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    Usa "wheelwright" in una frase

    wheelwright frasi di esempio


    1. So and So, wheelwright

    2. After they had passed their tenth year, they were sent to old Daddy the plantation cobbler to learn his trade, or to Amos the wheelwright and carpenter, or Philip the cow man, or Cuffee the mule boy

    3. A long time afterwards he was seen again in Auvergne; then in Paris, where he is said to have been a wheelwright, and to have had a

    4. Master Bourgaillard, the wheelwright, was standing on his own threshold

    5. The wheelwright had seen at the first glance that the tilbury

    6. "Is there another wheelwright?"

    7. The stableman and the wheelwright replied in concert, with

    8. If his conversation with the wheelwright had taken place in a chamber of the inn, it would have had no witnesses, no one would have heard him, things would have rested there, and it is probable that we should not have had to relate any of the occurrences which the reader is about to peruse; but this conversation had taken place in the street

    9. While he was questioning the wheelwright, some people who were passing back and forth halted around them

    10. "Where?" interpolated the wheelwright

    11. The wheelwright and the stable-man, in despair at the prospect of the traveller escaping their clutches, interfered

    12. He paid what was asked, left the tilbury with the wheelwright to be repaired, intending to reclaim it on his return, had the white horse put to the cart, climbed into it, and resumed the road which he had been travelling since morning

    13. That I have been a wheelwright in Paris, and that it was with Monsieur Baloup

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    Sinonimi per "wheelwright"

    wheeler wheelwright