Usa "urinate" in una frase
urinate frasi di esempio
1. "Excuse me, I have to go urinate in a cup," he whispered to them, then turned
2. seen, they’d pull out their private parts and urinate in the
3. Then the dark priest put down the book, pulled his robes aside and started to urinate on the two bound bodies
4. That alone was enough for many: they would urinate where they sat and readily give up their mothers if asked to
5. animals and can actually encourage them to urinate on those spots!
6. will usually urinate on his face, including the beard and front legs
7. They’re stronger, and more bulky than werewolves, and they urinate while -”
8. This is how it works – when you want to urinate and for whatever
9. Babies are screaming hysterically and people urinate on themselves
10. And, yes, that’s true: if you urinate 15
11. their beds when we stepped outside to urinate, alert to where we
12. To determine this, the child is asked to hold urine for as long as possible and then have whatever urine is produced measured (often this is done by having the child urinate into a container so that the urine can be measured)
13. Speaking frankly of body parts and processes can help, as can explaining frankly how the body creates urine and what happens when people wake up in time or don’t wake up in time to urinate
14. Therefore, to urinate I have to insert a catheter into my penis to my bladder each and every time I have to void my bladder (usually 6 to 10 times daily depending on fluid intake, but due to persistent infection and infection protocol I am supposed to increase fluid intake)
15. He apparently intended to urinate and then I began to pray to God that the urine thread coming had a different path from my head
16. And, yes, that’s true: if you urinate 15 times a
17. He left the truck door open as he slid out and started toward the rear of the pickup to urinate
18. Her hands are shaking and she realises the pain in her stomach is due to the need to urinate
19. Rugged walks over to a wall to urinate, “Damn idiots, every tomb is supposedly cursed and they call themselves treasure hunters?” he mumbled to himself
20. Victims have been known to urinate, defecate or vomit
21. Since the last time that he had gone out into the street to propose a war without any future to Colonel Geri-neldo Márquez, he left the workshop only to urinate under the chestnut tree
22. brushed his dripping mustache with his fingers, and went to urinate in the courtyard
23. “Cook some meat and fish, buy the largest turtles around, let strangers come and spread their mats in the corners and urinate in the rose bushes and sit down to eat as many times as they want and belch and rant and muddy everything with their boots, and let them do whatever they want to us, because that’s the only way to drive off rain
24. sometimes awakened in the middle of their sleep to urinate
25. some form of spit-up, and the baby should void (urinate) clear,
26. on a higher level were to defecate, urinate, bleed, or vomit, it
27. When cats start to urinate around the house there are several reasons why, the
28. from my body I felt an urge to urinate
29. Sylvie’s first order of business was to show them a bathroom and make the children understand as best she could tell them with words and signs that only a toilet was the proper place to urinate and defecate
30. And, yes, that"s true: if you urinate 15 times a day, you"re physically going to
31. “He could urinate on your carrots,” Halfshaft pointed out
32. “It was either that or urinate on you, and I thought this was the lesser of
33. However, soon after getting to his feet, he felt a sudden urge to urinate
34. A male standing in the bathroom could urinate while admiring the landscape outside
35. He stood outside the tent, fully intending to urinate
36. to the shoulder, pulled down her pants and squatted to urinate
37. “I’ve stood on my own two feet to urinate for more than 70 years,” it resonated
38. Just as I said that, one of the vets who was in the penalty box stood up, started reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, dropped his pants, and started to urinate on the floor
39. It amazed her she had not thought of it before, but after nearly twenty-four hours of uncomfortable captivity the urge to urinate was inescapable
40. Fred felt he had to urinate, and so he did (there was nobody in sight anywhere), over the edge of the cliff
41. · Urge incontinence is having the “urge” to urinate but without achieving full evacuation of the bladder which leads to leakage
42. · Stress incontinence is a result of decreased sphincter tone; coughing and sneezing can cause individual to urinate
43. Why not New England by the sea, where she was born, where salt winds could spiral over the name PLATH etched in her native stone? I had an uncontrollable urge to urinate and imagined spilling a small stream, some part of me wanting her to feel that proximate human warmth
44. He’d wander over to a corner of the garage in the middle of a song, unzip, and urinate in an old paint-can, still shouting into his microphone
45. I had a sudden urge to urinate
46. He became aware of his new milieu only at dusk, as they were sailing past the hamlet of Calamar, when he went to the stern to urinate and saw, through the opening in the toilet, the gigantic paddle wheel turning under his feet with a volcanic display of foam and steam
47. The chance of this happening is remote but the consequences could be dire! Cover your genitals and don’t urinate in the water
48. If you must urinate do it in short, sharp spurts and allow it to dissipate between spurts
