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    Usa "vest" in una frase

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    1. " A small, wiry man with sleeve tattoos and a vest didn't turn around as he spoke

    2. He was wearing a wife-beater vest with Flash Harry pin-stripe pants and city trader suspenders hanging down from his waist

    3. baseball cap, wearing a loose vest

    4. The builder of boats wipes hard skin across his vest

    5. A DJ, his muscles flexing in a white string vest

    6. in case anyone sees her Winnie-the-Pooh knickers and vest,

    7. Milk Wood and badgers in his vest

    8. ” The grocer nodded in agreement, muttered something about 'probably should make sure,' put his keys in his vest pocket and shuffled quickly toward his own home not far away

    9. There, hanging in the compartment, was something they had not made themselves: a new charcoal black sack suit and vest and two linen shirts from the village haberdashery

    10. He fiddled nervously with the watch and fob with its attendant key in his vest pocket while he waited on the platform with the few other travelers

    11. Each in turn removed from under her vest an envelope and placed it into his hand, kissed him on the nearest cheek and backed slowly to join their parents under the platform lamps in a final wave of farewell

    12. ' She said it, I'm sure, half convinced it was her own idea! I about split my vest holding back my laughter at that

    13. ” They watched the emphatic hands and urgent manner of a man in a vest and shirt-sleeves across the street apparently offending the meticulously dressed gentleman and woman in front of him, as neither of them seemed to be the least bit sympathetic to his cause

    14. Spelman gave them a brief outline of his several destinations on the first leg of his journey and kept the bulk of his itinerary for his own travels close to his vest

    15. ” Harry began to respond, but Lawrence went on, he reached into his vest pocket and laid a familiar folded tradesman's knife on the side table between them

    16. “Lawrence wished me to give this to you,” and he produced a tradesman's knife from his vest pocket and put it into Harry's hand

    17. grenade from my vest

    18. He took off his vest and shirt, then removed his shoes and stockings

    19. Harry handed me the arrow still balanced and beribboned on his finger, and went to put his shirt and vest, shoes and socks back on

    20. To her surprise, Harry reached into his vest pocket and produced a well-rubbed cigar band

    21. He wore a leather vest that was fastened at his neck with a thick fiber cord

    22. He then went to the lifeless magician, took the lamp out of his vest, and bade the genie carry the palace and all in it back to China and then take the magician to the darkest dungeon in chains

    23. Willow wore a black satin pencil skirt with a white blouse and a black vest

    24. Russell was already pulling away from the curb as Sebastian began ripping open Aspen’s vest and tearing off pieces of his own t-shirt to dress her injuries

    25. The plated Kevlar vest, easily twice as durable as a solid plate according to

    26. Even now, in military grade boots, winter fatigues and a Kevlar vest I was

    27. range the bulletproof vest the man wore proved as much use as a paper tea-towel

    28. One who kills innocents in order to advance his cause, quite often blowing himself up in an explosive-packed vest

    29. “You have to promise me you’ll play this close to the vest

    30. Maldynado set down his saber and shrugged into a pristine padded vest and grabbed a monogrammed helmet

    31. I believe many policemen are now trained to aim for the head to avoid the bullet proof vest some criminals wear

    32. ” He was not unfriendly, but he was playing his cards close to the vest

    33. Another dispute we had was over whether a man could remain upright when shot wearing a bullet proof vest, and that question was settled by shooting a volunteer

    34. Once Keela had her diaper changed, a fresh vest and her sunhat on, I took her to the tower clock and stood by it for a while

    35. Clearly, the later, a man of slight proportions, wearing glasses and a vest with many pockets was confused and uncomfortable as they approached – that was a good sign, wasn’t it? Gawking at the approaching women, he pulled himself to his feet in the narrow space between chair and table

    36. Frank left the shop with a pair of expensive Nikes, some shorts and a running vest, all neatly packed into a new rucksack

    37. That home-made vest with shirt-type pockets up high, with their fake pearl buttons, was Big Frank’s distinctive trademark

