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    Usa "upstairs" in una frase

    upstairs frasi di esempio


    1. Back upstairs, Vinnie held a portable computer which was projecting a holographic keyboard and screen

    2. “But I would have had a much easier job of it if you hadn’t opted to change the mission parameters by staying upstairs to monitor the team that I was already monitoring

    3. It takes a moment before Seamus peers over the upstairs balcony

    4. She puts me in a headlock and drags me upstairs

    5. You know, maybe one day you could show me some pointers on that machine you have upstairs,” Henry said

    6. The upstairs was completely empty; it looked like they were all still downstairs for now

    7. I can still hear the shower running as I go upstairs

    8. With that she manhandled Johnny upstairs to one of the more presentable

    9. ‘Come on, I’ll show you upstairs

    10. What's going on? The sonic war against me is getting more and more unbearable day by day and I just can't stand it any more! For some strange reason, I am surrounded by all kinds of noise pollution: Every morning, at 7:30 am, my father gets out to the yard and keeps himself busy with meaningless tinkering and hammering at pieces of wood or metal for hours! When I return from work at 4:00 in the afternoon and lie in bed so as to have a brief nap, dad goes upstairs, to Alice's half-built penthouse, and starts hammering at stuff again till 5:30 that I leave for the gym! He doesn't really repair anything, he just enjoys the noise! The yard and the penthouse are full of rusty tools, old dilapidated furniture and all kinds of junk dad finds on the road and carries home! I often complain about the noise and the piggery but he never listens; on the contrary, he swears like a trooper!

    11. room on the left upstairs

    12. Catwhiskers and Cosmicblasto both went upstairs

    13. Fred took the Jodechians upstairs and showed them the spare

    14. Kate had them carry Daniel upstairs to the guest bedroom

    15. She set candles and pots of potpourri about upstairs to put some scent into the air

    16. He heard the water running in the shower upstairs so he knew she was awake

    17. She had a tray prepared to take upstairs to

    18. The old girl in the flat upstairs starts pottering about

    19. "I'll finish this up," the splicer said, "and meet you upstairs

    20. ‘It is a long, two storey building fronting the street, with four bedrooms and some spare rooms upstairs, three living rooms and two kitchens – mother uses one for her herb concoctions

    21. 'Have a look upstairs, choose a room

    22. ’ I explained, remembering the noise which I used to get from the students upstairs

    23. Seeing what had just taken place, he picked her up and took her upstairs quickly

    24. Andrew, Jerry and Steve all came forward and took them upstairs

    25. James turned and saw her at the upstairs window

    26. I carry it back into the kitchen and rinse it under the tap, popping the Devil’s Ivy into it and taking it upstairs

    27. I took him upstairs and

    28. Loud noises could be heard coming from the room upstairs

    29. I went upstairs to the vault to look at Ali's books

    30. 'Get your books from upstairs

    31. Upstairs in the bedroom Helen Roach cowered down between the bed and wall, as far away from the sound of scratching demons as she could crawl

    32. The staircase to upstairs is out in the hall here, behind the door

    33. ‘I’ve got the information sheet upstairs

    34. 'She is upstairs, on the terrace,' he said as he let me in

    35. It’s not long before she excitedly drags me upstairs to show me the dress she’s bought for the wedding

    36. ‘There are two rooms upstairs, Tilly

    37. Ruby was waiting for him when he got back upstairs and she

    38. As I go upstairs, I hear her asking Alastair just what he’s trying to do

    39. The upstairs was in a right old state, filthy from dust and cobwebs and, in places, the rain had got in badly

    40. Who is the one and only in my life that would fire the Big Boss upstairs?

    41. From upstairs heaven is serving year-round with holy bible menus

    42. Once we have got over our initial enthusiasm at seeing each other, Dave takes my bag upstairs and dumps it in the bedroom while I take my coat off and hang it on a hook in the hallway

    43. Red Hawk is upstairs in his room

    44. disappeared upstairs and returned a few moments later with an armful

    45. Upstairs in the bedroom Helen Roach listened to the silence of

    46. “While I could never live in that even if it was upstairs in another part of the house,” Ava said

    47. ’ Hilary said as I arrive in the kitchen … Dave is still dressing upstairs

    48. Tdeshi had left some things in the house when she left for the Yakhan and most of them were still stored in the place where Yorthops was living now, the one Tdeshi had been in for a few weeks before she moved upstairs with Hyondahi

    49. Iron pillars support the upstairs mezzanine

    50. Bex swings round and looks at the specimens in the upstairs bar

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    Sinonimi per "upstairs"

    upstairs upstair on a higher floor up the stairs attic loft overhead upper higher aloft