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    Usa "unfairness" in una frase

    unfairness frasi di esempio


    1. I’m starting to come out of the initial shock and can feel my temper rising at the unfairness of it all … and I’d been thinking that life was going smoothly … I should know better …

    2. “Oh the unfairness of it!”

    3. In striking unfairness, a favoured few, myself included, received permission to be present at the ceremony

    4. “Yes,” admitted Charles, “in which case, the bribes would, at least in principle, not be necessary because the project is in our collective interest, apart from the possible problem that overall unfairness results from the many projects not ‘averaging out’ across people

    5. I felt his anger for the unfairness and his guilt for his resignation

    6. It made me sad at the unfairness of the situation and anger once more rose at my mother's selfishness

    7. “NOW JUST A DAMN MINUTE!!!” Mark yelled at the top of his lungs, and a battle rage lit in him at the unfairness of the two of them being assailed by such a huge force in their first combat exercise

    8. I too have went through unfairness

    9. I was mad at the unfairness of his stupid curse,

    10. Not for him, but for myself and for Hank and Celia who were hurting as much as I, and for the whole, stupid, unfairness of it all

    11. Any portion of your inherited wealth which turns out to have been derived through fraud or unfairness, you may disburse in accordance with your convictions of justice, generosity, and restitution

    12. Pilate was so astonished at the unfairness of the whole proceeding and so impressed by Jesus' silent and masterly bearing that he decided to take the prisoner inside the hall and examine him privately

    13. She saw him as an ally who understood the unfairness and prejudices of the school system

    14. need to be very careful not to charge Him with unfairness or

    15. blind to the unfairness that our society is working to reproduce

    16. So I've found, for example, when I was coming to deal with myself, I had come to the point of a situation of forgiveness of perceived unfairness I'd felt towards my own father, see

    17. Why was she fighting so hard to continue her parents’ lies? Because she wanted Soren to love her? No, it had more to do with that she wanted to rebel against the unfairness against her

    18. unfairness and unkind treatment of the pre-

    19. He knows all about unfairness

    20. gripe about the unfairness of it

    21. It made Aesa ponder the unfairness of magic’s whims

    22. He had atrophied, petrified, gone dim and quiet and slow, and only wanting, she decided with impulsive unfairness, to avoid trouble

    23. Driven by the stress of the situation to unfairness, he remembered with a kind of bitter affection those widows who had darkened his past so soothingly before his marriage, the emotional peace their bony dustiness, their bonneted dinginess had secured him

    24. The ready unfairness, the willingness immediately to believe the worst instead of the best, astonished and shocked her

    25. And she could see the unfairness that they

    26. Well, because of PSIA's unfairness to the students and a

    27. ostensibly dubious motives of others, or the supposed unfairness of life

    28. Everyone goes on about the unfairness Galileo endured at the hands of

    29. They did this against their will; forced to compete with other species on the ground who were already genetically specialized and equipped to fill this ecological niche of scavenger/predator; they invented an artificial way to equalize the unfairness of a peaceful, harmless tree-dwelling ape forced to fight for survival against cunning savage meat eating predators

    30. ” That Biblical truth merely reflects how in all cultures, each new generation is loaded with all the responsibilities, guilt, and pain of their parent’s generation and taught to accept in resignation this fundamental unfairness, this fundamental imbalanced accumulation of unfelt, unfaced, undealt-with pain and experience

    31. And that minor sprinkling on top of this 10,000-year-old tradition has done relatively little to change its basic unfairness

    32. As a corrupted document with so many loopholes for manipulation and unfairness; that it has not slowed down the destruction of the Democracy it was supposed to uphold one bit

    33. Every progressive person would be screaming at the unfairness of that Law and pointing to the millionaires and billionaires who… somehow… Magically

    34. They will go to their graves screaming and kicking about the unfairness of not being able to steal money easily without a horrific penalty hanging over their heads if they should be caught

    35. You will still have the corrupt police precincts, the corrupt city officials, the corrupt legislators, the corrupt lawyers, the corrupt businesses, corporations and lobbyists all screaming, and kicking at the unfairness of a fair Law

    36. But when you have one person profiting a thousand-fold, and another profiting not at all: you get injustice and unfairness

    37. This puts an unbearable burden of guilt, responsibility, and unfairness on their children

    38. What is that but a cop-out? What is that but treason to your own fatherland? What is that but worshipping and flocking to the Richest Nations? If all poor people stayed in their poor countries: they would at least polarize the inhumanity and unfairness of the global system of politics so clearly; that rich people in richer countries would not be able to live with their own conscience

    39. That in itself represents a huge profit-margin unfairness

    40. Finally: there were a public outcries by the richest lower class; against their rulers about the unfairness of their taxes

    41. Once the Nobles managed to convince the poor that they were all being taxed equally according to their class, they effectively saved themselves from being strung up and killed by deflecting the basic unfairness of taxation itself, and instigating class Warfare amongst the lower classes between themselves

    42. The Nazis became infuriated at the unfairness of the United States attacking them

    43. That is the fatal spiritual killer that makes people throw up their hands and say: ‘what’s the use in asking questions? What’s the use in fighting city hall? What’s the use in struggling or complaining about unfairness or injustice?’ Then the injustices of others is cynically taken for granted, and those who rail against the system are jeered at by others as naïve fools

    44. at the unfairness of leaving everything in Carrie’s

    45. A huge monster killing millions of small growing organisms is not natural selection: it is an obscene demonstration of the unfairness of pure size, inequality

    46. The point is: the unfairness of their filthy undead unseen poisoning our Lives is not our fault

    47. Daniel 12: It is a mark of unfairness to shift words about in a text, thereby giving a new meaning

    48. You know it’s not ‘timber,’’ said Stepan Arkadyevitch, hoping by this distinction to convince Levin completely of the unfairness of his doubts

    49. For a brief moment she considered the unfairness of it all

    50. As Scarlett thought of Suellen’s secure future and the precarious one of herself and Tara, anger flamed in her at the unfairness of life

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