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    Usa "wedged" in una frase

    wedged frasi di esempio


    1. Thicke stopped in the tiny entrance as though wedged into place

    2. Bolt, his face wedged against the side of the bus,

    3. leg, which is wedged between the cushion and the door

    4. She sees John standing wedged between the beefy frames of Abdullah and Akbar

    5. ‘They have wedged your head so it is kept still, Liz

    6. Wedged between the metal and the porcelain there was a small scrap of folded paper

    7. I tore off one square of toilet paper, folded it, and then wedged it underneath the sink

    8. them wedged the door shut with an old wooden plank

    9. the front door was firmly wedged shut and that the rest of the flat

    10. The fisherman planted his rod into the sand, wedged

    11. Once he was satisfied of their plumb he wedged their positions with rocks jammed and tamped down into the narrow spaces between the poles and the hole walls

    12. A couple of cars whoosh by, the occupants clearly unwilling to take to notice of the shape of a man's torso abandoned in the cockpit of an old blue Vauxhall Astra that is wedged into greenery

    13. in when he was kid—on the floor, wedged between the bed and the window

    14. stab the knife wedged in his side and did not come out

    15. Only Grandpa, Granny and Seaboy, wedged between his parents, were there

    16. The upper half of a broken lamp wedged them in, its charred wick still present

    17. “There should be a blanket wedged into a crevice right above it

    18. The handle of a knife was protruding from the skeleton’s ribcage, firmly wedged between two ribs

    19. The house was a narrow three storied building, wedged at the rear of the dole building

    20. The road was muddy, and in places only three could march abreast, so that when the advance guard reached the first ford, the road was choked with closely wedged men for considerably over a mile

    21. He wedged himself into the tube and kept clambering upwards

    22. He'd wedged himself in there so tightly that nothing could get passed and I was filling what little space there was left with icy water

    23. The doctor wedged his foot against the bottom of the door, peering through the crack beyond them in either direction, before he opened it fully

    24. His parents had found him much later, curled up in a corner, wedged into the eaves, shaking and sobbing

    25. Sylvia dropped her shoulder to the door, wedged a foot against a deck plank and heaved

    26. We managed to get the tent to rest on some of these rocks, and wedged our bodies into the cracks between them

    27. She stumbled along the wall with inhuman giggles ringing in her ears, until she became wedged in a corner with her back to the wall and her arms yet before her

    28. He opened his jaws and wedged his teeth carefully around the box

    29. Christina has no reservations about poking around—she already discovered two textbooks wedged between the dresser and the wall, evidence of Caleb’s Erudite leanings

    30. wedged between two of the wooden railings a short way up the

    31. became wedged between the wall and a building, cutting off their escape

    32. She stared down at the old man wedged between the sides of the

    33. My airwaves were wedged under Zacchaeus’ arm; all I could manage was a gurgling sound

    34. He pushed me onto the floor, gently placing his front paws on my chest the way he had my brother earlier, but without force or pain, and I felt my body release itself, the stake still firmly wedged in my chest

    35. hours of labor had wedged the child in tight

    36. , wedged between MRL tracks and business I-90, that I was their choice

    37. the rails produced an all too familiar hypnotic effect on David, who was soon asleep, head wedged comfortably in the corner

    38. I panicked and tried to pull it free but it was proper wedged under the bulk of the blanket

    39. Niches in the cargo were sought where the shields could be wedged for more support than now-weary arms could manage

    40. All the poles, quickly wedged against the bow of one and the stern of the other, damped a dangerous collision down to a more manageable thump with the two now becoming as one

    41. sought where the shields could be wedged for more support than now-weary arms could

    42. All the poles, quickly wedged against the bow of one and the stern of the other, damped

    43. He saw that the front of the boat had wedged against sand, soil, and grass

    44. he had wedged himself to rest, he began sloshing through the

    45. Kevin said, “The blocks it sits on are wedged to keep the belt tight

    46. He radioed his partner who was on standby in a vacant building nearby and this man was able to fix a radio bug to the car in a dollop of what looked like mud wedged in the wheel housing on the passenger side

    47. I could still recall getting wedged into the old brick barbecue in her parents’ backyard

    48. He looked back up at Zoe, who was playing with a piece of twig wedged in the rock face

    49. At one end of the mesa was a row of ten thick metal columns, wedged tightly together

    50. The charged bolts wedged into the rock flesh of Petra and her kin but they remained unencumbered

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