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    Usa "way back then" in una frase

    way back then frasi di esempio

    way back then

    1. How many times had they heard the stories that Helda’s father had recounted about the miracles that the God of the Hebrews had performed way back then? Now they were actually hearing similar stories from a reliable witness

    2. I was in a bad way back then, and spent a few months

    3. They were plotting this event way back then

    4. What does that make Scott? Maybe she met him on her surf trip? But why did I see them in my gas trip, years before I ever met Libby? Unless she planned it from way back then

    5. “Yea boy, some way back then called it Paradise Island, but it

    6. I used to have to send her away back then, to get me a glass of water or something

    7. I think they felt the same way back then

    8. He should have been told way back then

    9. “You think this was here way back then,” he chuckled?

    10. One might think that Alvin would’ve bet on Rhonda way back then for good luck, but he hadn’t

    11. The walls were probably padded in some way back then, and of course there were a cage and a long chain—but otherwise, this seems right

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