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    Usa "waterfront" in una frase

    waterfront frasi di esempio


    1. While they talked she had found the Gengee City waterfront schedule

    2. The two hour ride to the Gengee waterfront was uneventful except for a huge tie-up as they approached a bridge on the road leading into the city

    3. He caught up with Tahlmute at Waterfront Place where they caught a streetcar for the south docks

    4. In a couple miles you reach lake henarDee and the dam itself where there are three miles of seventy-story waterfront till the beginning of the Grand Canal that goes on to Chardovia

    5. "I have an address, we'll want to find a map, there'll be a news stand with maps along the waterfront I'm sure

    6. They climbed to the second floor, dock level being given over to cargo along the henarDee waterfront

    7. It sits where the Lita joins the Lhar, the actual center is on the North side of the combined river, but an active waterfront exists on all shores of the three rivers and the two main islands in the river junction

    8. There's some upper level footpaths passing between the towers up to the twentieth right along the main waterfront that he could plainly see from out on the street before they got deep in the city

    9. "Lets see if we can hire a gondolier on the waterfront," Vyinga said, "I'd rather that ride than the streetcar

    10. One of them must have been this ship on the Bordzvek waterfront

    11. They'd had to learn not to go further til they'd heard other captains tell of the way in some waterfront yaagatoria

    12. Their home was out on the end of the island, just back of the waterfront out of the reach of any tsunamis

    13. Of course he didn’t know the details, the whole waterfront could have been torn down and rebuilt since he was here and he wouldn’t have been able to tell

    14. This one of the waterfront at night was next and finally this one,” he said, indicating the eyes

    15. From directly in front of her, around to the south were the towers of the waterfront, their tops only a few hundred feet below this aerie, hiding the docks but revealing all the thousands of ships at anchor just off shore

    16. On the Waterfront

    17. It looked like Ava’s tail had stayed on her this time and tracked her movements because the message he got by pocket-eye from his man on the waterfront was certainly correct

    18. His driver got him to the docks in time for his binoculars to watch her strolling the waterfront like one who had time to kill before a departure

    19. Jumping from the needleboat and breaking into a sprint behind a tall pile of thesh bales to stay out of her sight, Delurna was able to get to Ishi’s little second-level waterfront bakery before Ava walked in, and almost for sure without her seeing him

    20. She wouldn’t have been spotted on the waterfront otherwise

    21. It fell to the mattress barking, “Alanཀ” using the voice of that waterfront dyke, “Alan, if you're going to get me up in the middle of the night you'd better have something to sayཀ” while she scurried over to the corner of the room as far from it as she could get

    22. Alan made her think of this song, for it told of a witch queen luring a guy from a distant star to a dark meeting house on some rain-soaked decaying waterfront, and from there pursuing him thru centuries and lifetimes to finally capture him on a windy hillside

    23. spent promenading along the waterfront, armed with the

    24. Shinvei had followed him down to this area once and been disgusted, even though she hung out in waterfront holes that were a lot closer to this atmosphere than anyplace Luray was normally found

    25. There were some other big apartment clumps now and then, a quarter mile away at the waterfront

    26. The picture of the Zhlindu waterfront came up, a close-up view that cruised along for awhile

    27. What in the world is the matter with my state? Roughly seventy thousand Oregonians attended Obama"s summer 2008 speech at Portland"s Waterfront Park

    28. breakfast on the Malecón, the waterfront boulevard and walkway

    29. She dared not return to the business district, so she let the car speed her toward the factories and warehouses along the waterfront

    30. We were in an older, but carefully preserved area near the waterfront

    31. Along the waterfront, fisheries, warehouses, and boatyards reigned, their long docks stretching into the frozen water

    32. Silence had returned to the waterfront, and the men’s heavy breathing mingled with her own

    33. The moon had come up, and silvery light illuminated the canneries, warehouses, and docks crowding the waterfront

    34. He sat on a bench by the waterfront, waiting for the bank to open

    35. He established himself as successful businessman with roots in the waterfront and a penchant for philanthropy

    36. �Maybe, I'll ask Maureen to come with me and we can enjoy some great fish and crab cakes at a great waterfront eatery know of

    37. harbor as I caught glimpses of the waterfront

    38. “Yes, our processing plant is on the waterfront

    39. If anybody knew his way around a waterfront, it was Patty, and if Dougie was with him, nobody would ever get the drop on ‘em

    40. how to run the biggest operation on the Seattle waterfront

    41. They took a room on the waterfront and hung around bars near the coast guard installation – on the lookout for sailors with the shoulder patch worn by those who are assigned to a ship – located the agency that represented the tugboat operator, and learned that there was only one company that received hardwood logs

    42. After school, we hopped a streetcar to the waterfront and,

    43. eled north from this Seattle waterfront in l898, in hopes of

    44. In this waterfront tavern,

    45. As I traveled to the waterfront on the trolley, a pleasant

    46. waterfront, I’d not be here in this mess

    47. There were businesses and docks along a waterfront where before had only been a sprinkling of structures and one wharf, abandoned after repeated bombing attacks had left it in ruin

    48. He drove the entire length of town several times, peering into the entrance of every waterfront property, but there was no sign of any fishing boats at all, a phenomenon he found strikingly odd: after all, the pueblo’s name in English was Old Port and what was a port without boats other than dug-out canoes or a public jetty? He returned the car to the general store, and decided to endure the heat trudging the length of the beachfront road in a more careful search for a dock or someone who knew the whereabouts of the Caroline

    49. In the 1990s though, tax incentives were put in place as the waterfront area undertook a makeover

    50. Tomo’s boat skimmed quickly over the water towards the waterfront

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