Usa "welshman" in una frase
welshman frasi di esempio
1. “Hmm,” the little Welshman said, stroking his goatee reflectively,
2. This architectural accomplishment represented the greatness of America when a second generation Welshman, Frank Lloyd Wright from the mid-west teamed with a Pittsburgh Jewish storeowner, to create what was considered one of the great architectural masterpieces in world history
3. Wright, a fellow Welshman, was no doubt a genius
4. The Welshman who was on duty was observing the ground to his front through a trench periscope which he would turn to scan the landscape
5. The Welshman called Owen looked down again and said to me
6. “Indeed,” replied the Welshman, “ammunition is always
7. asked the Welshman for certain assurances, but Dafyd insisted that
8. not familiar with this Welshman Dafyd, and I fear he does not have
9. “You may trust the Welshman,” replied another, “but there are
10. “Well then, by all means,” said the amused Welshman, stepping
11. e Welshman had always been aware that Euther’s full name
12. the Welshman had not chosen to come up
13. Welshman walks in light, it is because he consumes the fl esh of
14. e Welshman, still robed in blood and sweat, greeted Euther
15. “When you have completed the task,” the Welshman replied
16. Welshman shook his head
17. of morals, whereas the Welshman had descended to a level nothing
18. Welshman with mock politeness
19. e Welshman seated himself by the wash basin
20. e Welshman had always been against hiring anyone but those
21. “I’m a little more cautious,” said the Welshman in his own
22. e Welshman wanted a report of the raid
23. Pengrove sat across from the Welshman and Euther stood to his
24. As he fell across the Welshman, Dafyd got hold of his throat
25. ’ The Welshman wasn’t the only one who could come out with quotations, even if his own weren’t of his sergeant’s preferred highbrow sort
26. 'Get hold of Dally,' Rafferty instructed the Welshman
27. But incredibly, for once, the Welshman had a result for him
28. The Welshman had rung yesterday afternoon to say he would have to spend the night in town
29. The Welshman didn't look enthusiastic—but then he never did
30. Perhaps ’twas an old Quarrel they had, but the Tar, who was a rough Welshman, sounded as if he could ne’er be pacified
31. Cocklyn, I soon saw, was no popular Fellow with the Crew, for most of the Sailors put their Faith in the Victory of the Welshman, whose Name, it appear’d, was Llewelyn
32. The Welshman was shorter than Jess would have expected, and not prepossessing; he wouldn’t have glanced twice at him on any street in the world
33. When the young men were gone, the old Welshman said:
34. Presently the Welshman said:
35. The Welshman almost jumped out of his chair
36. The Welshman started—stared in return—three seconds—five seconds—ten—then replied:
37. Of course this excited a curiosity so vast that it almost belittled the main matter—but the Welshman allowed it to eat into the vitals of his visitors, and through them be transmitted to the whole town, for he refused to part with his secret
38. The old Welshman came home toward daylight, spattered with candle-grease, smeared with clay, and almost worn out
39. The Welshman said Huck had good spots in him, and the widow said:
40. Huck had learned all about Tom's adventure from the Welshman and the Widow Douglas, by this time, but Tom said he reckoned there was one thing they had not told him; that thing was what he wanted to talk about now
41. Just as they were about to move on, the Welshman stepped out and said:
42. This time it's for the Welshman and his sons, on account of that scrape they helped her out of the other night