    38. And of course that home-made navy-blue vest with the fake pearl shirt buttons

    39. Cal reached into his vest and produced a small gray feather

    40. He was now stripped naked to the waist, the heat and humidity insufferable to bear with his leather vest and chain mail underneath

    41. As her mind tried to orientate herself, a smiling old man in a luxurious servant’s suit complete with velvet vest came down the stairs to greet her

    42. The Pilgrim woke him up with a jolt to his sides, and a tug at his vest

    43. One quick squeeze on the throttle trigger gave a burst of power that sent Brownie lurching backwards, gripping tightly to the back of LP's vest

    44. Another one was holding a vest with a red cross painted on it

    45. The leather from his vest held the arrow in place

    46. Stefan stepped forward to offer his hand to Colling, and for the first time, Colling noticed the red enameled star pinned to the lapel of the man’s vest

    47. He was sporting leather pants, a leather vest, and had no shirt underneath

    48. There was a big cat black with a white vest and white boots named Chelin

    49. “A bulletproof vest? If that’s not soldier shit, then I’m the richest kid in the States

    50. He talked of the shaman who wore a brilliant feather vest

    1. You might have switched jobs too often to try and accumulate a healthy vested retirement nest egg

    2. Take away the vested interest and you are left with the ability to truly hear

    3. ‘Leave me out if it, Dave, I have a vested interest in keeping her on my side

    4. of protecting our vested interests

    5. vested interest in one of them - but which one, and what

    6. who have a vested interest in perpetuating the fear

    7. should they, when they have no vested interest in you other than being

    8. When the Dutch, in the beginning of the last century, began to encroach upon them, they vested their whole East India commerce in an exclusive company

    9. Clearly, you are not the only one with vested interest in seeing both her and her brother restored to their family unharmed

    10. Conversely, people who make huge donations without a vested interest i

    11. But it’s worth remembering the vested interests

    12. 44), not only Senegal and its dependencies, but the whole coast, from the port of Sallee, in South Barbary, to Cape Rouge, was exempted from the jurisdiction of that company, was vested in the crown, and the trade to it declared free to all his majesty's subjects

    13. Their affairs continued to go gradually to decline, till at last, being in every respect a bankrupt company, they were dissolved by act of parliament, and their forts and garrisons vested in the present regulated company of merchants trading to Africa

    14. By a negligence in the expression of the act of parliament, which vested the East India trade in the subscribers to this loan of two millions, it did not appear evident that they were all obliged to unite into a joint stock

    15. Authority is vested in you to make acting appointments to fill any vacancies which may occur

    16. No vested choir stood ready to march triumphantly chanting into the

    17. disproportionately in relation to its vested interests and (the) concerns of majority opinion, throw their weight around

    18. The American People have historically supported the argument that in the event of a national or catastrophic emergency, the Office of the Presidency should be vested with unusual or extraordinary powers or, in time of war, (―unlimited‖) wartime powers, in order to facilitate effective leadership unencumbered by political (party) partisanship

    19. ‖ Cold-Blooded as this may sound, parents have a vested interest in the future success of their children; especially parents who have dedicated a great deal of time, emotional capital and… money, on their children‘s spiritual, moral and intellectual development

    20. Our Creator has a vested ―interest‖ in His Creation for whose (spiritual) well-being He has not left nothing owing to Chance; for creation remains, in its fullest measure, an extension of the creator, encompassing all that is considered good, for no one willingly creates something that he or she would otherwise consider unworthy of his or her (creative) efforts or without some (ultimate) purpose in mind

    21. A ―probable‖ law is probable inasmuch as it remains subject to ―proof;‖ that is to say, until it is validated by common practices and/or legal interpretations by legal authorities consisting of nonelected men and women appointed to our nation‘s highest courts who remain unaccountable to the American People; subject to contingent legalities that directly affect them and whose ―definitive‖ arguments are (oftentimes) subject to change as the ideological alignment of the courts may vary thereby overriding legislative authority vested by the people to sanction laws by rendering elastic, interpretations of (uncertain) legal propositions and subsequent laws of the land, thereby setting themselves up in a uncertain manner as supreme arbiters of the law

