which is bad in general, but especially bad if you don’t deserve them

    19. You cannot use unearned income such as interest, dividends, capital gains, rental property income, pensions, or social security benefits

    20. These were contracted to pay for property additions or to meet maturing debt or—in the case of some railways—to carry unearned fixed charges

    21. ) Items 10 and 19 should also be examined to see if the earnings have been overstated by reason of inadequate maintenance or by the inclusion of unearned dividends from subsidiaries

    22. Remove short-term liabilities, such as accounts payable, compensation and benefits, other accrued items, advance payments, unearned income, and non-current deferred income taxes from the investment base

    23. -centric investor isn't like the similarly positioned British investor in the early 1900s who would have left a lot of money unearned as a result of his nation losing economic relevance due to progress elsewhere while he or she stayed invested only domestically

    24. Thus, for example, in Russia, where patriotism, in the form of love and loyalty for the faith, the Tsar, and the country, is inoculated in the masses with extraordinary tension and with the use of all the tools at the command of the governments, such as the church, the school, the press, and all kinds of solemnities, the Russian labouring classes,—one hundred millions of the Russian nation,—in spite of Russia's unearned reputation as a nation that is particularly devoted to its faith, its Tsar, and its country, are most free from the deception of patriotism and from loyalty to faith, the Tsar, and country

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