1. The little dog cocked his leg and urinated against a large potted aspidistra before turning to the old man and saying, "That's five thousand Bonios you owe me
2. Life is measured in seconds and right now Stevie wants more of them, a lot more, and for the first time since he urinated, he feels as though he might have a chance
3. She was constantly thirsty, although she filled her water bottle whenever she could, water butts, streams and even puddles, but she knew that she was slowly dehydrating, her heartbeat was up, she hadn’t urinated for over six hours and her mouth and lips were constantly dry
4. Then they’d promptly drawn a line in the sand, stood in a row behind it and urinated – in her direction
5. They’d measured the distance to see who had urinated the furthest
6. I sniffed to see if either had urinated in the room, but it seemed fresh
7. The beast was excreting a terrible stench, and it urinated on the ground as it gaped at me
8. She was on the verge of victory, having penetrated so deeply into his autonomous functions that he urinated involuntarily, before he turned the tide and forced her out of his mind
9. that those grain devouring bastards urinated and defecated on the
10. " He leaned over the edge and urinated down the wall
11. One day, having run out of any interesting poisons, Gregory grabbed a week old banana ice cream float out of the refrigerator, urinated into it, added some of his mother’s cigarette butts, put the mess in a bowl, and fed it to the near-to-starving rat, who was also near-to-dying and grateful for one last disgusting meal
12. Casually sniffing the dead moccasin JY lifted his leg and urinated on the swollen carcass, scratching a few powerful strokes in the sand before trotting back to Sam
13. Wishing he had urinated before doing this he opens the door and steps out onto the road
14. Feeling tense and nervous, with his stomach appearing to be filled with butterflies and really wishing he had urinated, he opens Suzy's front gate
15. Referring back to the woman who urinated on her underwear
16. her zipper, repositioned her panties, and then urinated on the
17. Fernanda had to swallow her scruples and their guests of the worst sort like kings as they muddied the porch with their boots, urinated in the garden
18. On another day the nuns got all excited because Colonel Aureliano Buendía had urinated under the chestnut tree without being concerned that the schoolgirls were in the courtyard
19. Then he went to the chestnut tree, thinking about the circus, and while he urinated he tried to keep on thinking about the circus, but he could no longer find the memory
20. jumped up on her couch, urinated all over it, and then
21. The couch the poor dog had urinated all over
22. defecated and urinated in the area they were in
23. He dropped his pants and underwear then urinated
24. He spontaneously defecated and urinated
25. A short while later the Beagle urinated, then pooped
26. Afterwards, he unzipped his zipper then urinated on the
27. First, Sean urinated on the interior carpet
28. The terrified toy dog defecated, urinated then puked his
29. Apparently, I'd defecated and urinated on the canvass
30. • Make sure you thoroughly clean all areas that the cat has pooped or urinated on
31. Chip pooped, urinated then decided to spit on the big boys
32. Also, I urinated and defecated
33. As soon as I reached the forested area, I urinated until my
34. He urinated with incredible force
35. Taking note of where the cave was, he urinated next to the
36. Instead we writhed and wriggled and gasped and choked and vomited and cried and urinated and, upon realizing our tears and vomit and urine were the closest thing to fresh liquid on the planet, we began collecting it like raindrops in the Sahara and trying to get it back into the wretched dust bags our bodies were becoming
37. Daddy would laughingly recount to me of the time I stood there and urinated upon the farmhouse
38. urinated around the area, marking his territory again
39. He had urinated in his trousers as he clung to the tree, realizing
40. Ravan was only rarely allowed out, sometimes to relieve himself, but more frequently he simply urinated from between the rails
41. Chuck walked up to the table of Packers fans and looked directly at the guy who’d urinated on Frank
42. He and our driver slept in the truck cabin, ate from a miserable canteen and urinated and defecated in the desert for they were not allowed to use the filthy customs toilets
43. urinated on a clump of rough grass, marking his territory
44. I remembered Albert asking me how many times I urinated each day when I’d first met him
45. At Stephen's suggestion, at Bloom's instigation both, first Stephen, then Bloom, in penumbra urinated, their sides contiguous, their organs of micturition reciprocally rendered invisible by manual circumposition, their gazes, first Bloom's, then Stephen's, elevated to the projected luminous and semiluminous shadow
46. ” He urinated on the ground, picked up a handful of the resulting mud, and plastered it over the wound
1. They can leak if a child urinates a larger amount, but 33
2. He urinates all over the place
3. Neumann Two wakes and urinates out the door and takes the pillbox from his coat and swallows two or three more tablets
1. It occurred to me that even if I could summon the strength to stand then the act of urinating in complete darkness would probably be a mistake
2. ?" Alec replied pointing at the urinating statue
3. The other method that had limited success was to kick it away, and I had heard of some urinating on a canister but never witnessed that