    22. Such impressions, (oftentimes) guided by (opportunistic) political and social ―leaders‖ harboring a vested interest in maintaining the status quo in order to consolidate their political power base by forging racial alliances designed to sever popular accord, are unlikely to change anytime soon in the absence of alternative, more creditable viewpoints

    23. Modern Society is in the throes of a revolutionary Revolt of Conscience; the solitary by-product of moral and intellectual parochialism that is gradually revealing itself in the vested self-interest(s) and manners of unbridled Individualism that has undermined equalitarian idealism, that once defined the national culture, by rendering every individual the sole arbiter of his or her own conscience and ensuing choices without giving proper pause to how such choices may otherwise impact, for better or for worse, other individuals or to a transcendent authority that each must (inevitably) be held accountable; that is to say, whose (social) consequences existing outside the provincial boundaries of that individual‘s (own) estate are no longer limited by (moral) restraint or prescribed rules of moral and ethical conduct but conditioned rather by circumventing designs contrary to the proportionate interests of a well-ordered society

    24. Sophisticated Americans, or those who fancy themselves as such, may oftentimes try to imitate or adopt European manners without quite succeeding in pulling it off; much in the manner of a saloon girl vested in all the gaudy trimmings feigning respectability at the opera house!

    25. I am not convinced, however, that the party‘s (so-called) failure was due entirely to an absence of Will, although some Republicans have arguably abandoned the good fight over ―divisive‖ issues that many perceive might otherwise jeopardize their political standing among moderate or left-leaning voters, but rather to a concentration of judicial/political power vested in our nation‘s courts and among its political supporters who, until quite recently, enjoyed large majorities in both Houses of Congress

    26. Such individuals will always be tempted, as some of us are, by the underlying current(s) vested in political power

    27. Teams vested up

    28. Besides, it terrorizes the citizens with high duties tributary, high interests and diversity of laws that suppress vested rights with inhospitable economic actions as justification of stabilizing the economy or fear of international economic retaliation

    29. 44 million inhabitants, it also generates the income that puts an end to vicious cycle of poverty and of the social abandonment, turning the sovereign and independent country, without hurting vested rights

    30. It benefits all, it preserves the vested rights and it attends the necessities in quality and sufficiency of resources in a definitive way, without excluding absolutely anybody (seniors, children, adults, people with physical deficiencies, sick persons and others)

    31. The church must formulate a new bible, comprised of her own liturgy, faith confessions and convictions, written by her preachers and prophets, politically and socially correct with its fundamental base vested in the protection of human rights, choices and free will

    32. Always seek out independent opinions that are divorced from vested interests

    33. It is vital to engage an independent party free of vested interest; with consultants remember to

    34. do they have a vested interest in helping you become a success—give you the very best money making tools

    35. ” What Lomborg has revealed, Ridley concludes, is “a narrow but lucrative industry of environmental fund-raising that has a vested interest in claims of alarmism

    36. Or do they dread being judged racists, bigots, or homophobes if they insist on objectivity in reporting news that might offend vested interests intolerant of criticism? Or, Seligman wonders, are the top editors simply fearful of standing up to “the new militants in the newsroom?” McGowen’s book, says Seligman, leaves the impression that media managers are

    37. It means you have no vested in-

    38. It is only when you have a vested interest

    39. Section 1: All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate

    40. It states that all powers not vested to the Federal Government is reserved for the States and their citizens

    41. executive power was vested in two consuls, who were elected by the Comitia Centuriata every year

    42. 5 In a utopia, there will be no impetus to innovate; on the contrary, vested interests will exert a strong and continuous force in favor of the status quo

    43. The power is vested in the office of the ruler, to be used or abused at his will

    44. He was a middle-aged man with twenty years vested in crime fighting, and he was married to being a detective—to being the best detective on the force

