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    Usa "urgently" in una frase

    urgently frasi di esempio


    1. He didn't answer, blew right by it urgently, "Did you say she is now living in the house with those papers?"

    2. More urgently, where is that going to leave me financially? I was counting on the rent from the house to pay for this place

    3. "Wait stop!" He banged urgently on the partition, Mirielle hurriedly raised her head as the partition slid down

    4. Teekra is speaking in Arabic - URGENTLY - into a mobile phone as she paces back and forth

    5. ’ He said urgently, more than a tinge of desperation showing in his voice ‘You’ve got to, Liz

    6. ’ I said urgently

    7. The soldier began to understand what a marvellous mobile phone this was, and he thoroughly understood why the old woman had wanted it back so urgently

    8. ” Kate urgently told him

    9. urgently, which is precisely where his old military training kicked

    10. ‘What is it?’ he whispered urgently

    11. had wanted it back so urgently

    12. Halfway round the supermarket, just as I am trying to decide between a special offer on chicken kiev and my usual escalopes, I become aware that I need the loo rather urgently

    13. “Look, we can’t wait here,” Bram said, more urgently, “We’re

    14. “How many dragons have they captured?” he asked, urgently

    15. Spelman was approached by the room's attendant and told that his daughter was without and wished urgently to speak with him

    16. ‘Not likely!’ He had replied, kissing me again, this time more urgently

    17. 'Follow him,' he said urgently

    18. As they passed they called out something urgently to him

    19. urgently to his youngest son

    20. Cure had been called away urgently to deliver the last

    21. One needed to act, urgently, things could be

    22. and told the official that he had to go somewhere urgently; so

    23. All officials to the royal court were summoned by the king to convene urgently that morning on the plain of Dura

    24. Once he arrived home he gave the stable boy instructions to have the buggy and horse hitched the following morning, in case he needed to return to the infirmary urgently

    25. They urgently needed to find and rescue Yavi – if she was still alive…

    26. “Are you okay?” he whispered, urgently

    27. When Aspen and Sebastian led their group in through the front doors of Temple, heads turned around the room and Arrows pointed, whispering urgently to each other

    28. Moments later a flashing red light mounted in the low ceiling above him began to flash urgently, with a piercing beeping tone

    29. urgently to have authority for medical consent

    30. She shifted round into a squat, her other hand on her sex still moving too hungrily, too urgently, but eventually slowing down

    31. The man wanted a meeting, urgently – a conference on a secure channel

    32. was sent urgently from Washington

    33. This message he supplemented by a further appeal one hour later, stating that the sure and speedy way to take the city was through the Bay, otherwise he would require 15,000 more men urgently, but doubted if they could be landed, since it was getting stormy

    34. The usher immediately reappeared at Brock's side, nudging him urgently when he just continued to stare open-mouthed at the empty chamber far above him

    35. "Who's there?" Soffen's light voice asked urgently

    36. Since she'd seen the stars sparkling on the horizon something had been nagging away at the back of her mind, pulling at her, tugging urgently

    37. As the sounds grew steadily louder the field mouse flicked her ears urgently

    38. Leland ran over to him at once, talking with him urgently, while Reese paced the sidelines

    39. Running over he shook the Healer urgently, shouting in her ear

    40. They reached the point where Brock's trail disappeared and Soffen cast about in frustration, her nose quivering urgently as she scented the ground

    41. She needed to get to the hospital and be re-hydrated urgently

    42. Darkburst nodded his head urgently

    43. Lowering his leg, he stared at it, then urgently parted the coarse outer hairs with a trembling claw, peering closely at the soft undercoat beneath

    44. He stroked her chin with the side of his thumb and her skin flushed, a hotness engulfing her as he kissed her again, less urgently this time

    45. Thorne kissed me again, urgently, and I stuck the end into the coal

    46. “The police,” I said urgently

    47. Urgently, cautiously, the skipper inserted a pair of pliers

    48. He knocked once, paused, then knocked again three times, the hollow metal banging echoing weakly, while the sound of ripples in the water around us made me want to pee urgently, prompting me to ask Jules:

    49. He went for his bell in order to let his aide-de-camp know he wanted some uwe urgently but before he could do that, as if by a miracle or a mind-reading ability that the Major had not exhibited so far, he saw Guighan enter through the door in a hurried fashion, stand to one side, salute briskly and click the heels of his boots tucking his sword away with his free hand

    50. Why did it seem to call to him so urgently? The memory of the visions haunted him from the time that he had closed his eyes

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    Sinonimi per "urgently"

    desperately urgently