4. That meant forming a circle and urinating on them to cool their core temperature down or anyway that was the intention
5. I cannot properly imagine any animal, however, carried away by such distractions or driven to shame over some indecorous display like copulating in a public area, for example or urinating in someone‘s back yard
6. squatting and urinating, and the buck will place his nose in her urine
7. Urinating: Pressure relieved by repenting of sin for self or others; strong desire; tempted to sin
8. child thanked Doc for the rescue by urinating all over him
9. children play or urinating in the street, you are seeing your tax dollars at work and the end result of the vision of the Socialists
10. Someone was urinating
11. Side effects of TCAs include increased heart rate, blurred vision, difficulty urinating, dry mouth,
12. ’ Titus stood urinating in the direction of the figures still approaching
13. Ask your child if he or she dreams that she is urinating on the nights when he or she wets the bed
14. She knew the person with the camera! When he was urinating on her she noticed the same small, diamond-shaped birthmark at the base of his penis that she’d observed when rolling the condom on Zeno the night he’d fucked her! His DNA would be in the urine-soaked mattress
15. ‘And we like you too Ishbel,’ Peteru responded, deciding that as she was obviously deranged and dangerously violent it would be unwise to remind her that she’d been urinating on him only that morning
16. Urinating in the outdoors is relatively eco-friendly, as long as it’s not done anywhere near a camp, trail, body of water or on a plant
17. htm The Cat Peed WHERE? How to Stop Cats from Urinating
18. and sensitivity, excessive biting and/or urinating, and a
19. They unzipped their flies and started urinating on her, aiming to see who could fill her mouth
20. -Laboured and/or painful urinating; infections
21. Then he came to the realization that he felt like urinating and he had been putting it off until he had finished fixing the little fish
22. urinating, he farted seven times
23. I was urinating on a tree
24. The man finished urinating, zipped up his zipper and then
25. But after a week of urinating on the hour or sometimes more often, I
26. “It could have been worse,” remarked Rod casually, urinating against the wall as if in approval
27. You might have a pain when urinating but you probably would not notice that you had passed something that could be as tiny as a grain of sand
28. But think about this—if one can get fined for public nudity and indecent exposure by urinating in public, what harm would it do to allow localities to issue misdemeanor fines for a range of behaviors considered by a reasonable person to be indecent? That is probably the best we can do here, but it does mean that communities who strongly believe in sex and sexuality as a private matter can fine those who go outside the line
29. Quickly the female passenger who was urinating in the grass
30. I didn’t think he was in danger of drowning while urinating! Toilet monsters that grab you by the wang and pull you down to a horrifying death-by-piss haven’t exactly been my major concern since preschool
31. It approached Ahmed while defecating, urinating and exuding vile smelling excretions
32. The dead and the living fastened together jammed into spaces barely enough to lie on one’s side…eating, sleeping, urinating, defecating, giving birth, going insane, horror and pain for the nearly eight week horrendous voyage…fresh air excluded, stench of death and disease exuded throughout the cabin…excessive heat, floor covered with blood and mucous, the motion of the traveling slaughterhouse caused skin and flesh to be rubbed off completely, rendering bones bare… The galling of chains a con¬stant refrain and reminder of slavery’s cruelty… co¬pious perspiration made air unfit for respiration…Preferring death to this life of misery, jumping overboard to escape death at the hands of an en¬emy… The Transatlantic and watery graves, but those who survived became chained up slaves, yet the royalty remains
33. The dead and the living fastened together jammed into spaces barely enough to lie on one’s side…eating, sleeping, urinating, defecating, giving birth, going insane, horror and pain for the nearly eight week horrendous voyage…fresh air excluded, stench of death and disease exuded throughout the cabin…excessive heat, floor covered with blood and mucous, the motion of the traveling slaughterhouse caused skin and flesh to be rubbed off completely, rendering bones bare… The galling of chains a constant refrain and reminder of slavery’s cruelty… copious perspiration made air unfit for respiration…Preferring death to this life of misery, jumping overboard to escape death at the hands of an enemy… The Transatlantic and watery graves, but those who survived became chained up slaves, yet the royalty remains
34. After the summer bustle, Lea started painting again and occasionally Stratos accompanied her on her hikes to mountaintops and villages, to barns and hovels to paint a shrunken, wrinkled old woman, a dog or a villager urinating on a tree
35. Phil and I are having in our relationship, not talk about urinating on rodents
36. “Pardon my question,” asked Albert, “but how many times are you urinating a day in this heat?”
37. Aiden at the cemetery, urinating on the tombstone of Holden VI
38. Urinating into the sixth-floor toilet
39. It is reported to be able to swim up the urethra of a person urinating in the water—where it gets stuck by its dorsal spine