Usa "vitiated" in una frase
vitiated frasi di esempio
1. cause, while the speaker's own mind is vitiated
2. While it is true that the original light fiber energy in food can be vitiated by disrespect anywhere along the line – in handling, processing, cooking, or eating – it is also true that light fiber energy, being more flexible than vitamins or proteins, can be restored to food by respecting it and treating it as sacred – by ritualizing the activities connected with it
3. “I’ll play my part in my village with what is left of my money; besides as life there is vitiated by caste prejudices and beset by religious superstitions, I shall try to open the village minds to rational thinking
4. “Although, with their minds vitiated by greed, they (the Kaurav)
5. only to the extent to which his natural disposition is virtuous or vitiated -
6. pulsive, covetous of the fruits of action, acquisitive, pernicious, vitiated, and subject to joy and sorrow
7. The renunciation which is vitiated by meditation upon and mental enjoyment of the thing renounced is not true renunciation
8. Carnegie's preaching, in other words, is altogether vitiated by Mr
9. and the native tenderness of his heart was undermined by a vitiated imagination
10. A conclusion warranted by the facts and by the apparent prospects may be vitiated by new developments
11. These figures alone are not sufficient; they may be completely vitiated by qualitative considerations of an opposite import
12. The older approach, centering upon the conception of a stable average earning power, appears to have been vitiated by the increasing instability of the typical business
13. However, such a course of action could raise tax problems for Brewing, namely, a Section 531 problem on the unlawful retention of surplus, even though this probably would have been vitiated by Brewing’s plans to spend at least $38 million to construct a new facility in eastern Pennsylvania
14. She would not voluntarily give unnecessary pain to any one, and though I may deceive myself, I cannot but think that for me, for my feelings, she would—Hers are faults of principle, Fanny; of blunted delicacy and a corrupted, vitiated mind
15. His endless muttering monologue vitiated every effort I made to think out a line of action, and drove me at times, thus pent up and intensified, almost to the verge of craziness
16. Now we know only a few laws, and our result is vitiated, not, of course, by any confusion or irregularity in Nature, but by our ignorance of essential elements in the calculation
17. There was excellent blood in his veins—royal stuff; though sadly vitiated, I fear, by the cannibal propensity he nourished in his untutored youth
18. They live among these horrors, seeing them and yet not seeing them, although often kind at heart—old men and women, young men and maidens, mothers and children—poor children who are being vitiated and trained into moral blindness
19. " 70 It is the aim of this paper to show, that the earliest publications of the sculptured reliefs on this monument have given a faulty representation of them, owing to the transposition of two sets of figures; that this mistake has been repeated in most subsequent publications down to our day; that inferences deduced therefrom have in so far been vitiated; and that new instructive facts concerning Greek composition in sculpture can be derived from a corrected rendering of the original