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    Usa "vertebra" in una frase

    vertebra frasi di esempio


    1. I won’t bore readers with the long story of my recovery, which I suppose has been covered by lots of other writers, (or old soldiers,) but it is probably important to say that I suffered three crushed vertebra in my back, a really badly sprained knee; a broken finger, major concussion; (in two different places!) and two Spandau bullets through the upper legs

    2. They wanted to fuse his vertebra, encase his spine in a plastic tube, and pour some kind of concrete in there

    3. One vertebra higher, and I’d have died in moments

    4. I licked around its small vertebra wishing for more when I heard something behind me

    5. commonly affecting the 5th lumbar vertebra or L5

    6. Spondylolisthesis is slippage of the vertebra

    7. slipping of a vertebra that was already affected by spondylolysis, or a

    8. vertebra that slips for other reasons

    9. The result is that parts of the spine (the vertebra) can slip out of position

    10. This happens because the slipped vertebra

    11. This is especially likely if pain is severe or if the slipped vertebra is found to be compressing the spinal

    12. , to create a solid joint between the vertebra that had

    13. Legend has it that every chink on his cutlass is where it has struck a vertebra

    14. When the Oogie took it’s head into both its hands and twisted it in both directions- the children’s mouths dropped open when the vertebra in the Oogie’s neck began cracking and popping, sounding as if it was breaking

    15. Then we flip you over, take your atlas bone,’ he touched the back of Jacob’s neck with a hand cold as a tomb, ‘your first cervical vertebra

    16. When near to the floor, try to send the deep breathing into to the ribs cage, feel the breathing expanding the sides of the ribs and getting into the throat chakra (visualize an air balloon on the rib cage and throat expanding in the breathing in and contracting in the breathing out), start breathing out thought the mouth while rolling back up, uncurling the spine slowly and moving one vertebra at the time (first the lower back, second middle back, after that the upper back, neck and the last thing to come back is the head, neck & chin)

    17. boundary trunk goes on the side of vertebra as a set of nodes, formed by

    18. tivate and the lower back vertebra gets traumatised because of the too

    19. are easily treated by a manual therapy, by resetting vertebra, and in a

    20. he found another additional vertebra, they would have made him a commander

    21. It went right on through the heart, terminating in thoracic vertebra number four

    22. Goldman pointed out that my first bullet had gone through Sam’s abdominal cavity, lodging in his thoracic vertebra number eight, where it still remained

    23. Hussey wore a polished necklace of codfish vertebra; and Hosea Hussey had his account books bound in superior old shark-skin

    24. His cranial cavity is continuous with the first neck-vertebra; and in that vertebra the bottom of the spinal canal will measure ten inches across, being eight in height, and of a triangular figure with the base downwards

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