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    Usa "vine" in una frase

    vine frasi di esempio




    1. "The vine is the easiest part of the native civilization to adapt to

    2. She playfully clacked back at it and it scooted up the nearest vine to the floor above

    3. There was a little bit of water in an excavated pool, enough to grow enough vine to cover the lodge and fill the kegs within

    4. seemed to suggest that it was covered in Russian vine and honeysuckle and, here and

    5. the bars of their cages and mice running in all directions amid vine leaves

    6. The plate that holds the bread and the container that holds the fruit of the vine can be

    7. All of them, the grown stone and the shaftwood, had vine covered balconies on almost every floor and the blooms were a deep magenta and last year's pods a rosy mahogany where they hadn't been picked already

    8. 5 seconds allowed for Vine videos on Twitter

    9. Above are a few of the additional differences between Vine and Instagram video

    10. They looked like piles of huge leaves, but, looking almost like a vine among the leaves, was a tiny head which would occasionally take a small bite of soil

    11. She found a pimia vine, their leaves are pretty clean and soft enough to stick to it

    12. She had a bit better luck with her house, but that was mainly for the vine

    13. The whole village was thick with larorlie and many other flowering kinds of thin vine that grew high into the trees and made the archwoods themselves look like they were in flower

    14. I met a lady carrying a plate of dolmades, the rolled up vine leaves like green tubes, and asked her the way, in my imperfect Greek, for Virgenia's

    15. It was now overgrown with vine and had grown two shaftwood turrets ten floors above the original five

    16. There was a lot of ornamental detail on most houses, porch rails were fanciful twists of thick vine, with clumps of leaves, large maroon flowers and long string beans

    17. “They grow on a vine like larorlie but up in the back field, don't you have them out there?”

    18. were painted with grape vine motifs becoming of a wine

    19. the vine shall give her fruit, and the

    20. There are a few small cities, and at least a thousand villages, with more brick, stone and mortar than you see in the lands of Zhlindu, but as much of the vine growing on it

    21. satin sheets that had vine branches interwoven every so often with red roses

    22. From the old stones were grown many little private balconies thickly overgrown with the vine

    23. The vine was everywhere and the bloom was already rampant, the fragrance making the journey a dizzying stroll thru a quasi-real world of colors and motions

    24. They entered the Drop a third of the way down where the vine was still plentiful enough to put an abstract veneer on their view of the world

    25. "Live vine," Dencah said, "And where is yours?"

    26. There was a wide balcony overlooking the atrium and the rail was thick with vine, heavy with ripening pods

    27. It seems, at the same time, however, to indicate another opinion, that this superior profit can last no longer than the laws which at present restrain the free cultivation of the vine

    28. The vine is more affected by the difference of soils than any other fruit-tree

    29. There were plantings on all the upper plazas, and the ubiquitous vine grew over them, but all the buildings were built

    30. a log of vine, which rises up to the second

    31. They can"t even go near a grape vine or eat a grape

    32. communicate Jesus is the vine and we are the branches

    33. holding to the vine

    34. “Cpl Lamb this is Major Vine from the Provost’s Office and this is Captain Berryman from Brigade HQ

    35. Before I could ask anything Major Vine jumped straight in as he said

    36. The following morning Lt Howarth and Major Vine came to my room to tell me that my Court Martial had been scheduled for 10:00hrs the next morning

    37. The two Military Policemen wheeled me into the room and I could see a Colonel and two Majors sat behind a table looking at us as we came in I noticed Major Vine off to one side and Captain Berryman was leafing through some papers

    38. Major Vine the Provost Major came up and asked

    39. I wished that it were a few months earlier so that I could pick the ripe peas and tomatoes from the vine, and then, bite into them, right there, just as naturally as a cheeseburger from the grill, or corn on the cob from the campfire

    40. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me

    41. Melding into the fullness of The Vine

    42. 39 And one went out into the field to gather herbs, and found a wild vine, and gathered of it wild gourds his lap full, and came and

    43. low country, and in the plains, husbandmen also, and vine dressers in the mountains, and in Carmel, for he loved husbandry

    44. 8 You have brought a vine out of Egypt: you have thrown out the heathen, and planted it

    45. 3 Your wife shall be as a fruitful vine by the sides of your house: your children like olive plants round about your table

    46. 11 I went down into the garden of nuts to see the fruits of the valley, and to see whether the vine flourished and the pomegranates

    47. 12 Let us get up early to the vineyards; let us see if the vine flourish, whether the tender grape appear, and the pomegranates bud out;

    48. hill: 2 And he fenced it, and gathered out the stones of it, and planted it with the choicest vine, and built a tower in the midst of it, and

