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    Usa "weak spot" in una frase

    weak spot frasi di esempio

    weak spot

    1. are the weak spots?

    2. Hence the weak spot would have been the radiator but it was not

    3. Curvy bombshell Harper Bailey is a good girl with a weak spot for bad boys

    4. “Go for the knees, Akito's weak spot is his knees!”

    5. There were only the titans who were attacked in their weak spots who could not be revived

    6. that my hair was my weak spot

    7. himself, Roger wondered secretly: “who would have said that some day I would find pictures of my son in Tasmania…!” If he felt some weak spot in his heart for the charming city, now he found another

    8. They sought out his weak spot or rather that for which he had a weakness – his vice

    9. Study yourself and your business, know your weaknesses, know your products weaknesses, be ready to counter any attempt to exploit them, so that when the opposition tries to manipulate you with what they think is your weak spot, you will be able to turn the tables on them

    10. The Angel- not to mention Scaraleigh- is not without enemies; enemies who would love nothing more than to find a chink in my armor, a weak spot to exploit and use against me

    11. • Once you have identified your weak spots or discovered a blockage on the site

    12. You can make this retrograde work for your benefit by reviewing your finances, isolating weak spots, and targeting corrective measures

    13. Of course he would say that to his slave, but just the fact that he had confided in her, only briefly, was enough to suggest this Overlord was his weak spot

    14. We also know they have a weak spot on which we intend to capitalize

    15. “She must have a weak spot he's manipulating and using against her to influence his own agenda

    16. Even while she flattered him, she probed for weak spots

    17. It often happens that the magma finds a new weak spot and it drains away, leaving the dome shaped crust behind

    18. In fact, it has only one single weak spot

    19. 'Actually, I thought of doing just that, but he had engaged the FF system, so the only weak spot was his weapon, as Toyne so elegantly demonstrated

    20. ” Joseph said then Billy followed, “You and Bob have found one of their weak spots; there’s no other way to explain it

    21. One of the Klingons was a giant of a man, practically looming over him, Garcia found a weak spot and took the giant down

    22. were his weak spot

    23. She knew his weak spots and he knew hers

    24. One of the female witches jumped at the opportunity and ran at this weak spot in their circle

    25. were able to find a weak spot, used by a few crackers to cause trouble, in the

    26. 22, _Is there no physician there?_ preached yearly on one of the later Sundays in Trinity when the cold, continuous rains of autumn were finding out the weak spots in the parish's grandparents, and the peasants, having observed that once one called in a doctor the sick person got better and one had to pay the doctor into the bargain, evaded calling him in if they possibly could, inquiring of each other gloomily how one was to live if death were put a stop to

    27. scabby: covered with scabs, short, flat pieces of wood used for binding two pieces of timber that are butted together, or for strengthening timber at weak spots

    28. He enjoyed finding their weak spots, so he could strike fast and hard, giving them no chance to defend themselves

    29. With each painstakingly careful step, the chance of finding a weak spot in the floor always loomed

    30. “Still, I suppose he was only human – we all have our weak spots!”

    31. These are the weak spots in human nature, and the moment these weak spots are touched, the personality comes out like a hissing snake

    32. These weak spots are always covered by us with great care, and we put on an artificial personality which is itself a kind of disease, on account of which we are never happy any moment of our life

    33. It left the enemy forces with no clear understanding of where a weak spot was for sure in the wall defenses

    34. The character is covered by a shel and you have to find his weak spot (only a critical hit wil effect him

    35. But there may come a time when things "won't come," and it is then that it is useful to know where to look for possible weak spots in your work

    36. He crouched into a fighting stance, looking the beast up and down for weak spots

    37. Gritting her teeth Holly felt confident that they wouldn’t break her, and tried to probe their power for weak spots she could capitalize on

    38. it was a plain case, and had not a weak spot in it

    39. That, to her was your weak spot

    40. She had found his weak spot, but not on purpose

    41. Soldiers humped sandbags and reinforced weak spots in the house

    42. The charging knights were fully armoured, and it was a lucky shot indeed that found the weak spot in the joints between plates

    43. I have seen his testimonials, and from the first he was a decent, quiet, hardworking fellow, with no weak spot in him at all

    44. I located another weak spot in the fence and got a closer look

    45. So far, none of them had managed to penetrate Dreadnought’s armor, but they’d found one of her potential weak spots and started pounding away at her rudder

    46. He did not, of course, expect that any one would remember that it was he who discovered all by himself the dragon's weak spot; and that was just as well, for no one ever did

    47. I have seen his testimonials, and from the first he was a decent, quiet, hard-working fellow, with no weak spot in him at all

    48. We must note here that Fyodor Pavlovitch knew where to look for the weak spot

    49. " he said, winking with his evil smile; "he's cunning, but he too has a weak spot, he too at times is in the portals of passions, and these portals are the old military hussars' bottle, celebrated by Denis Davydov

    50. The weak spot in Andrey Antonovitch's position was that he had blundered in the first instance by divulging the secret of his novel to him

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