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    Usa "unusable" in una frase

    unusable frasi di esempio


    1. Of course without the case the movement became almost unusable! However the auction ones were complete, two of each gold and silver cases and one of gunmetal

    2. “They are concerned that the reactors will be unusable in the future

    3. The men had gone from there! The boat from the fishing-smack had fetched them away!— and now both ship and boat had disappeared! The motor-boat was still there, quite unusable

    4. Once poured onto its surface the magical mixture would render the crystal unusable for its intended purpose – the freedom of the God Queen Soredamor

    5. My bronze shield still hung on the wall, dented and unusable

    6. However, whilst we have a recording of this interview, this is not admissible in any court of law as evidence, and is therefore unusable to support the exoneration of Gary David of this act

    7. Gomes explained that when the explosion happened the lead vehicle would flip backwards in the air and then he had to shoot out the second vehicle to render it unusable

    8. Their time distorter is also out of calibration and is unusable

    9. A few bombs also cratered the two landing strips, making them temporarily unusable

    10. Worse, the majority of the landing barges used by the fleet had been either sunk or shot full of holes, making them unusable

    11. “No problem, first a quick description of the Wilson strong box, it weighs approximately a hundred and ten kilo’s plus contents so it needs two men to carry it, the reason it needs two men is not only the weight factor, the slightest jar will activate the combination alarm, it also has a global positional alarm, move it away from it’s setting by as little as fifty centimetres and the contents are rendered unusable by a printers dye spray, the combination lock on the lid is a work of art, it allows for no tolerance whatsoever, one wrong number and you‘ll be neck deep in trigger happy cops before you can turn around, as for your observation that it has never been done before, when I open this one it will be the second time that it has been done, Wilson Brothers do not like to advertise the fact that their box is less than burglar proof, I estimate that I can render the alarm systems ineffectual in two and a half to three hours, we can then remove it to another location to open at our leisure, once the alarms are deactivated its only a matter of cutting it open, this should take approximately ten hours, then we help ourselves to the contents

    12. it is almost unusable on that level

    13. While satisfied by that result, Helen ordered Jennifer to prepare a second missile for the northern bridge while she made a wide circle: she wanted the bridge to be unusable for many months

    14. Their attacks destroyed nearly all the Soviet tactical airforce on the ground and rendered its airfields unusable for many days

    15. Our mightiest weapons were rendered unusable by a device they wielded from within their command posts, which remained hidden

    16. unusable and hazardous for living there; I invited Andrey and her to live in my

    17. Armed with this information, the librarian works with the CKO, knowledge managers, and knowledge workers to determine what information to archive, what to dispose of, and what to allow to become unusable though benign neglect

    18. It looked only in slightly better shape than the completely unusable bridge I had seen on the other side of the city

    19. The presence of the boulders made the land seemingly unusable for any practical purpose

    20. It has been snowing there and the runways are completely unusable

    21. In the gardens are old, abandoned cars and unusable motor-sleds, exposed to the elements and getting overgrown with weeds

    22. It can be repaired, but until then it is unusable

    23. Pat doesn't have much to do; the shots have damaged a lot of the meat, and the unusable parts will just be left here

    24. was standing solely on his once unusable leg

    25. And it is fast becoming so unusable, so incomprehensible, that people are developing a fear and hate of all modern technology

    26. These companies do not want any more lumber from these diseased natural forests because the trees there are all so full of pus-sores, open wounds, rotting dead, half-dying-half-living twisted gargoyle ugly shit unusable lumber: that now… only after 99% of the natural beauty has been destroyed, only after 90% of the natural wildlife has been destroyed: it is only recently that choose to not rape it again…

    27. These personal printers malfunction so many times more often than the old more reliable ones, that they produce hundreds of millions of tons of more wasted-misprinted paper that is unusable

    28. What made it unusable, however, was the maze of jagged rocks that jutted above and below the surface of the water at the mouth of the bay, where it narrowed between the two rocky promontories

    29. The long and short-term effect of it is that what is grown are chemically induced plant produce that is not only lacking in nutrients, it made the land unusable if not for the chemical treatments

    30. A ship's rigging would have been unusable, because all its tackle would have jammed in the grooves of the pulleys

    31. It would be unusable

    32. We have discarded the unnecessary, complex, unusable principles of options and volatility and focused only on the facts and principles necessary to meet our bottom line GOAL of making money

    33. Stress causes chemical reactions, even with shellfish (see the chapter on fish, page 109) and makes the ingredient unusable in our kitchen

    34. Displaying binary files to your screen can cause your terminal to become unusable

    35. If you notice that your PC runs great when you have a single application open, but is sluggish or unusable when you are running several charting platforms, RAM is probably the culprit

    36. She is ballasted with utilities; not altogether with unusable pig-lead and kentledge

    37. And that square package—toilet things; useless hairpins and unusable jeweled shell combs; and here, in tissue paper—oh, the forethought of Ned!—the very locks of hair of which she had shorn herself so recklessly, bound together by the hairdresser’s skill into a lustrous coil that had distinct possibilities

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    Sinonimi per "unusable"

    unserviceable unusable unuseable obsolete bankrupt