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    Usa "watch for" in una frase

    watch for frasi di esempio

    watch for

    1. I can watch for it as soon as it lights, but those probes won't see the inert craft

    2. Watch for any signs of problems

    3. “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your

    4. (17) “Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you

    5. He only had to watch for a few seconds before wire-framed geometries appeared around the storage containers making them look like tiny, slow-rolling dice, tumbling over each other through the debris, accompanied by the product codes of the contents and range to the junk

    6. "Just be confident, watch for it, be ready to spear it if it shows, think with anger about how deep you're going to drive that spear into his throat when he charges

    7. "Thirty miles at least, back to where we got off, but you say they will watch for you there

    8. Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your

    9. “What brings you here at this hour of the morning?” He looked at his watch for the first time

    10. She became his eyes and ears, she told him which way to go, and what to watch for and any dangers that he might encounter

    11. Tom tried to keep watch for a while, but found himself

    12. The whole crew watched while they could, but the camera seemed to zip by the target site in a few minutes every three hours, so they couldn’t watch for long

    13. It took little time to explain to him who to follow and show him where to watch for them

    14. constantly on the watch for the next attack

    15. Ah said I, its a watch for checking racing times!

    16. All of the Legion had been put on alert, with scouts being specially informed to watch for the girl

    17. As we drank and smoked the Sergeants and Corporals were calling everyone round all apart for the sentries who were on watch for a Turkish attack

    18. “Look to your front and watch for the very flares when they go off pick your targets and remember to use volley fire were practical and follow my orders

    19. “Bloody hell I am shitting myself again now not only do we have to watch for them attacking from the front but from the back and sides as well talk about being in the shit

    20. to food and water, Timothy was instructed to watch for

    21. He took Fred off duty shortly after and I was left to watch for snipers or anyone else to kill preferably an Officer

    22. “I will watch for him but he better pray I never have him in my sights because I will show him no mercy it is bad enough looting the enemy dead but our boys as well never”, and I left things there

    23. But right now get up on the back wall of the trench and watch for a German counter attack and I don’t want you sunbathing or daydreaming up there if you get the chance pick a few of their Officers off

    24. He shook Saldon to take over the watch for two more hours whilst he rested and then they would make their way out of these caves and caverns

    25. We had no intention of killing him but kept a close watch for obvious reasons

    26. Exactly one week later, as the farm cat left the comfort of the kitchen aga for its nightly hunt, four figures were huddled by the fence of the bottom field, on watch for more corn circles to appear

    27. She was dying to stay and have a drink to watch for a while, but George Dearling walked in, appearing acutely embarrassed, his ears aglow

    28. She kept a close watch for any movement

    29. Everyone was instructed to watch for the Witch and the Black Fox

    30. And she could watch forever, as the best

    31. can watch forever the faces they love best

    32. 6 My soul waits for the Lord more than those who watch for the morning; I say, more than those who watch for the morning

    33. brought to nothing, and the scorner is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off: 21 That make a man an offender for a

    34. Her role was to wait at the bus stop conveniently located across the street, and watch for any signs of life, alarms going off or anything else

    35. I’ll watch for the snowfall of our start

    36. Would it be possible for you to send over some trusted officers to stand watch for us?”

    37. “Be careful in the mountains; watch for flash floods

    38. They’ve set every sailor in the harbour on the watch for us

    39. Gonzalo detached a small force under the Cardinal of Aragon to watch for and rally the rear guard

    40. “Watch for another surge

    41. He then told me to watch for another surge and try and take it up by increasing the RPM’s

    42. You will have to keep watch for us

    43. “There you are! I tried to watch for your match, but I missed it

    44. And we will give you names of officers to watch for

    45. Those who have just eluded us may be the very ones that I have been told to watch for

    46. Watch for movement

    47. may be the very ones that I have been told to watch for

    48. as his eyes kept watch for any movement that would signal that they had been heard

    49. * When combining aromatherapy with other medications, watch for

    50. Adult migraine sufferers should watch for migraine symptoms in their

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