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    Usa "unfeigned" in una frase

    unfeigned frasi di esempio


    1. Seeing Tom’s unfeigned interest, he continued

    2. The beauty, the symmetry of it all made his smile one of unfeigned and sincere joy

    3. It spoke with unfeigned exasperation, obviously hurt by the Patriarch’s taunting:

    4. Even with all the other emotions that Alilia, Nemia and Hilsith were feeling, Markee’s obviously unfeigned and deeply affected admiration for their beauty touched their feminine hearts

    5. He cradled the girl's glossy head in the bend of his heavy arm, and kissed her full red lips with unfeigned relish

    6. Unfeigned hatred stares me in the eyes

    7. Trust should never be out dated so with Gratitude, Unselfishness, Repentance, Forgiveness and Love Unfeigned

    8. ; 24:16; 1 Timothy:1:5Now the end of the commandment is charity out of a pure heart, and of a good conscience, and of faith unfeigned:) are essential characteristics of sound mental health

    9. Having purled your souls in the obedience of the truth by means of the Spirit unto unfeigned brotherly love, out of a pure heart love one another affectionately

    10. But no one who knows English religious society will deny that there has been a considerable revolution in opinion as to the probable destiny of the ignorant idolatrous nations of the earth, and that it is the rarest event to find even an official of a Missionary Society, or the Tutor of a Missionary College, who will, when firmly pressed, declare his unfeigned assent and consent to the opinions, on this question, of his founders

    11. But in this smile there was a flash of real unfeigned feeling

    12. Jennings, perhaps satisfied with the partial justification of her forebodings which had been found in their late alarm, allowed herself to trust in his judgment, and admitted, with unfeigned joy, and soon with unequivocal cheerfulness, the probability of an entire recovery

    13. I expected Ned Land to greet this news with unfeigned satisfaction


    15. once, ‘God is on the side of the strongest battalion!’” and, turning to John Wilkes, he “I mean,” he answered, “what Napoleon—perhaps you’ve heard of him?—remarked said with courtesy that was unfeigned: “You promised to show me your library, sir

    16. Melodía knew most of it was unfeigned

    17. It was treating her like her cousins! And her thoughts flew to those absent cousins with most unfeigned and truly tender regret, that they were not at home to take their own place in the room, and have their share of a pleasure which would have been so very delightful to them

    18. While her hand was trembling under these letters, her eye running from one to the other, and her heart swelling with emotion, Crawford thus continued, with unfeigned eagerness, to express his interest in the event:

    19. While her hand was trembling under these letters, her eye running from one to the other, and her heart swelling with emotion, Crawford thus continued, with unfeigned eagerness, to express his interest in the event—

    20. They lived from the very first day in great and unfeigned harmony, jealously guarding their marriage vow, and like one soul in two bodies

    21. I heard Julian Mastakovich accept the invitation with unfeigned enthusiasm

    22. They now stood lashing their tails and growling, and displaying unfeigned wrath, but a few paces from me

    23. Resolved unanimously, That, from an unfeigned respect to the late George Clinton, Vice President of the United States, and President of the Senate, the Chair of the President of the Senate be shrouded with black during the present session; and, as a further testimony of respect for the memory of the deceased, the members of the Senate will go into mourning and wear a black crape round the left arm for thirty days

    24. Resolved, unanimously, That from an unfeigned respect to the late George Clinton, Vice President of the United States, and President of the Senate, the Speaker's chair be shrouded with black during the present session: And, as a further testimony of respect for the memory of the deceased, the members will go into mourning, and wear black crape on the left arm for thirty days

    25. Editor: It has ever been a source of unfeigned pleasure to me to observe any efforts tending to the elevation and refinement of humanity

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    Sinonimi per "unfeigned"

    genuine true unfeigned