Usa "verso" in una frase
verso frasi di esempio
1. When a verse is stressed on the final syllable, it is calleda verso agudo or masculine verse
2. When a verse is stressed on the next to the last syllable, itis called a verso llano or feminine
3. When a verse is stressed on the second from the last syllable,the antepenult, it is called a verso
4. In the case of the verso agudo, where
5. syllables in a verso esdrújulo
6. The third is a verso agudo
7. Verso de romance, printed in the form of cuartetas;assonance in á-a
8. Londres, Verso, 1999
9. For instance, Gérôme's "Pollice Verso" expresses, not so much horror at what is being perpetrated as attraction by the beauty of the spectacle