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    Usa "waterloo" in una frase

    waterloo frasi di esempio


    1. He crowned his broadcast group in 1986 with the purchase of KWLD AM / KFMW FM in Waterloo, IA and the popular WPAT AM/FM, which covered New York City from Clifton, NJ

    2. All these thoughts swarmed through my head as I jumped on the tube at the Marble Arch, running up and down the stairs when changing at Trafalgar and then on to Waterloo

    3. roles in Doctors, Holby City, Waterloo Road, and the hit UK soap,

    4. It was during this training that I thought I might have met my Waterloo

    5. Can you imagine having totally unregulated time travel, where for example time traveling tourists would show up on the sidelines at the battle of Waterloo to enjoy the spectacle?”

    6. � You will eat the same food as my men and will take your meals at the Waterloo Barracks

    7. � The big building behind and to the right is the Waterloo Barracks, where you will eat

    8. How she arrived at Waterloo

    9. The British battleships then opened fire, the first shots fired by the British against the French since Waterloo

    10. It was at Waterloo Station that she saw her perfect double

    11. But, in less than a year he escaped Elba and returned to France, only to raise another army and be defeated again by allied forces at Waterloo in Belgium

    12. After Waterloo, Napoleon was banished to Saint Helena where he died in 1821

    13. during his disastrous Russian campaign and later at Waterloo

    14. For a change, the train from Surbiton got to Waterloo on time, but Stan could tell something was wrong as soon as he headed for the Underground

    15. It was the infamous Waterloo and City Line - happily known as ‘the drain’ - suffering from the after-effects of one of its periodic points failures

    16. When the great battle of Waterloo was raging, and the event of the day seemed to tremble in the balance, it is said that the Duke of Wellington kept calmly turning his eyes to the left, in the confident expectation that in a little time his Prussian allies would appear, and his victory would be sure

    17. The development is strategically located between the historically created and disadvantaged areas of Phoenix, Ottawa and Waterloo and newer areas of Mt Edgecombe and Umhlanga

    18. Leaving Darren in charge, I went to Waterloo Station to see him onto his train, and waved to

    19. Napoleon conquered and ruled much of Europe, establishing establishing an extensive European empire, until his final defeat at the battle of Waterloo in 1815

    20. His military victories included those against the French during the Peninsular War (1808-14) and in particular the defeat of Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo (1815)

    21. I learnt that song busking for coppers at Waterloo station

    22. The most congested and slowest section was Waterloo Road, just beyond the Princess Margaret Flyover, but even there the sensible placement and operation of traffic lights kept vehicles moving reasonably freely

    23. When the taxi turned off Waterloo Road Teller slumped lower in the back seat and once more read the address on the square of paper

    24. Waterloo, had his: variation of “meet your Waterloo,” meaning that one who has previously been successful has been

    25. from the “Battle of Waterloo,” fought in 1815, which was

    26. Waterloo station was off to their left and ahead of them was The Elephant and Castle station

    27. Surely there were CCTV cameras all around Waterloo

    28. But during the Battle of Waterloo the French formed up in their usual columns and ranks and marched towards the British

    29. Only the description of the Battle of Waterloo remained

    30. He went to the Waterloo

    31. Waterloo in 1815, cannot be denied by anyone

    32. the same reason, attacked in 1815 the English and Germans in Waterloo where he

    33. Like the great victory of the English over Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo

    34. But they do not write about what happened after the battle the battle of Waterloo

    35. England did not win the battle of Waterloo

    36. Where did these two World Wars come from? They came from past wars, from dead machine-inhuman ghouls which had been created in the battlefields and slaughter of the battle of Waterloo, they came from the undead who rose up to relive their pointless deaths a 100 years later in ww1, and then came back again to haunt and relive their horror of dying in ww2

    37. Where did the first battle for control of Europe begin in 1914? Where did the first mass killing begin? Where was the first clash of armies? On the fields of Waterloo where a 100 years before in 1814, hundreds of thousands of soldiers had fought and died, where their rotting bones and souls still lay; yearning to fight and die again; reliving their misspent wasted lives vicariously through the new hordes of brainwashed poisoned human shells

    38. The first western battles of WW1 and then again in WW2 were in the same geographical location: the first clash of armies happened in Begum on the fields of Waterloo

    39. She was aware of Alex’s Waterloo for girls

    40. More horses' legs have been worn out, more coachmen's lives consumed, more hours of sound afternoon time vainly lavished than served to win us the battle of Waterloo, and pay for it into the bargain

    41. It seems as if the poor had gone raiding the town, and now trapesed back to their own quarters, like beetles scurrying to their holes, for that old woman fairly hobbles towards Waterloo, grasping a shiny bag, as if she had been out into the light and now made off with some scraped chicken bones to her hovel underground

    42. The dust of the Waterloo year lay on the panes and frames of its windows; early Georgian grime clung to its sombre wainscoting

    43. At last there was Waterloo, and Morrel came no more; he had done all that was in his power, and any fresh attempt would only compromise himself uselessly

    44. When the emperor returned from the Island of Elba, my brother instantly joined the army, was slightly wounded at Waterloo, and retired with the army beyond the Loire

    45. (He turns gravely to the first watch) Still, of course, you do get your Waterloo sometimes

    46. Are you not the soldier Fernand who deserted on the eve of the battle of Waterloo? Are you not the Lieutenant Fernand who served as guide and spy to the French army in Spain? Are you not the Captain Fernand who betrayed, sold, and murdered his benefactor, Ali? And have not all these Fernands, united, made Lieutenant-General, the Count of Morcerf, peer of France?"

    47. Honestly, that book is my Waterloo

    48. We had ascertained from the lady that she went down upon the Monday by the train which leaves Waterloo at 9

    49. We have not yet met our Waterloo, Watson, but this is our Marengo, for it begins in defeat and ends in victory

    50. Shortly after the Battle of Waterloo, I began to see that a change was coming in among us

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