    49. 8 For the fields of Heshbon languish, and the vine of

    50. new wine mourns, the vine languishes, all the merry hearted do sigh

    1. layer of rotting leaves and vines

    2. There had been no one else but that little romp in the vines with Nobron at the logging party since she and Alan had first joined

    3. holding onto the vines as he moves,

    4. There were the shells of larorlie vines draped over the lower limbs of these trees, the vines long dead in the deep shade

    5. It even had a few small elephant-ear vines growing on it

    6. As Altera entered the forest in hot pursuit of Matai, Sonia and her squad slid down some vines and awaited her

    7. The greying plank of the balcony rails was in the firm grip of thickly knotted vines, heavy with pods and flowers in the narrow crack of sunlight that penetrated this canal

    8. He handed them a very nice bottle, grown over with polished and varnished dried vines

    9. “Oh, I’ve been tending Tendine’s vines for a good decade and a half now

    10. She is pinned to the harsh walls of the domestic mausoleum by creeping vines, smothered in the leaf mould decay covering the floor of the untamed land at her feet

    11. There were knotted old claw-rooted vines pumping up into the canopy above, where they spread purple elephant-ear leaves

    12. The tree-houses seemed to be held together by vines, but there was definitely a door that looked like it lead into the trunk of the tree

    13. Beside their own limbs they held vines covered with maroon flowers

    14. Here and there next to the house, wherever there was a crack between rocks, thick twisted vines with small clumps of long floppy leaves grew large, brilliant and aromatic flowers and hard green pods

    15. Desa was gentle with them and went into a clump of trellised vines and soon came back with a few tiny eggs

    16. starving the vines of water?’

    17. decided to test the result on one small patch of vines

    18. A few stones had cracked, the trunks and vines were knotty

    19. Awnings, trees and vines hid most of that, the scaffolding hid the rest

    20. The vines and flowers that adorned both the rafters and the

    21. He gazed out across the vines and weighed his

    22. They were able to make their way along the uneven and sometimes unsteady wall by holding onto vines

    23. The vines had recently been cut back or they would have hung over the wall, preventing people from taking this route

    24. Violet, red and purple blooms hung on vines, signs glowed in swirling colors during Nightday

    25. of the trees or the covering of the hole with the leaves and vines

    26. A troupe of Golden Tightplumes streamed by, flowing easily thru the branches and vines of the rail on their four pair of prehensile legs

    27. The vines had spread, indeed, over the trees, and the clusters of grapes were just now in their prime, very ripe and rich

    28. Nonik had roped it in and then strung vines around the ropes

    29. He was thought a scrounge at the time, but in less than a century the vines had grown thick, the shelves had grown in and the archwood's cracked limbs had healed

    30. All leaves had long left the vines that formed those rails

    31. This lane was just wide enough for the coach to get thru, any pedestrians had to retreat into gateways, the flowers on the vines flapped in thru the windows on both sides

    32. Everything was so choked with vines it was hard to tell where the fences ended and the houses began

    33. Every step he took was a battle; roots reared up to smash him, vines to grab him, and branches to tear him apart

    34. A mass of vines and branches floated in the air high above him

    35. The southern part, I think, the place we call Oenotria because it’s full of grape vines

    36. So far, all were deeply integrated with the Dead Tree, their bodies full of more vines than blood

    37. Meanwhile, a swarm of vines and branches moved to engulf him

    38. The vines came at him again

    39. It was separated from the tiny path that served this side of Yoonbarla Brook by a high wall of trellis choked with all the spice vines they'd had on it since she'd owned the place

    40. More black vines took her arms, but Ollius grabbed her legs and sent his fire to burn them away

    41. then the vines came at Ollius as well

    42. It was protected by vines hanging from the ledge above

    43. The ball hit Ash in the chest and I expected him to fly backwards, but the ball transformed into vines, which wrapped around his ribcage

    44. They were woven from vines

    45. He bound me with the vines, not to drag me back to Tragus, but to make me be his mate

    46. A slab of granite pressing down on her prostrate form, with more rocks added slowly, until the last few drops of blood oozed from her pores… Vines twisted tight around her throat, then released each time light left her eyes… A stake skewered through her body from one end to the other

    47. the places where she’d tried chewing through the vines

    48. As it was, she’d made little progress, because the vines were very tough and something toxic in them numbed her lips

    49. This mixture was intertwined in heavy, dark green natural vines

    50. I"m sure there were odors from the trees and vines that twined themselves around these gnarled limbs, but I didn"t notice

    1. “I didn’t do what they said, with those girls, I didn’t,” Ben finally whispered, Diondra leaning on his shoulder, wisps of her hair curling up, vining into his mouth

    2. James Vining, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn

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