    45. Aleator wouldn’t get involved, not because the Harbinger was too powerful to deal with—which it was, but because someone on the station had a vested interest in Raidan’s welfare, or more likely, Raidan’s money

    46. You will learn that these Controlling Artists have a vested interest in trying to control you, for in this manner they can maximise the volume of life's pleasures which come their way

    47. This is simply holding an opinion because you have a vested interest in the outcome and not because you believe it to be true

    48. The Initiate knows that many laws are sensible, many are simply there to protect the status quo or the vested interests of powerful people, and yet others are simply outdated, stupid or irrelevant

    49. In this case, the payoff is more complex: i) In the case of the government, they have a vested interest in keeping as many tame, drug-free, consumer/producers in the system as possible

    50. He had a vested interest in some ways as he was attracted to Michael’s mother and took every opportunity to make contact with her

    1. He was not fond of concelebration, of vesting in special garb and standing in the sanctuary with the other clergy

    2. vesting began in the cooler parts of the continent

    3. It is possible to protect your home from creditors by vesting the title with a trust account

    4. Any other mode of vesting property which was found to be more advantageous, would in time acquire the same basis of right; 'the most useful,' in Plato's words, 'would be the most sacred

    5. In our opinion—given a sufficiently simple debt structure—the best remedy for all injuries suffered by bondholders is the immediate vesting in them of voting control over the corporation, together with an adequate mechanism to assure the intelligent exercise of such control

    6. Integrated also had a creative stock-bonus incentive plan: When grantors exercised the stock option, they paid 5 percent in cash and the balance in installments over the vesting period

    7. What do we understand by regulating commerce? Where do you expect to find regulations of commerce? Will any man look for them any where else than in your treaties with foreign nations, and in your statutes regulating your custom-houses and custom-house officers? What are the reasons for vesting Congress with the right to regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several States? The commerce of a nation is a matter of the greatest importance in all civilized countries

    8. Lloyd) has said that the original law, establishing the bank, was justly liable to the objection of vesting in that institution an exclusive privilege, the faith of the Government being pledged that no other bank should be authorized during its existence

    9. He had confidence in the discretion of the Committee of Foreign Relations, but the vesting such a power in the committee might be considered as an instruction by the House to proceed under any circumstances to bring Mr

    10. Is there no difference between protecting an existing right, and taking away a right from one party for the purpose of vesting it in another party? The States composing the Union are now entitled to the benefit of Whitney's invention, and may make whatever regulations concerning it, within their territorial limits, they please

    11. The engrossed bill "vesting the power of retaliation in the President of the United States in certain cases," was read a third time

    1. and the dull thud of lead on bullet proof vests

    2. Each wore Lady Hadleigh vests to match the skirts

    3. I stared at Romans dressed in heavy metal helmets and vests

    4. Yellow stains marked the armpits of the vests and several sported dried blood spatters

    5. Since bullet-proof vests were unheard of, except for in movies, the chest area made rather nice large target yielding reasonable results for our hollow point bullets

    6. Larkey unhooked the ropes, grabbed the oar, and began rowing for her and Longleaf’s lives, stopping only to tie life vests around the pair of them

    7. As said we never had bullet proof vests

    8. We never had bullet proof vests by the way—those came after my time

    9. Many doctors and other clinic workers live under siege, often having to use survival tactics not so different from politicians fearing assassination such as wearing bullet proof vests, checking for bombs in their mail, and constantly altering their travel routes

    10. Another day, she and a group of fellow tourists donned helmets and life vests to ride the wildly exciting white water rapids of Rio Reventazon she had seen from above

    11. “No helmets? Kevlar vests? Padding on the legs and shoulders? Any sort of protection or armor whatsoever?”

