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    Usa "unhappily" in una frase

    unhappily frasi di esempio


    1. I’m unhappily married to a freeloading spider who just squats around the web doing nothing but waste his precious energy and cost me precious sleep

    2. Senta took in the scenes in front of her and realized unhappily that she'd adopted the costume of one of the sex-slaves

    3. That is to say; they strove to supersede conventional customs and practices with quasi-nihilistic manners whose unscrupulous rejection of conscientious values ultimately created a mix of (moral/spiritual) confusion whose legacy has unhappily become a distinguishing characteristic of today‘s youth

    4. Even at a distance, I could see how unhappily he returned to

    5. Unhappily, it is not alone the entrepreneur that loses, the whole society also

    6. Unhappily, the facts prove this hard reality

    7. Unhappily, many countries fell in that trap and they are suffering humiliating moments of poverty with sale of its products and labor at miserable prices to the exterior in order to conquer credibility and to pay interests of the conquered debt with false growth

    8. Unhappily, most of that population suffers absolute misery, disease and cruel social abandonment

    9. the candlelit living room, unhappily eating the meager portion of food that had been

    10. Jerome nodded unhappily, but said nothing

    11. Unhappily, it is housed in a very old, dilapidated and extremely poorly lighted building

    12. He sighed unhappily, popped the top of the soda, and went back to his card game

    13. Unhappily, other substances than liquids were kept in the larder, among them spices, herbs, salts and peppers, so that a great cloud of stinging particles exploded suddenly around him, assaulting his eyes and nose

    14. been trained in European habits of thought are, unhappily, so familiar with

    15. “It was a stalemate, then until I showed up,” I said unhappily

    16. She stared unhappily at Chica, who was herself 67

    17. The big wolf sighed unhappily

    18. I gazed unhappily at the

    19. Don looked out of the window unhappily and shuddered at the sight

    20. Alfie nodded unhappily, confirming this to be true

    21. But, unhappily, they never seem to get beyond a certain point in their religion

    22. But unhappily this is not all

    23. Thousands, unhappily, are only Christians in name, and have nothing of real Christianity either in their hearts or lives

    24. Health, unhappily, is not contagious, but disease is

    25. So I stood up and and unhappily tapped out the rhythm with my toes

    26. Guo Yuxia raised her eyebrows and said unhappily

    27. She eyed him unhappily

    28. ”Since 9/11, many Americans have become unhappily acquainted with the terrifying, violent strain of jihad

    29. So then of course I guessed, and would have liked to comfort her, but it's difficult for a happily married woman to comfort an unhappily married one without sounding smug

    30. What would it be like to be able to stand there with Alex, arms around each other, laughing and happy? My heart burned, thumping unhappily in my chest with the realization that it was not possible

    31. In fact ever since they had been in the picturesque valley he had gone through each day, not unhappily, but almost by rote

    32. “That would bring in the masses,” he muttered unhappily

    33. thought unhappily that as soon as they became bored with

    34. You have been ordered to appear before the court and to answer to accusations of crimes," he unhappily informed him

    35. the events exaggerated; only, unhappily, the distortion

    36. I attended the wedding and unhappily wished her well

    37. Paul continued his life in Cairo with Maria and his two boys not unhappily

    38. They mumbled unhappily and I said that this enterprise was the breadwinner for all of us and they had better take good care of it while I was away

    39. ' He glanced unhappily at the photo of the respectable couple on the wall

    40. Unhappily, he wondered if the worst aspect of the crime wasn't what it did to the living

    41. Unhappily, they both shook their heads

    42. Elizabeth placed a gloved hand on top of it, and they went into the restaurant, with Katarina trailing unhappily behind

    43. In the early years of the eighteenth century the learned non-juror Henry Dodwell set forth a treatise in which he proved 'from the Scripture and the first fathers that the soul is a principle naturally mortal,’ but he unhappily burdened the doctrine of a God-given immortality with the high-church conceit that 'the soul is actually immortalised by the pleasure of God to punishment or to reward, through union with the divine baptismal spirit’—and that led him to the strictly logical result that 'the bishops alone, since the apostles, had this immortalising power’! This strange conjunction of ideas fixed the destiny of his book to oblivion; but its patristic evidence on the fundamental idea of man’s natural mortality was clearly and forcibly set forward

    44. The truth unhappily is, that these saintly men had either forgotten, or never learned, some of the principal peculiarities of Christ’s religion, and were driving hard along the road of a falsely philosophic and thence ascetic superstition

    45. Unhappily, however, up to the present time, the chief hindrance to the propagation of these ideas in England has proceeded from the less instructed representatives of that evangelical theology

    46. It has unhappily occurred several times since that each has been developed almost alone

    47. Jack was very much disappointed by his defeat and went home unhappily

    48. Many a night he vaguely and unhappily wandered there, when wine had brought no transitory gladness to him; many a dreary daybreak revealed his solitary figure lingering there, and still lingering there when the first beams of the sun brought into strong relief, removed beauties of architecture in spires of churches and lofty buildings, as perhaps the quiet time brought some sense of better things, else forgotten and unattainable, into his mind

    49. He was still confronted by the question, how could she have remained so long in that position without going out of her mind, since she could not bring herself to jump into the water? Of course he knew that Sonia's position was an exceptional case, though unhappily not unique and not infrequent, indeed; but that very exceptionalness, her tinge of education, her previous life might, one would have thought, have killed her at the first step on that revolting path

    50. The guests were still at table, and the heated and energetic conversation that prevailed betrayed the violent and vindictive passions that then agitated each dweller of the South, where unhappily, for five centuries religious strife had long given increased bitterness to the violence of party feeling

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    Sinonimi per "unhappily"

    sadly unhappily