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    Usa "unused to" in una frase

    unused to frasi di esempio

    unused to

    1. conscripts, unused to the brightness, squinted

    2. I am unused to resorting to such arguments as I was perforce required to employ, yet all was well and from our initial introduction to our parting of ways was but the duration of a good stretch and yawn first exercised upon a chilly winter's morning

    3. “Permission to enter the bridge, Captain?” she said haltingly, unused to all the ship's protocols as yet

    4. I stepped down onto the platform and it seemed to be a dirty shade of grey and with the rain sweeping across in a curtain of silver droplets it was dismal and depressing I shivered for I was unused to the cold and had no greatcoat for warmth

    5. Raven was unused to seeing her out of uniform and now saw how obvious it was that she was still a child

    6. rays, and with eyes unused to light, I squinted at the sight of

    7. It was not that he was unused to being alone, or unable to survive and prosper in his own company; it just seemed almost wrong that he was not sharing the experience

    8. cross, and put it in Joseph’s unused tomb

    9. unused to having the warm running tap-water that she had in her

    10. He had not intended with his plans, spoken aloud for the first time, to rile the Lammas Lord, but perhaps Ralph was unused to him being in any way a decision-maker; he had not been so when they were together

    11. His playful butt-slaps in passing had, in the first instance been mildly amusing, being unused to such attention, but over time his growing familiarity had developed into full blown gropes

    12. Unused to European toilets and unable to find the usual more sanitary hole-in-the-floor type, desperate Arabs squatted in the showers and left them filthy

    13. The people muttered at the sight of the royal beauties writhing in the brutal hands of the iron-clad retainers—dark-eyed damsels of Poitain, slim black-haired wenches from Zamora, Zingara and Hyrkania, Brythunian girls with tousled yellow heads, all weeping with fright and shame, unused to brutality

    14. Troops unused to being at sea panicked and put on their lifebelts incorrectly; as a result, when they jumped overboard, the weight of their combat packs flipped them onto their backs, pushing their heads underwater to drown

    15. They were unused to the light of the sun

    16. Mayor King, not unused to his wife’s little screams, spoke from the next room, where he was reading the paper

    17. Bangura like an old hen, attention he was quite unused to, especially from a lady, and he explained that he was shortly to go south, probably for a long time, and that he thought he would treat himself to a good meal before he left

    18. Mrs Astley looked affronted, unused to her son being so reactive

    19. She couldn’t have known then that it had all been real and that the god of death, unused to receiving affection, would fall in love with her and follow her back to the world of the living

    20. Evidently unused to being asked for permission to go into his church, and equally evidently unused to persons passing through a village which was, for most persons, on the way to nowhere, he endeavoured with some skill to discover what I was doing there

    21. Petra, unused to being teased, clenched her fists and pushed past him

    22. She was unused to the ways of police interrogation having never been in any sort of trouble before

    23. Kindergarten teachers who spend most of their time with little pre-school children become unused to dealing with other people on an adult level simply because they have become more used to socially interacting on a child’s level

    24. The young man sat straight, unused to praise

    25. Unused to concealing what he knew, Hanor struggled to find a legitimate reason

    26. Being unused to much correspondence I eyed it suspiciously, especially

    27. ” He paused, unused to lengthy speech and his great


    29. problem, as it panned out, was that husbands who are unused to spontaneous oral sex from their wives can

    30. Immediately I thought of the newly uncovered skin unused to the rays of the sun

    31. He was quite unused to such attention

    32. Here are five of us, who are not unused to meet an enemy

    33. no need to push, for the road was downhill most of the way; so much so that they had all to help to hold back the cart, which travelled so rapidly that Bert found it difficult to keep pace with the others and frequently broke into a trot to recover lost ground, and Crass - being fleshy and bloated with beer, besides being unused to much exertion - began to perspire and soon

    34. A miserable cunt like her would be unlikely to have had a fuck for a long time and would be totally unused to guys like him, cool guys who played at this level

    35. This particular encounter had developed very quickly, but he was not unused to that either

    36. The newspapers reported it with painful prominence, one of them under the ironic headline: 'Marquis's son unused to wine'

    37. '"Marquis's Son Unused to Wine",' she quoted

    38. A letter had come to Celia which made her cry silently as she read it; and when Sir James, unused to see her in tears, asked anxiously what was the matter, she burst out in a wail such as he had never heard from her before

    39. and fierce, but they came from over the mountains, and were unused to the woods

    40. unused to cities and houses of stone

    41. The bartender seems thrown, probably unused to girls in frilly dresses asking for a shot of whisky

    42. I went to his room and stood in the doorway, looking in at the broken bed, the unused toys, the stuffed pony and other relics of the childhood my little brother never really had

    43. She was shy at first, unused to conversation with someone other than her parents

    44. submissively folded before him his thin hands, unused to work

    45. Unused to the role as he probably is, Bogardus plays the shill well

    46. Brocklehurst and his family never came near Lowood now: household matters were not scrutinised into; the cross housekeeper was gone, driven away by the fear of infection; her successor, who had been matron at the Lowton Dispensary, unused to the ways of her new abode, provided with comparative liberality

    47. Your garb and manner were restricted by rule; your air was often diffident, and altogether that of one refined by nature, but absolutely unused to society, and a good deal afraid of making herself disadvantageously conspicuous by some solecism or blunder; yet when addressed, you lifted a keen, a daring, and a glowing eye to your interlocutor’s face: there was penetration and power in each glance you gave; when plied by close questions, you found ready and round answers

    48. On the contrary, she was so totally unused to have her pleasure consulted, or to have anything take place at all in the way she could desire, that she was more disposed to wonder and rejoice in having carried her point so far, than to repine at the counteraction which followed

    49. Something arose from difference of disposition and habit: one so easily satisfied, the other so unused to endure; but still more might be imputed to difference of circumstances

    50. But she was so wholly unused to confer favours, except on the very poor, so unpractised in removing evils, or bestowing kindnesses among her equals, and so fearful of appearing to elevate herself as a great lady at home, that it took some time to determine that it would not be unbecoming in her to make such a present

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