    12. They wore leather vests with no shirts beneath them

    13. feather vests or headdresses used in the ceremonies

    14. A rescue official told news reporters that the cold Lake Superior water is never safe, and life vests should always be used by swimmers and boaters (Hamilton, “Boy Missing…,” 2005)

    15. Priest vests in surplice and white stole

    16. The museum has old tools and stuff, pictures—you know, where they're lined up with their vests and coats and ties

    17. Nordheim warriors typically wore their armour over their padded clothing to keep the cold metal further from their skin, unlike some Tanarian men of the warmer climates that she had known who wore their thin chainmail vests under their cloths to conceal their protection and purpose

    18. I grabbed some vests with multiple pockets, about the

    19. What a discovery! Won’t that make me the Buddhini of sexual enlightenment? Wonder how I missed the point, being in the thick of it all along, day in and day out! And for the record, all alone I was sipping beer in the CB this afternoon! Oh, how seized I was with an irresistible temptation to prove my theory right then and there! I feigned to be drunk and asked that waiter to guide me to the loo only to let him glide his sex tool into me, doggy style! While he f'ed me, didn’t I realize another truth? Woman could be amorous, but sexual vigor vests with man and that matters

    20. Two vests that could double as packs with all the pockets and a serviceable greatcoat with several capes over the shoulders

    21. Vests with pockets, colors that will blend in and not be noticeable in the woods

    22. Off-duty wear of high quality trousers and silk shirts with brocaded vests

    23. Most of the soldiers wore bullet proof vests

    24. ‘How many bulletproof vests have you got from the incident,’ he said sarcastically

    25. These vests are unique and only issued to a small elite group in the Met,’ said DS Burrows

    26. They were all carrying bulletproof vests, so shooting anywhere, but the chest was the only option

    27. Although his team had on bulletproof vests, they could still get hit in the head, neck, or extremities

    28. Nancy and Maria had given the example, carrying only their body armor vests, small patrol packs and their Kevlar helmets with night vision goggles, plus of course their weapons

    29. They were heavily armed, wore bullet proof vests, and appeared

    30. Two of the Prime Minister�s bodyguards entered immediately, fully alert and with their right hands going for their revolvers hidden under their vests

    31. � He was immediately confronted by several armed soldiers wearing armored vests and helmets with faceplates

    32. � The latter were now understandably nervous and kept one hand near their stun pistols hidden under their vests

    33. � Vedak, along with his five agents, actually drew their stun pistols from under their vests just before entering the time lab, to then hold them as inconspicuously as possible while still ready to use them quickly

    34. As we opened the back door, we saw, on the bench seat, two armored vests and two Kevlar

    35. We put on the vests, and kept the helmets on the floor – just in case

    36. The enemy is dressed in black commando suits, tactical vests and black ski masks

    37. Taking three steps towards them, Nancy then coldly finished each of them with single bullets to the head before bending down and grabbing fresh submachine gun magazines from the tactical vests of the dead men

    38. linings, matching vests, and long cravats

    39. For this time period, she was truly flying in high fashion and contrasted sharply with the French pilots, who wore well-worn flying coveralls and simple floatation vests, plus hard helmets with separate goggles

    40. Had it not been for their assault rifles and bulletproof vests that they refused to wear anywhere else other than over their clothes, they could easily have passed for a group of businessmen or golfers

    41. Both wore tactical vests with multiple ammunition pockets full of magazines for their AK-47 rifles

    42. The guards, shaggy-looking but muscular men, wore scale mail armored vests and conical iron helmets and were armed with lances, swords and knives

    43. Despite his order about the arms and armor, many of his less well equipped men, who had been unable up to now to afford armor, took as well the time to scavenge for still intact chainmail or scale mail vests and to grab better weapons than what they had been to afford to this day

    44. the trunk before he pulled out two bullet proof vests

    45. We will have to play with our cards close to our vests with her

    46. Kitara, maybe we should have vests,

    47. "I want you guys, armed and hidden behind other cars, with your FBI vests on

    48. "That sounds good to me Jarvis" said Jinks”but with the exception of the FBI vests

    49. "I'm OK with you guys wearing DEA vests then!" smiled Levin

    50. Hah, hah! It’s the lust that vests the thrusts with power, and any woman would know that for sure, and Roopa should be had before I develop any emotional hiccups for her

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